Apocalypse now tradutor Francês
111 parallel translation
- It's like in the movies, like in "Apocalypse Now,"
C'est comme dans le film "Apocalypse Now,"
One of their first projects was Apocalypse Now, a Vietnam War story based loosely on Heart of Darkness.
Un de ses premiers projets fut Apocalypse Now, un film sur la guerre du Vietnam inspiré d'Au Cœur des ténèbres.
Apocalypse Now concerns a Captain Willard on his mission to assassinate a Green Beret colonel named Kurtz.
Apocalypse Now raconte l'histoire du capitaine Willard, qui a pour mission d'assassiner Kurtz, un colonel des bérets verts.
Without a studio, Apocalypse Now was shelved, and Francis put his dreams for Zoetrope on hold.
Faute d'un studio, Apocalypse Now a été mis de côté, et Francis a dû mettre en suspens ses rêves pour Zoetrope.
In 1975, he revived his plans for Zoetrope and chose Apocalypse Now as its first project.
En 1975, il a voulu faire revivre Zoetrope et a choisi Apocalypse Now comme son premier projet.
Original work really takes six, eight months minimum to do, and here was the script of Apocalypse that we could clean up and send out immediately.
Écrire un scénario prend au moins de six à huit mois, mais on pouvait juste peaufiner le scénario de Apocalypse Now et l'envoyer immédiatement.
"Well, what if I just did Apocalypse Now?"
"Et si je faisais Apocalypse Now?"
Apocalypse Now has been budgeted at $ 13 million.
Le budget de Apocalypse Now était de 13 millions.
But the difference was that Apocalypse Now was about Vietnam.
Mais la différence, c'est que le film portait sur le Vietnam.
After Apocalypse Now, I think it's the best Vietnam movie ever made.
C'est le meilleur sur le Viêt-Nam après Apocalypse Now.
Or we could just rent Apocalypse Now.
On pourrait louer Apocalypse Now.
What's good is Apocalypse Now.
Ce qui est bien, c'est Apocalypse Now.
- Apocalypse Now.
- Apocalypse Now.
- The guy on Apocalypse Now.
- Le mec dans Apocalypse Now.
They change characters, drop others and push some into the background. - Your character provides the comic relief... like, oh, Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. - [Horn Honking]
Ils changent des personnages et en relèguent au second plan.
And you're thinking "It's Sunday, I'd rather be in Apocalypse Now,"
Et toi tu pense "c'est dimanche, je fais Apocalypse now."
And I'm putting in a pre-emptive bid for Apocalypse Now?
Vous mourez tous d'envie de voir Apocalypse Now?
I have to say, I really feel that Apocalypse Now is overrated.
Si vous voulez mon avis, ce film a été très surestimé.
It has to do with Apocalypse Now the other never-ending fiIm.D
J'avais déjà vécu ça sur Apocalypse Now... autre tournage interminable.
... with Apocalypse Now, which isn't the commercial success.... ... that The Matrix is.è
La première, c'était sur Apocalypse Now, qui n'a pas eu... le succès de The Matrix.
I hate to be the demon that cried "apocalypse nowish," but... ANGEL :
Je détesterais être le démon genre "Apocalypse Now" mais...
It's "Ride of the Valkyries" from "Apocalypse Now"...
La "Chevauchée des Walkyries", Apocalypse Now.
Francis Ford Coppola had three children when he made "Apocalypse Now".
Francis Ford Coppola avait trois enfants quand il a fait "Apocalypse Now".
- Yeah, we were gonna sneak away, go up the river, all Huck Finn, Apocalypse Now style.
- On ne l'a jamais retrouvé. - On voulait faire le mur, remonter la rivière à la Huckleberry Finn.
It's "Apocalypse Now," baby!
C'était Apocalypse, now!
I was quoting that movie, you know, Apocalypse Now. "Napalm in the morning."
Je citais ce film, tu sais, Apocalypse Now. "Le napalm le matin."
Okay, "Apocalypse Now."
Ok, "Apocalypse Now".
"Apocalypse now" ends with a "w," so "Whale Rider."
"Apocalypse now" fini avec un "w" alors "Whale Rider".
You think it would be "apocalypse now," But it's been five days and bubkes.
Ca aurait dû être "Apocalypse Now", mais ça fait déjà cinq jours sans rien.
And Francis Ford Coppola in Apocalypse Now.
Et Apocalypse Now.
Brando from apocalypse now?
Brando de "Apocalypse Now"?
I saw Apocalypse Now at the cinema.
- J'ai été voir Apocalypse Now au ciné,
And I know you must have walked through some crazy, crazy Charlle don't serve shit over there.
Et t'as vraiment dû voir des trucs de malade... - Des trucs à la Apocalypse Now.
Apocalypse Now, right?
Apocalypse Now?
I was a PA on "Apocalypse Now."
J'étais producteur sur Apocalypse Now.
"The Ship of a Fool." "'Apocalypse Now'on Delta. "
"Le bateau d'un idiot." "'Apocalypse maintenant au Delta. "
I did 16 months in a cave on "Apocalypse,"
J'ai vécu 16 mois dans une grotte pour "Apocalypse Now"
Apocalypse Now.
Apocalypse Now.
Hey, Apocalypse Now.
Apocalypse Now.
Had I known then what I know now about the evil excesses of capitalism lncorporated. But I didn't even read Mad Magazine, much less Forbes and the power elite, I surely would have never joined Apocalypse, or the Wall Street Journal.
si j'avais su ce que je sait maintenant des excès démoniaques du capitalisme... et l'élite du pouvoir, je n'aurai certainement pas rejoins Apocalypse Inc.
After auditioning dozens of actors,
APOCALYPSE NOW est commencé. Après l'audition de dizaines d'acteurs,
Two-sixty, take 3.
At first I thought they'd handed me the wrong dossier.
J'ai cru me tromper. Mais non, l'Apocalypse était Now...
This won't be understood, not now but the Apocalypse to come will vindicate our faith.
Cette action ne sera pas comprise, pas maintenant... mais l'Apocalypse à venir... vengera notre foi.
The Apocalypse will be a holiday compared to what's gonna happen now that you've become a traitor.
L'Apocalypse aurait été un rêve sans votre trahison.
It seems unfair. You gotta save all the helpless now you gotta fight the apocalypse?
C'est injuste, tu dois sauver les types désespérés... et en plus, t'occuper de l'apocalypse.
Fascinating as these details must seem to you we're dealing with much more important stuff right now. Apocalypse.
Aussi fascinant que ces détails doivent te paraître, nous sommes préoccupés pour le moment par des choses plus importantes.
The Church of England has now joined other extremist religious groups in proclaiming the phenomenon, a sign of a coming apocalypse...
L'Église d'Angleterre rejoint désormais les groupes religieux extrémistes proclamant que le phénomène observé montre que l'apocalypse est proche...
Now that he'd killed the noble lion queen, there was nobody to stop the Apocalypse, it seemed.
Maintenant qu'il a tué le noble lion, il ne reste plus personne pour arrêter l'Apocalypse.
And now that it's been reclassified To an averted apocalypse, I feel i can appreciate it even more.
Et maintenant que ça a été reclassé en un apocalypse avorté, je l'apprécie encore plus.
And now we will summon the four demons of the apocalypse!
Nous allons maintenant convoquer les quatre démons de l'apocalypse!
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now you know 219
now is the time 102
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now you know 219
now is the time 102
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66