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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You guessed it

You guessed it tradutor Espanhol

314 parallel translation
- You guessed it quick.
- ¡ Sí, adivinó rápido!
You guessed it to the penny, buddy.
Lo ha adivinado, amigo.
You guessed it, Count Marenzi, I'm a very dangerous woman.
¡ Bravo, sr. Conde Marenzi, soy una mujer muuuy peligrosa!
You guessed it, Barsad.
Ahora, deja que ese cerebro tuyo adivine qué les planté. Adivinaste, Barsad.
You guessed it.
- You guessed it, Loschek.
- Lo adivinaste, Loschek.
You guessed it, Mr. Maple.
Así es, señor Maple.
- How did you guessed it?
- ¿ Cómo lo adivinó?
You guessed it good. 28,000-cinch.
Creo que sí. 30.006.
You guessed it. No guess. I listen to your voice.
No, no acerté, me basta con escuchar su voz.
Yes! you guessed it! I am the husband loved
Pero has de saber que yo soy el marido de tu tía tu muy devoto tío Joss.
- You guessed it the first time.
- Usted lo adivinó a la primera.
- Looks like you guessed it right.
- Parece que adivinaste bien.
You guessed it, jockey.
Tú lo adivinaste.
Oh, shucks, you guessed it.
- Caray, lo adivinó.
You guessed it.
- Acertaste.
- You guessed it.
You guessed it!
¡ Adivinaste!
I only dropped by to clear the air with a small confession that can do no harm. Since you guessed it anyway.
Sólo he venido para aclarar las cosas confesándole algo inofensivo porque ya lo ha averiguado.
- You guessed it.
- Adivine.
You guessed it, Father. It was the woman I'd seen for a few seconds on a railway
Como ya habrá adivinado, esa mujer a la que había visto en el andén.
Have you guessed it yet?
¿ Aún no lo habéis adivinado?
You guessed it.
Es verdad.
You guessed it first!
Lo ha adivinado a la primera.
You've guessed it.
Of course it's a tragedy but you might have guessed.
Desde luego que es una tragedia pero podrías haberlo adivinado
You guessed it.
I can't think how you guessed it.
No entiendo como lo adivinaste.
But you just guessed at it because there was a picture of a coal mine on it.
Pero Io adivinaron porque tenía un dibujo de una mina de carbón.
I'm glad. I guessed you wanted one, so I ordered it. lt just now got here.
Me alegro. Te lo pedí. Acaba de llegar.
Yes, you guessed right, it's from Serafina.
La chica ha salido...
Look, Tod, you may not have guessed it, but we aren't children.
Tal vez no lo hayas notado, pero no somos niños.
- I guessed it the moment I saw you, and the admiration of that boy David convinced me.
Lo supe nada más verle. Y la admiración de su amigo acabó por convencerme.
You are very clever to have guessed it.
Es tan astuto que lo ha adivinado.
You have guessed it, Mr. Graham. I am Mueller.
Lo ha adivinado, soy Moeller.
It looks like you guessed right.
Y parece que ha acertado.
- You guessed it.
Well, as you've probably guessed, it's a special job this time.
Bueno, como habrán adivinado, esta vez se trata de un trabajo especial.
You've guessed it. Well, I see what's to be done.
Bien, es un poco...
You agreed if you hadn't guessed it by the time we got home...
Dijiste que si no adivinabas antes de llegar a casa.
Oh, you've guessed it, daddy.
Oh. Lo has adivinado papi.
- Now you have guessed it.
- Ya lo has adivinado.
You have guessed it.
Lo ha adivinado.
You know, Speed. If you hadn't told me, I'd never've guessed it.
Gracias por la información, jamás lo habría adivinado.
- You've guessed it.
- Has acertado.
Yes, you've probably guessed it.
Sí, seguramente lo han adivinado.
I never would have guessed it if you hadn't told me.
- Jamás lo hubiera imaginado. ¿ Dónde está Steve?
You guessed it.
And you guessed it.
Se dio cuenta, entonces.
And by the way they rang.. I guessed it's someone looking for you.
Y porque de la manera que han llamado entiendo que es gente que viene a buscaros.
- Then you'd have guessed it anyway.
- Entonces, habrías adivinado.

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