Your coffee tradutor Espanhol
2,866 parallel translation
Had your coffee yet?
¿ Has tomado tu café?
Has anyone had your coffee?
¿ Alguien ha probado tú café?
Excuse me, your coffee.
Disculpe, su café.
I remembered you like your coffee same way you like your men, strong and Irish.
Recordaba que te gusta el café como los hombres, fuertes e irlandeses.
You keep sniffing your coffee.
Tú sigue olfateando tu café.
You almost hit that guy on the bike'cause you were sniffing your coffee.
Casi atropellas a ese chaval de la bici por estar olfateando tu café.
You were sniffing your coffee.
Tú estabas olfateando tu café.
I'II make your coffee Why waste money?
Te haré un café ¿ Por qué gastar dinero?
Are you two enjoying your coffee?
¿ Estáis disfrutando el café?
Still no word from Dr. Magnus? Ugh. Worse than your coffee.
¿ Todavía no hay noticias de la doctora Magnus? Peor que tu café.
Uh... how do you like your coffee, huh?
Sabes, simplemente encuentro el café tan... sensual. ¡ Rompe la cadena! Eh... ¿ cómo os gusta el café, eh?
Wash up, drink your coffee and let`s go.
Lavate, bebete el café y vamonos.
Haven't had your coffee.
No tomaste tu café.
I hope you've had your coffee.
Espero que te hayas tomado tu café.
And set it out all nice and prop up your favorite newspaper and pour your coffee.
Y colocarlo de una linda manera y sacar tu diario favorito... y servirte el café.
I've already drafted a press release about your coffee fraud.
Ya redacté un borrador para la prensa sobre tu fraude del café.
- Here's your coffee.
- Aquí está el café.
You go out on your balcony, you drink your coffee, and you let him know that it doesn't bother you.
Sales a tu balcón, tomas tu café y le das a entender que esto no te molesta.
I will find your coffee.
Te buscaré el café.
What's the deal with your coffee?
¿ Cuál es tu historia con el café?
You drink your coffee.
Bebe tu café.
That very same waiter also said that you threw your coffee cup at Ellen when she left.
Ese mismísimo camarero también dijo que tú le tiraste tu café a Ellen cuando ella salía.
Your coffee, please.
Tome su café, por favor.
♪ Get your coffee and your dog food, da-da, da! ♪
"Tómate un café y alimenta a tu perro-rro-rro".
If you have time for a cup of coffee while you're in town, I think he would really like to pick your brain.
Si tienes tiempo para un café mientras estás en la ciudad, creo que realmente le gustaría usar tus conocimientos.
Maybe I can help. I thought your saturdays were saved for coffee and cartoons with fitz.
Quizás pueda ayudarte.
You're going to take coffee To those cops watching your house.
Le vas a llevar un café a esos policías vigilando tu casa,
Grab a coffee, talk about your dad, Emily has my cell.
Emily tiene mi número.
I could be like your Cretaceous celebrity chef. ( THEY CHUCKLE ) Oh, I had a dream about coffee last night.
Podría ser tu chef famoso del cretáceo.
For two weeks it's been coffee, movies... and yet you say he isn't your boyfriend.
Durante dos semanas habéis estado......tomando café, al cine.. y sin embargo dices que no es tu novio.
Well, let's just say your pilot's back at the terminal having coffee with a few dead presidents.
Digamos que tu piloto está en el aeropuerto tomando café con algunos presidentes muertos.
I'll go get your mom some coffee... the good stuff.
Voy a traerle a tu madre un poco de café, del bueno
Anna Krups, such as coffee makers, it's your cover.
Anna Krups será tu nombre de tapadera.
This coffee will change your life.
Este café cambiará tu vida.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, you were drinking coffee As you were riding your bike?
- Para para para, ¿ estabas bebiendo café mientras conducías la bici?
You want some lies with your morning coffee.
Si quieres algunas mentiras con tu café de las mañanas.
Did you enjoy your 37-minute coffee break?
¿ Disfrutó su descanso de treinta y siete minutos?
But if there is any way you could not tell your mom about the vomit, the booze and the coffee and the rap music, I'd be eternally grateful.
Pero si hay alguna manera de que no le digas nada a tu madre acerca del vómito, el alcohol y el cafe y la música rap, te estaría eternamente agradecida.
Yeah, until technology fails us, and then you'll be begging me on your knees for a glimpse of my Coffee Table book.
Si, hasta que la tecnología nos falle, y entonces me pedirás de rodillas compartir mi libro de café de mesa.
If I see you in my town again, if I even hear that you're looking in this direction, I'm gonna tear your eyes out and pour my coffee in your skull.
Si vuelvo a verte en mi ciudad, si tan sólo me entero de que estás mirando en esta dirección, te sacaré los ojos y serviré mi café en tu cráneo.
Commissioner, I'm gonna take your family downstairs to get some of our wretched coffee.
Comisionado, voy a llevar a su familia abajo para que tomen este café miserable.
Perhaps your drinking 12 cups of coffee was not unlike my need for a security blanket.
Tal vez tu forma de beber 12 tazas de café... no sea diferente a mi necesidad de una manta de seguridad.
Your palate has been ruined by years of overpriced franchise coffee.
Tu paladar se ha arruinado con años de tomar café demasiado caro.
I mean, I liked your little bombshell of coffee.
Me gustó tu bomba de café.
All in favor of Callie drinking coffee, raise your hand.
Quien está a favor de que Callie tome café, que alce la mano.
Between the Viagra, the belly dancer and watching you eat with your fingers, I got enough lumber to build a coffee table.
¿ Bromeas? Entre la viagra, la bailarina de la danza del vientre y el verte comer con los dedos, tengo suficiente madera para construir una mesita de café.
And dessert, coffee to go, curbside service for when you're too lazy to button your pants and come inside.
Y postre, café para llevar, Servicio a domicilio cuando estas demasiado vago para abrocharte los pantalones y venir adentro
I'm running on prune Danish and a coffee, so keep your distance.
Me mantengo a base de café y pan de ciruelas así que guarda las distancias.
Get your I.D.'s together, just have a coffee and...
Les traeré las cédulas de identidad a todos. sólo tomen un café y...
How does your husband take his coffee?
¿ Cómo toma el café su marido?
That way if a girl is over and Accidentally sees the bottle on Your coffee table she will know
Asi, si por accidente una chica ve la botella en tu mesa... sabrá que tu pene solía ser mucho mas grande hasta que tomaste El Encogedor.
coffee 1657
coffee or tea 19
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
coffee or tea 19
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your brother 593
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your mind 60
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your brother 593
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527