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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / Be off with you

Be off with you tradutor Francês

629 parallel translation
Be off with you!
Be off with you. Who are you to be giving me orders?
Qui tu es pour me donner des ordres?
Next time, lad, pick a tree your own size. Now, be off with you.
La prochaine fois, prends-t'en à un arbre à ta taille.
Be off with you.
Be off with you!
Be off with you!
Now be off with you, you big... You big weasel!
Allez-vous-en, espèce de fouine.
You must be thankful that you've come off with only that.
Tu dois te compter veinard de t'en tirer juste avec ça.
This is where you wanna be, with a lot of saps like that... yellin'their heads off and thinkin they're enjoying themselves.
Vous voulez être ici, avec des andouilles comme celles-là... qui crient à n'en plus finir pour se convaincre qu'elles s'amusent.
I knew you would need more so I happened to be going past a barber shop and I saw some tails of hair hanging in the window with the prices marked on them and I thought it would do my brain good to have my mop cut off.
J'ai vu un coiffeur... avec des chevelures en vitrine et les prix... Ma tignasse m'alourdissait la cervelle...
Now, my dear, I think I've told you everything and it will be a great load off my mind knowing the children are safe with you.
Je crois que je vous ai tout dit... Quel soulagement de vous confier les enfants!
With my one leg, you see, I'd be kind of off-balance.
Avec ma jambe unique, je suis un peu déséquilibré.
Like the pigs you all are with your big mouths, and those damn pasts I don't wish to know. If we had to account for the pasts of everyone in the Legion, we'd be better off dissolving it.
Si je devais tenir compte du passé des légionnaires, mieux vaudrait dissoudre la Légion.
Be off with you!
The less you have to do with police, the better off we'll be.
Moins vous aurez à faire à la police, mieux ce sera.
Be off and may luck be with you!
Va-t-en et que la chance soit avec toi!
Or you'll be dancing with your feet off the ground, and that's not a pretty sight.
Ou tu vas danser au bout d'une corde, ce ne sera pas beau.
You will be the first people with the exception of my wife and my assistant, Dr. Sayles to see the proof that the human brain gives off an impulse that can be recorded.
Vous serez les premiers... exceptés ma femme et mon assistant le Docteur Sayles... à voir que le cerveau humain... émet des ondes qui peuvent être enregistrées.
You boys gonna be out there with a band to see me off?
Vous allez venir me voir décoller?
The chances are you'll get off with life. If you're a good girl, you'll be out in 20 years.
Tu auras la perpétuité, mais sortiras dans 20 ans pour bonne conduite.
It's true that I think you'll be better off with me, but then I'm prejudiced.
A mon avis, vous seriez mieux avec moi.
The psychiatrist who gave me all those afternoons off so I could be with you. Oh, that's who it was.
- Le psychiatre à Paris. - Ah, oui!
I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to fuddle with your lawyer's tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whiny old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.
Ne comptez pas qu'on vous ramène celui qui a tué Larry Kinkaid... pour qu'après vos petites procédures de 6 mois... on le voit relâché parce que Davies dit que c'est pas un mauvais bougre.
And it's got to be done before that suit of yours comes to trial... and Lola gets a chance to sound off... before they trip you up on the stand, and you start to go in drag me down with you.
- Plutôt. Ça se passera avant le procès où Lola racontera tout. Tu m'aurais mis en cause pour te défendre.
And don't forget, you'll be a lot better off dealing with me than you would with the homicide squad.
Il vaut mieux traiter avec moi qu'avec la Brigade des Homicides.
You'd be Mrs. Eddie Mars the blonde Regan was supposed to have run off with.
Vous devez être Mme Mars... la blonde qui a soi-disant filé avec Regan.
Off with you, me lad, and be lively!
Et que ça saute.
I could use six other investigators and still be behind. And you're off fooling around with a two-for-a-nickel shooting.
Je manque d'enquêteurs et vous insistez sur ce crime de quat sous.
You might be better off with Mr Saladine, Jenny.
Pas dans sa cuisine! Je suis trop pauvre pour bien t'éduquer.
You bet. So you see, honey. Now I not only getJaney off my hands... but George said he'd be glad to pitch in and help with Mother.
Je n'aurai plus à m'occuper d'elle et il m'aidera pour mère.
These things interfere with my appetite. Mine is going to be hard to take it off. Do you like Italian food?
s'ils voyais ca ca lui couperait peut être l'appétit à moi ca me couperait pas l'appétit vous aimez la cuisine italienne?
Well, I suppose you'll be going off with him any time now.
Je suppose que tu vas le rejoindre bientôt.
I suppose you'd be better off with that lousy saxophone player.
Tu serais mieux avec ton joueur de saxo?
I'd be glad to talk it over with you later, off the record.
Je serai ravi d'en parler avec vous en privé.
Isn't he the one always signs off with I'll be seeing you, Susan?
Il termine avec "A bientôt, Susan"?
Excuse me. I'll get my desk cleaned off and be right with you.
Je range mon bureau et vous rejoins tout de suite.
So it got to be Christmas Day in StaIag 17. If you ask me it was more like the 4th of july with all the fireworks that were to go off and bust the camp wide open.
Puis ce fut le jour de noël qui allait plutôt ressembler à un jour de Fête Nationale.
One day I shall really meet my type and run off with him. And you'll be simply amazed.
Un jour, je rencontrerai mon genre de type et je m'enfuirai avec lui.
Wouldn't you both be better off with a girl apiece, right here, rather than half a girl in New York?
Que diriez-vous d'avoir chacun une fille ici plutôt qu'une demi-fille à New York?
Ralph says you got to beat them off with clubs. Boy, you're getting to be a real drag!
Tu deviens vraiment lourd.
Now, each one of you cadets will be paired off with a tried police officer, who will judge you on your performance during this trial period.
Un cadet avec un officier qui vous jugera.
You don't need to be very difficult to have it off with...
Faut pas être non plus très difficile, pour s'envoyer le...
You'd be better off to go along with us.
Vous feriez mieux de venir avec nous.
- Are you sure that we'll be better off with Totonno?
Ça marchera avec Totonno?
You'd be better off with me than that plate scraper.
- Moi, je ne lave pas la vaisselle.
Be off with you!
You ran off with your supplies, leaving us to be wiped out!
C'est ŕ cause de gens comme vous... que nous en sommes lŕ. L'anéantissement!
You wipe it off too fast, but only to be with me as soon as possible Drink, Maruša!
Tu te démaquilles trop vite, mais c'est pour me rejoindre plus vite. Allez, bois donc.
Sam will be very put off with you if he heard that you wasn't hospitable to a friend.
Je ne vous considère pas comme un ami.
If you won't listen, I shall be getting off at Plymouth with Mary and Robert.
Si vous ne m'écoutez pas, je descendrai à Plymouth avec Mary et Robert.
Well, it might be worth it at that. At least he can't run off with you now.
Lander ne comptait pas, il m'a juste sortie une ou deux fois.

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