Get it out tradutor Francês
15,468 parallel translation
He's got a bullet lodged in his skull, and they can't get it out because of the swelling in the brain which may or may not go down.
Il a une balle dans le crâne. Ils ne peuvent pas l'enlever à cause de l'inflammation, qui peut diminuer ou non.
Six million? But how did they get it out?
Mais qui l'a mis en ligne?
Get it out!
Sors-la de là!
Get it out! We're all gonna have to have a relationship.
- On va tous être copains.
Get it out!
- Sors-la de là!
When I woke up... Couldn't get it out of my head.
À mon réveil, je n'arrivais pas à me la sortir de la tête.
How are we going to get it out?
Comment on va la sortir?
Let's get it out.
God, let's get it out the sleeve.
Bon sang. Sortons-le de la pochette.
Jade's gonna chop it up, break it down, get it out there.
Jade va la couper et l'écouler.
How are you supposed to move the shit if you don't know how to break it up - and get it out there?
Comment tu vas la vendre si tu ne sais pas comment la couper pour l'écouler?
Get it out.
Enlevez-moi ça!
- Get it out.
Fais-la sortir!
How are you ever gonna get it out of here?
Et tu comptes le sortir d'ici comment?
Get it out.
Tu l'évacues.
You know how to do it, get out there.
Tu sais ce que t'as à faire. Alors vas-y! Je veux être fier de toi.
- We'll get it on the way out. - Gina! [guard] Show these boys to the line-up.
- Vous êtes peut-être pas au courant, monsieur Cook, mais on est une oeuvre de charité.
You got ten minutes to get to Regent's office, crack that safe, grab the money, throw it down the garbage chute and then get the hell out of there before anybody knows what's hit them.
OK, on se synchronise, maintenant.
If we don't get out before it closes, we're stuck in January 2016
Si on n'en sort pas avant qu'elle ne se referme, on est coincé en Janvier 2016.
You know how long it took to get that thing out of here?
Tu sais le temps qu'on a mis pour le faire sortir?
It'll take longer, sure. At least we'll be able to get out.
Ce sera plus long, mais au moins, on pourra sortir.
It sounds like he couldn't get out.
Il n'a pas pu sortir.
Hey, it's going to take two surgeons six hours to get my size-10 boot out of your ass if you don't get a move on, FNG.
Il faudra au moins deux chirurgiens pour retirer ma chaussure de ton cul - si tu te bouges pas, S.P.N.
We need to get out of these clothes. It's all right, darling.
On connaît personne, ici.
Because it's about to get complicated, so I'm gonna start out slow and make it nice and simple for you.
Parce que ça va se compliquer. Je vais commencer en douceur et rester simple.
If Kyle makes it out of this thing, we got to get him on the show.
Si Kyle s'en son', on doit l'inviter.
All right. Get on it, Dave. Print out everything you can on this miners'strike.
Imprime tout sur la grève des mineurs.
Just keep swimming just keep swimming my mom wrote this song for me it's gonna get us out of here sing with me, Hank.
Nage droit d'vant toi... Maman a inventé cette chanson pour moi Elle va nous sortir de là
It's bringing back some very bad memories so let's get out of here.
Ça me rappelle de mauvais souvenirs. Filons.
You'd think we all get along but it don't work out that way.
On pourrait bien s'entendre, mais c'est pas le cas.
Difference is, when you get pushed out someone does it with a bullet to the back of your ear.
La différence, c'est que vous, on vous évincera d'une balle dans la nuque.
It's good to get out of the cul-de-sac every now and again.
C'est parfois bon de sortir du cul-de-sac.
Get your mind out of the gutter! It was a charade!
Ne t'emballe pas, c'était de la comédie!
You know what? Trevor, I know you wanna keep going, but maybe we should just pull off, find a place to stay tonight and then I'll get it checked out in the morning.
Je sais que tu veux qu'on avance, Trevor, mais on devrait peut-être s'arrêter quelque part et je passerai dans un garage demain matin.
And I'm telling you, AI, when I get out, I could be like one of them IT guys up in some office, man.
Et crois-moi, AI, à mon retour, je trouverai du boulot dans l'informatique.
Like a technical term, where we make a deal, and we both get something out of it.
C'est le terme technique quand on conclut un marché et qu'on en retire tous les deux quelque chose.
Get up there and check it out.
Monte voir ce qui se passe.
An away team will beam to the other side of the tunnel, follow it to Krall's base, get inside the building and break out the crew.
Une équipe sera téléportée au bout du tunnel et le suivra jusqu'au QG de Krall, pénétrera à l'intérieur et libérera l'équipage.
He couldn't get it out his mouth.
Ça sortait pas.
I ain't trying to get all up between you and Rose's business, but work it, so it come out right.
Je veux pas me mêler de vos affaires, mais... arrange ça.
Still helps me get out of bed in the morning. As long as it do that, I'm gonna stick with it, try to make some sense out of it.
Tant que ça me fait me lever le matin, je m'y tiens, ça me donne un but.
It's like, I throw the junk and you get yourself out.
Je lance, et tu te retires tout seul.
I thought he had a plan, you know... but he acted like he had just figured out the math of it all- - that we weren't gonna get back before dark... and the night would freeze us solid.
Je croyais qu'il avait un plan. Mais il a fait celui qui venait de comprendre qu'on ne pourrait pas rentrer avant la nuit et qu'on allait geler.
If you do follow my advice and marry DeCourcy, it will be indispensable for you to get Manwaring out of the way.
Si vous épousez DeCourcy, il vous faudra écarter Manwaring.
Now, if we can get it to them, they can clear our names and get us the hell out of here.
Si on les contacte, ils nous arrangeront quelque chose et nous feront sortir d'ici.
It's gonna get pretty photogenic out there.
Ce sera très photogénique.
We go there, we wait it out and we get an extraction.
On y va, on reprend des forces - et on procède à l'extraction.
Well, this ain't gonna get him out, is it?
C'est pas ça qui va le faire sortir.
Take this back, and get the hell out of here back to Kiev or wherever it is that you came from.
Reprenez ça et fichez le camp d'ici. Retournez à Kiev, ou peu importe d'où vous venez.
I thought maybe she could get something out of it.
Je pensais qu'elle pourrait obtenir quelque chose.
- Did we get it? They're out, think it's crashing!
- On a réussi?
get it out of your system 27
get it out of here 61
get it out of me 20
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it out of here 61
get it out of me 20
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136