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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You could've called

You could've called tradutor Espanhol

236 parallel translation
You could've said hello when I called you.
- Podías saludarme cuando te llamé.
You could've taken a nail off. Called away on business. Or had an accident.
Una enfermedad, algo del trabajo, un accidente...
You could've called me last night.
Podrías haberme llamado anoche.
- But you could've called more often.
- Podrías haberme llamado más a menudo.
As you see, I could've called the police myself.
Yo misma pude haber llamado a la policía.
You could've called me yourself instead of sending that man three times.
Podías haberme llamado por teléfono tú, en vez de enviarme a ese señor tres veces.
- You could've called.
- Podrías haber llamado.
If you'd called I could've saved you the bother. The professor has expressly forbidden anyone to go in.
No se puede molestar, necesita reposo absoluto.
You could've called me.
Podrías haberme llamado.
- You could've called.
- Podrías haberme llamado.
You should've called, we could've met elsewhere.
Hubiera... preferido que me llamaras y nos hubiéramos visto fuera.
If you're lonely, I could come and call on you. Blood-soaked mud you've bean called and that's what you are.
Si te sientes sola, puede que algún día vaya a visitarte.
You could've called.
Podrías haber llamado.
By the time I've called that out, you could be dead.
Para cuando haya podido decirlo, podrías estar muerta.
Well, you know, you could've called and told him you'd be late.
Pudo haber llamado para avisarle que llegaría tarde.
Mmm-hmm, you could've called.
Sí, pero podrías haber llamado.
You know... we could've called into the office, but the boss sent me... because maybe we can make a deal and there won't be any problem.
Sabe usted, podíamos llamarle a la oficina, pero el jefe me mandó aquí, porque quizá lleguemos a un acuerdo y asunto terminado.
- You could've called.
Me hubieses llamado. todavía estaba en casa.
OK, could've happened. You could've called.
Bien, pudo pasar.
April, you could ´ ve called me last night, you know? April, you could ´ ve called me last night, you know?
April, pudiste haberme llamado anoche.
You could've picked up a quarter and called somebody.
¿ No pudiste agarrar una moneda y llamar a alguien?
You could've called. We were worried!
Podrias haber avisado... estábamos preocupados.
It could be you've been called.
- ¿ Sí? Podrías haber sido elegido.
You could've called us, right?
Podría habernos llamado, ¿ no?
I could've called his HMO and backed you up.
Habría llamado a su seguro y te habría respaldado.
You could've called.
Pudiste haber llamado.
You could've just called me back.
Pudo haberme devuelto la llamada.
I wish you'd called earlier. I could've given you tickets for tonight.
Si me hubieras llamado antes, te habría dado los de hoy.
You know, I really could... could've called you back, but...
Lo sabés, lo habría hecho, pero...
You could've called fo thank me
Podrías haber llamado para agradecerme.
Well, you could've called And I tried to kiss you
Bueno, podrías haber llamado... y yo intentado besarte.
- l called him in. We've lost three agents already. You could use the help.
Yo lo solicité, ya perdimos a un agente, nos servirá la ayuda.
- You could've called the cops.
- Pudo llamar a la policía.
You could've called the police.
- ¿ Nada?
That sicko that called could've only found out about me from you.
Ese psicópata que me llamó sólo pudo saberlo por ti.
You could've called.
Podrías avisar.
The least you could've done was called me or something.
Lo mínimo que podrías haber hecho era llamarme.
You could've at least called, Larry.
Larry, al menos pudiste haber llamado.
What? You could've called.
- Podrías haber llamado.
If you're that busy, you could've called. Why make me wait an hour?
Si estás ocupada podrías haber llamado, en lugar de hacerme esperar una hora.
You could've told me you called the police.
Podrías haberme dicho que llamaste a la policía.
Bueno, podrías haber llamado.
- Of course, you could've called.
- Por supuesto. Pudiste llamar.
You could've called or something.
Pudiste haber llamado.
Dana, llegas tarde, podrías haber llamado
You could've called back.
Pudiste volver a llamar.
You could've called Ali.
Podría haber llamado a Ali.
If you called, I could've told you.
Si me llamaras, lo sabrías.
You could've called me in.
Podrías haberme llamado.
- You could've called Social Services in.
- Podías llamar a Servicios Sociales.
Good kid, but you could've just called.
Es un buen chico, pero podía haber llamado.

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