And at one point tradutor Francês
378 parallel translation
And at one point, I noticed that Grotowski was at the center of one group... huddled around a bunch of candles that they'd gathered together.
J'ai vu Grotowski devant une forêt de bougies...
So then Chiquita threw this party for me before I left for India... and the apartment was filled with guests. And at one point Chiquita said, "The flag, the flag. Where's the flag?"
Avant mon départ, Chiquita a invité des amis, et à un moment elle a dit :
Things kind of built to a critical mass and at one point, I actually thought,
Salut, chéri... Je vous comprends pas, bande de tarées.
And then are you going to tell your children that you had a dream at one point of your life?
Et allez-vous dire à votre enfant Que vous aviez un rêve à un moment de votre vie?
It's a mystery, and a sinister one at that, believe me. Some say he pays Mrs Point in kind.
Et mystère pas propre, je vous prie de le croire!
Should we concentrate enough force... to attack at any one point... Hitler can quickly shift his power... and reinforce the threatened sector.
Hitler peut réagir rapidement et repousser la menace.
So I ran over to him. And just as I got there and bent down, he sort of pushed himself up on one elbow and fired at me point-blank.
J'ai couru vers lui et au moment où... je l'ai rejoint et me suis penché sur lui, il... s'est appuyé sur un coude et a tiré sur moi à bout portant.
But You never can tell when one of them will talk and point his finger at someone higher up.
Mais il se peut toujours que les petits dénoncent les grands.
At one point, Queeg came to you for help, and you turned him down.
A un moment, Queeg a requis votre aide et vous la lui avez refusée.
And I am especially conscious at this moment that beauty is not confined to any one race.
D'ailleurs, je n'avais jamais réalisé avec autant d'acuité à quel point la beauté n'est pas l'apanage d'une seule race.
There were none at the store, and my old one's good only for a scarecrow.
Cette année j'en ai point vu. La vieille irait plus que pour un épouvantail.
Good. I'm sure our respective clients agree on at least one thing : They love their children and don't want them to be hurt any more than they have been.
Bon, nos clients sont sans doute d'accord sur un point ils ne veulent pas que leurs enfants souffrent encore d'avantage.
And remember : One point at a time!
Envoie-moi des rapports.
At one point, I nearly gave up hope, but Roppei took good care of me and pulled me through.
J'ai été soigné à temps. Grâce à notre fidèle Roppei.
Look at all these men and find the one who attacked you. Point him out, like this.
Passez devant ces types, identifiez l'assaillant et montrez-le du doigt.
I've been important to each at some time in their lives... and one humdrum day I found myself wondering how important I'd remained.
J'avais compté pour elles à un moment de leur vie. Un jour, je me suis demandé si je comptais encore, et à quel point.
All it takes is 1 oversensitive blasting cap booster, a loose piece of asbestos wrapping or a hot spot burning through an insulated wire, and any one of those drums can go off prematurely, or not at all.
Tout ce qu'il faut, c'est une amorce trop sensible... une pièce d'amiante qui se détache... ou un point chaud qui brûle l'isolation d'un fil... et n'importe lequel des barils peut sauter prématurément... ou pas du tout...
One spoke and laughed without realizing at which point it was serious.
On parlait et riait sans réaliser à quel point c'était grave.
It's a very good one, and we can't afford to get anything better at this point.
C'est un très bon lave-vaiselle, on trouvera rien de mieux.
And also at one point, you can see a pair of buttocks
On peut aussi apercevoir une paire de fesses.
The rays, as you see, hit the lens in a parallel position, the lens deviates them and they converge perfectly at one point.
Les rayons touchent la lentille en position parallèle. La lentille dévie leur trajectoire et ils convergent et coïncident parfaitement en un point.
We will then finally halt at a determinate point in space and suppose that God creates so much material around us again that our imagination on whatever side it extends absolutely cannot see one single place, any space that has remained empty.
Nous nous arrêterons alors en un point déterminé dans l'espace et on imaginera que Dieu crée à nouveau autour de nous tellement de matière que nous sommes incapables de discerner un seul endroit ou un seul espace qui soit resté vide.
It was a local landmark, so I had to pay for another one, and I didn't mind at all.
C'était un point de repère local, so I had to pay for another one, et je n'y avais pas pris garde du tout.
At one point, Bona walks away. Then, Garrone starts staring at me and makes a very nasty gesture.
Bona s'est éloignée et Garrone m'a fixé de son regard et m'a fait un geste répugnant.
At one point, I suddenly wondered how high up this thing goes... and her paranoia finally got to me.
Je me demandais jusqu'où ça monterait! À la fin, ça m'a gagné.
I remember I was standing out in front of the gun room at this one point and Charlie came up to me and pulled me off the porch.
Je me souviens, j'étais en face de la remise d'armes... et Charlie est venu vers moi et m'a fait sortir du porche.
At one point she got up and left.
Un moment, elle s'est levée et elle est partie.
There is one point about which there is no doubt at all. And that is that ConSec was attacked.
Il y a un fait... sur lequel il n'y a aucun doute... c'est que Consec ait été attaqué.
And then at one point, people were dancing... and I was dancing with a girl... and suddenly our hands began vibrating near each other... like this - vibrating, vibrating.
Puis des gens se sont mis à danser. J'ai dansé avec une fille... Nos mains se frôlaient et ont commencé à vibrer, vibrer!
I mean, I wanted to sacrifice the precentral vein in order to get some exposure. But because of this guy's normal variation, I got excited and all the sudden I didn't know whether I was looking at the precentral vein or one of the internal cerebro veins or the Vein of Galen or the Basilar vein of Rosenthal, so one my own me at this point I was ready to say
Je voulais sacrifier la veine au profit de la visibilité, mais, avec la variation normale... la nervosité aidant, impossible de savoir si ce n'était pas... une veine interne qui mène au cerveau.
You and this broad were practically engaged at one point.
Vous deux, vous avez été presque fiancés!
And this time, after 24 hours... at one point to mealtime resurrection.
Et cette fois, au bout de 24 heures... à un moment donné, à l'heure du repas : résurrection!
My only shot at every being in a gang fight and all I get is one stitch?
Ma première bagarre avec un gang et je n'ai qu'un point de suture?
I have only one thing on my mind at this point in my life, and that is to get out of this moth-eaten town.
Il n'y a qu'une chose qui compte pour l'instant... et c'est de m'en aller d'ici.
I want my ex-wife to remember that at one point in our lives she loved me, and I want my little girl to be safe.
Je veux que ma femme se souvienne que, à une époque, elle m'aimait, et je veux que ma fille soit en sécurité.
"I heard a lot of screeching sounds. I remember I was facing the wrong way at one point. And in the end, my body was thrown clear."
"J'ai entendu un bruit de ferraille, je me rappelle m'être retrouvé à l'envers, et j'ai été éjecté."
And I felt the desire to compare those two childhoods, one of a girl from the Soviet Empire and that of a boy from the long-bygone Russian Empire, to find out at which points they diverge, for sure, and to know
Et j'eus envie, en comparant ces deux enfances - celle d'une petite fille de l'empire soviétique et celle d'un garçon de l'empire de la feue Russie -, de trouver le point où elles divergent définitivement, et de savoir si elles convergeront à nouveau.
And is it true that Lucifer, at one time, was an angel?
Lucifer n'a-t-il point été un ange?
You raise two boys, give them the same love and one of them ends up at West Point, at the top of the class.
Elevez deux garçons, donnez-leur le même amour et l'un d'entre eux finira à West Point, premier de la classe.
There was no one left alive to spread it to the new arrivals... and we assumed that the disease dead-ended at that point.
Ils étaient tous morts et personne d'autre ne l'a eue. On a donc pensé que la maladie avait disparu.
speaking is a corrosion of the lungs and to be avoided. I've devised a method whereby one carries the objects one needs to converse and points at them. Simple.
afin d'éviter tout dommage et corrosion des poumons j'ai mis au point une méthode où chacun porte les objets dont il a besoin pour converser et les montre pour s'y référer.
We put a moratorium at one point... on people calling and asking for the "Seattle story."
On a dû instituer un moratoire pour les gens qui voulaient qu'on leur raconte Seattle.
Well, at one point you've got it, then you lose it, and it's gone forever all walks of life.
A un moment tu l'as, puis tu le perds et c'est fini pour de bon, dans tous les milieux sociaux.
From what I saw and pieced together both armies intend to link up at one of the watering holes along this route.
D'après les informations que j'ai recueillies, les deux armées vont se retrouver à un point d'eau le long de cette route.
At one point I had to kneel down and kiss your feet...
Fallait que je m'agenouille, que je lui baise les pieds...
Sure, she used to have nipples... That would stand up and whistle "Dixie," but then again, At one point, dinosaurs used to roam the earth.
Elle avait des seins d'enfer, il y a très longtemps.
At one point, he turned his back to me and I must admit, that for a moment he made a very tempting target.
A un moment, il me tourna le dos. Pendant un instant, il fit une cible bien tentante.
I bet she doesn't like birds. At one point, one bird trips another and the second one slaps the first.
Parce que tu sais, à un moment y a un oiseau, il fait un croche-patte à l'autre et puis l'autre il tente de lui mettre une claque c'est n'importe quoi.
And I remembered at one point... my sister Edith decided she will use my mother's name... but I forgot it.
Et je me suis souvenue que ma soeur Edith avait décidé d'utiliser le nom de ma mère, mais j'avais oublié.
He would much more trust a cameraman than he would an outsider like Natalie Kalmus who I think he was pretty strict with and threw off the set at one point because he felt they knew better than she did.
Il se fiait bien davantage à un caméraman plutôt qu'à un... intrus comme Natalie Kalmus... Veuve de Michael Powell
In order to get that shot, he had to light it in such a way that as I was running down the stairs to David the lights were so bright, there was at one point I couldn't see the stairs at all and I missed the last 1 0 or 1 5 of them.
Pour tourner cette prise, il fallait éclairer l'escalier... de manière à concentrer la lumière sur ma descente vers David... les lumières étaient si vives que je peinais...
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at one point 146
one point 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at one point 146
one point 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and all this time 50
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and all this time 50
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and afterwards 122
and all that jazz 24
and also 645
and above all 105
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and afterwards 122
and all that jazz 24