And all that tradutor Francês
46,519 parallel translation
Sol get the award for the best erotic film ever shot and all that stuff.
J'ai reçu le prix du meilleur film érotique jamais filmé et tous ces trucs.
And we'll be shooting models for that and doing fan sites and all that good, fun stuff.
On fait des photos de mannequins, des sites pour les fans. Toutes ces choses sympas.
Oh, and right here is the library, where you can find books and tables and chairs and all that stuff... state-of-the-art computers, at least if the art was ten years ago... and friendly librarians.
Voici la bibliothèque où se trouvent les livres, les tables, les chaises et tout ça, les ordinateurs qui étaient de pointe il y a dix ans, et les gentils bibliothécaires.
Turnabout and all that.
Ça l'a énervé.
And all that is a fairy tale, too.
Tout ça, c'est des histoires à dormir debout.
And all that stuff I said about Vance, that's not real.
Et tout ce que j'ai dit au sujet de Vance, c'est pas vrai.
You know, congratulations and all that.
Eh bien, félicitations, tout ça.
And last night, all he wanted was revenge, and all that would satisfy it was Eleanor Guthrie's head on a plate.
Hier soir, il n'aspirait qu'à la vengeance. Il désirait seulement avoir la tête d'Eleanor Guthrie.
Old folks get depressed around the holidays and all that, but I don't know.
Les vieux qui dépriment à l'approche de Noël, tout ça, mais, je ne sais pas.
And all everyone told me was that you were incorruptible.
Tout le monde disait que vous étiez incorruptible.
- We... we all have small children and this is the village that we've chosen to raise them in.
On a tous des enfants, et on a choisi ce village pour les élever.
- All right. But I was not gonna let her go down there and do that by herself.
Je pouvais pas la laisser aller là-bas toute seule.
And maybe I wanted to feel all those things again, this thing that we had.
Peut-être que je voulais ressentir à nouveau tout ça, retrouver ce qu'on partageait.
- Mm-hmm. And after a while, maybe that's all you can see.
Au bout d'un moment, peut-être que vous ne voyez que ça.
I have no doubt that millions upon millions exchange tokens and observe the rituals of your festival, all down to the hunting of the hidden eggs, but does anybody pray in your name?
Je sais que des millions de gens s'offrent des présents et pratiquent les rites de ta fête, jusqu'à la chasse aux œufs, mais prie-t-on encore en ton nom?
She got in my head, and now I'm thinking all this fucked-up shit that I don't want to think about.
Elle est entrée dans ma tête, et je pense à plein de trucs déments que je veux oublier.
See, I don't know if it's the hypnosis that's making'em slaves or whatnot, but all I know is they already got two brothers we know, and there could be a whole bunch of brothers they got already.
J'ignore si c'est l'hypnose qui les rend comme ça, mais je sais qu'ils détiennent deux gars qu'on connaît, et qu'ils en détiennent peut-être plein d'autres.
I'm your mother, and I'll take care of Barrett but with all these rumors flying around about you starting fights there's talk that you're un-insurable.
Je suis ta mère, et je prendrais soin de Barrett mais avec toutes ces rumeurs disant que tu t'es battu les gens disent que tu n'es pas assurable.
And during that time, celebrities, athletes, even a close colleague of yours, all ended their lives.
Et pendant ce temps, des célébrités, des sportifs et même l'un de vos proches collaborateurs ont mis fin à leurs jours.
You know, in the'90's when I started shooting, I was unaware that all of the movies a contract girl shoots are sold to cable, and cable was still a very big place where these companies made money.
Dans les années 1990 quand j'ai commencé à tourner, je ne savais pas que tous les films étaient vendus aux chaînes câblées et c'était un réseau important pour faire de l'argent.
When he looks at me, and we make eye contact, and that twinkle happens, and he remembers all those moments, it's a feeling, it's an adrenaline rush, it's a thing, right?
Quand il me regarde dans les yeux, je vois cette lueur, car il se rappelle tous ces moments, j'ai une montée d'adrénaline. C'est quelque chose.
Maybe somebody will see me, and just do the same to help somebody else, that's all.
Quelqu'un me verra peut-être et fera la même chose en aidant quelqu'un d'autre. C'est tout.
And I got up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I came down and I grabbed my biggest canvas that I had, and just let it all out.
Je me suis levée à 3h du matin, je suis descendue, j'ai saisi la plus grande toile que j'avais et j'ai tout laissé sortir.
And then boyfriends are people that you have, you know, spiritual, sexual, emotional relationships with, and, you know, you're intimate and vulnerable, and all of that kind of fun stuff.
Les copains sont ceux avec qui tu as une relation spirituelle, sexuelle, émotionnelle, on est intimes, vulnérables, tout ce genre de choses.
And I started rig ht after that my first Web site and then, you know, decided to do a whole network of them and all different kinds of fetishes.
J'ai commencé juste après mon premier site Internet, puis j'ai décidé d'en faire un réseau, avec toutes sortes de fétichistes.
I mean, it was all Italian mafia that did distribution, and it was all Jewish mafia that did production, and women were not allowed to kind of get in there, especially distribution, you know.
La mafia italienne a fait la distribution. La mafia impliquée dans un trafic porno Et la mafia juive s'est occupée de la production.
I've utilized all the tools and connections and things like that in whatever new businesses that I start now.
J'utilise tous les outils et les relations que j'ai dans toute nouvelle affaire que je monte maintenant.
I had my mom get all my stuff out of my house, you know, got divorced, and that was it.
J'ai demandé à ma mère d'aller chercher mes affaires, j'ai divorcé et c'était terminé.
Like all that's good and sweet in the world.
À tout ce qui est bon et sucré.
And that's all that happened.
Cest tout ce qui s'est passé.
And that's all, right?
Et c'est tout?
And all the while thinking that they all knew... everyone in the whole place... that I'd been stood up on Valentine's Day.
En pensant qu'ils savaient tous... tout le monde... qu'on m'avait posé un lapin pour la Saint-Valentin.
End that little bastard once and for all.
Arrêter ce petit bâtard, une fois pour toutes.
CSI and Law Order, all that.
Dans des séries policières.
And sometimes all that unpredictability is overwhelming.
Et parfois, cette imprévisibilité est accablante.
We want to make the world less dangerous, and we are all here to show the King how serious we are about that.
On veut éradiquer le danger. On est venus montrer au roi notre détermination dans ce sens.
You know, if Carol were here, she saw all that... if she knew about Abraham... and Glenn... she'd be leading us right to them, ready to kill them all.
Tu sais, si Carol était là, si elle voyait ça, si elle savait pour Abraham... et pour Glenn... elle foncerait la première, prête à tous les tuer.
And that started it all...
C'est comme ça que tout a commencé.
All you know is that you know nothing and he knows everything.
Tous ce que tu sais c'est que tu ne sais rien et qu'il sait tout.
If I go to him, if I plead our case and gain his support, that might be all we need, all Nassau needs, to emerge from this intact.
Si je vais le voir, je pourrai obtenir son soutien, dont Nassau et nous avons besoin pour survivre à nos problèmes.
And all it took was a lie that's terribly inconvenient to disprove.
Mensonge impossible à réfuter.
And I gave our lord governor my solemn oath that I would see it protected... against any and all enemies.
J'ai prêté serment auprès du gouverneur de tout faire pour protéger la ville contre nos ennemis, quels qu'ils soient.
And you'd trade all of that for what?
Vous échangeriez cela contre... quoi?
Simultaneous revolts across the island initiated by one very loud and very clear signal that will be heard by all.
Ces révoltes synchronisées suivront l'émission d'un signal que chaque esclave pourra entendre.
I know you and Mom don't really get along or, you know, necessarily want to, but the idea that we can all be together sometimes like we used to... is kind of cool.
Tu t'entends pas bien avec maman, c'est pas évident pour vous, mais l'idée de se retrouver tous ensemble me plaît assez.
I tell myself all the time, like, married people, you know, after a while they reach this... sexual plateau, and that's the norm.
Je me dis tout le temps que les couples mariés, avec les années, finissent par stagner sexuellement, c'est normal.
If I plead our case and gain his support, that might be all we need to emerge from this intact.
Son soutien nous aiderait à survivre à nos problèmes.
Because the last time the law got its hands on a pirate of that stature, it yielded the following... anger, hostility, resentment, purges to combat it all that only resulted in amplifying it all, and a resistance movement that, since Captain Vane was hanged,
La dernière fois que la loi a puni un homme de cette envergure, qu'est-ce qui en a résulté? Colère, hostilité, rancœur. Ça a conduit à des purges qui ont exacerbé l'animosité.
And control that no one can see makes for no demonstration at all.
Agir dans l'ombre n'a rien d'impressionnant.
We make vibrators specifically designed for older women... um, that take into account their... all their issues, like, um... poor eyesight and arthritis...
On fabrique des vibromasseurs pour femmes âgées. On prend en compte tous leurs problèmes, la vue qui baisse ou l'arthrite...
We're partners now, and that's all there is to it.
Nous sommes partenaires, et c'est tout.
and all that stuff 21
and all that jazz 24
and all the time 27
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and all because of you 16
and all of this 18
and all that jazz 24
and all the time 27
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and all because of you 16
and all of this 18
and all this 26
all that matters 18
all that shit 30
all that 276
all that stuff 77
all that time 39
all that money 36
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
all that matters 18
all that shit 30
all that 276
all that stuff 77
all that time 39
all that money 36
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20