Bring them in tradutor Francês
1,022 parallel translation
Bring them in right away.
Faites-les entrer.
Bring them in!
Faites-les entrer!
You don't expect me to bring them in.
C'est pas mon boulot.
Okay Benny, bring them in, one at a time...
Fais-les entrer.
He wants to make sure a posse's sworn in, to bring them in for a fair trial.
Il veut la voir assermentée et que la loi soit appliquée.
Promise me you'll bring them in for a fair trial.
Promettez-moi qu'ils seront jugés régulièrement.
If Judge Simmons has papers for us to sign, tell him to bring them in the evening.
Si le juge Simmons a des papiers à nous faire signer... dites-lui de nous les apporter en soirée.
Your aunts want to hear the rest. Shall I bring them in here?
Voulez-vous entendre la pièce ici?
Bring them in here, Neeley.
Will you bring them in now, please?
- Vous pouvez les apporter. - Bien, monsieur.
Yes, yes. Bring them in.
Fais-les entrer.
He won't even bring them in...
Il n'aura même pas besoin.
After I have this cleaned off, I just have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them in here, and put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Après avoir tout débarrassé, je dois enlever les livres de la table de la salle-à-manger et les remettre dans ce coffre, d'où ils viennent.
Bring them in from the sticks.
Ceux de Ia cambrousse!
Just bring them in full, take them out empty, and don't drop the tray when someone pinches you.
Tu sers, tu débarrasses, sans faire tomber ton plateau si on te pince les fesses.
- Bring them in, man. Bring them in.
- Fais-les entrer, fais-les entrer.
I'm going now to break it up. Bring them in. I want them together.
Amenez-le, je veux les confronter.
So he went out to bring them in. 25 marines went with him.
Le risque est gros mais comment l'éviter?
I figured if I bring them in here, homicide squad might give them a scare.
J'ai pensé que la brigade des homicides pourrait leur donner la frousse.
Bring them in.
New case of shells in the back. Do me a favour and bring them in.
Apporte-moi la caisse de nouvelles cartouches.
I'll bring them in.
Je les fais venir.
There's a pretty good reward for the men who bring them in.
Il y a une bonne récompense pour ceux qui les coincent.
We won't have to bring them in, Sam. They intend to come in on their own.
Nous n'aurons pas besoin de Ies forcer a rentrer, Sam.
Bring them in.
- Faites-les entrer.
Boys of all creeds, kinds and positions to educate them in American ideals and to promote mutual understanding and to bring about a healthful life to the youth of this beautiful land.
Des garçons de toutes croyances, de toutes situations sociales, afin de les sensibiliser à l'idéal américain, de favoriser l'entendement, et de proposer une vie saine aux jeunes de notre beau pays.
Why didn't you let them bring the letter in and explain it to the jury?
Il fallait les laisser produire la lettre.
They bring them here in the morning and pick them up on the way home.
Elles les déposent le matin et les récupèrent le soir.
Emmenez-les à 10 h 30 demain matin.
Say, it'd bring them in in swarms, all right.
Une seconde ruée vers l'or!
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
La seule chance de les récupérer et d'échapper au gibet, c'est de rapporter les têtes de Waring et Leech, et Margaret en bonne santé, pour être ses sauveurs.
Any bounty on them morons, Inspector? I can bring in some of my wife's family. The jail is big enough, Inspector.
- Du côté de ma femme, ils sont fous.
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Jetez des seaux d'essence sur le pont avant et allumez.
Bring them in.
- Faites-les rentrer de suite.
As the table staff in the dining car, tell them to bring hot water and all the clean towels they've got.
Dites au personnel de la voiture restaurant d'amener de l'eau chaude et toutes les serviettes propres
But I'll bring them back. There's going to be a pig in every family!
Grâce à moi, chaque famille aura à nouveau son porc!
I'll find them in a minute. And bring a glass of tepid water!
Amenez-moi de l'eau tiède.
Bring them right in there, will you, Mr. Peabody?
Amenez-les ici M.Peabody.
All those comfortable swabs who sit at home in their beam-ends reveling in the luxuries that seamen risk their lives to bring to them, and despising the poor devils if they so much as touch a drop of rum,
Certains vivent dans le luxe... tandis que d'autres travaillent et risquent leur vie. On reproche au marin de boire.
They're handy enough. My buddy in Detroit has them. He will bring them when I give the word.
Mon pote à Detroit les apporte dès que je donne le signal.
And he used to bring folders home with him, with pictures in them. We had stacks.
Il nous rapportait des prospectus illustrés.
Bring them on in!
When I see them in the cafés, looking at our girls... joking with each other in their loud voices... I feel the dollars they bring into our country aren't worth the insults.
Quand je les vois regarder nos filles dans les cafés, plaisanter entre eux en parlant fort, je trouve que les dollars qu'ils apportent ne valent pas les insultes.
Bring them in, Harrington.
Bring them to the gate in the garden wall.
Selle des chevaux et conduis-les devant la petite grille.
Tell them we're in bad shape and to bring hand grenades, mortars flamethrowers, anything.
Dis-leur ce qui se passe. Dis leur qu'on est en mauvaise posture, qu'ils apportent des grenades des lance-flammes, n'importe quoi.
I'll bring all the mice in town if it'll make them come and stay at my house.
Quitte à amener ici tous les rats du village, ils doivent venir chez moi.
To bring in the cattle and nurse them through the winter?
Á faire rentrer des bêtes, à s'occuper d'elles durant l'hiver?
We bring in the baby fish from the ocean and put them in these little pools.
On prend les bébés poissons dans l'océan et on les garde ici.
First, that Hungarian countess who only married you to bring her family over, her mother, her father and five brothers, all of them badly in need of costly dental repairs.
D'abord, cette comtesse hongroise qui t'a épousé pour ramener sa famille, sa mère, son père et ses cinq frères, et tous leurs frais en soins dentaires.
Follow them and bring the cup to me in Rome.
Poursuivez-les et apportez-moi la coupe à Rome.
bring them 33
bring them back 23
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
ines 33
in fact 10253
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bring them back 23
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
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interior 21
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