Great talk tradutor Francês
598 parallel translation
He came back last week with great talk... of lying in a lake of fire without you- - how he had to see you to live.
Il est revenu en disant qu'il brûlait de ne pas vous voir. Que vous étiez sa raison de vivre.
That was great talk. Pearl and me used to have them same conversations before we got married.
Pearl et moi on s'est dit les mêmes bêtises, avant le mariage.
Say, there's a great new mulch for replanting I wanted to talk to you about.
Je voulais parler de ce nouveau compost qu'on utilise pour replanter.
I've got a great many things to talk over with you.
J'ai un grand nombre de choses à discuter avec toi.
But Billings is coming to talk to you about the great American tour.
Mais M.Billings doit vous parler de votre tournée en Amérique!
If I were to talk to an iceberg about the great suffering in my heart even the iceberg would melt.
( azeri ) Si je confie ma peine à la montagne, la montagne en larmes fondra!
He's a great kidder. Always with the double talk.
Il adore faire marcher les gens.
Well tell him that the Great White Father, who speaks with lightening over the singing wire, is sorry for the wounding of his Indian son, BUT that lightning talk is strong medicine and it MUST go through. 739.5 01 : 08 : 03,157 - - 01 : 08 : 09,332 [Shaw relays Creighton's message in the Indian language.]
Le Grand Chef Blanc à la Parole de Feu des Fils Chantants est triste que son fils soit blessé, mais Parole de Feu est une médecine puissante qui doit passer.
Can you talk to Rama, the great herd bull?
Tu peux parler à Ramma le grand taureau rouge?
You must have a great deal to talk about.
Vous avez des choses à vous dire.
Well, if we did talk a great deal, I mean, I imagine we'd find we like all the same things.
Si nous parlions, j'imagine que nous ne découvririons que des points communs.
I think if I liked someone a great deal, I'd want to talk about it all the time.
Si j'appréciais énormément quelqu'un, je voudrais lui parler tout le temps.
It's a great pity I cannot talk to them.
Si seulement je pouvais leur parler...
Any bricklayer at all makes more than they pay my boss... and him a great leader of men... a grand officer like Major Koehler, USA. I had a talk with him today.
Un bon maçon, un mauvais maçon... n'importe quel maçon gagne plus que mon patron... un excellent meneur d'hommes... un grand officier des etats-Unis, ce commandant koehler.
Look at them while you talk to me because I want them to have a good look at a great reporter.
Regardez-les en me parlant, car je veux qu'ils puissent bien voir un grand journaliste.
We came to talk treaty with the great chief.
Nous sommes là pour négocier avec le grand chef.
Be great for two normal guys to get together and talk about world events, in a normal way.
Deux gars normaux devraient discuter ensemble normalement.
I would deem it a great privilege to talk with you again.
Ce serait un grand privilège de parler encore avec vous.
I think there's a great deal to talk about.
Je crois qu'il y a beaucoup à dire.
First you talk of great art, then you're itching for money and can't get enough of it.
Un jour vous parlez du grand art, un autre vous n'en avez qu'après l'argent.
People who see the bust there, will talk about the famous Sir Francis.. Who in so many great criminal cases, saw that justice was done on their behalf
Les gens qui voient le buste évoqueront le célèbre Sir Francis, qui a appliqué la justice à leur bénéfice dans tant d'affaires criminelles.
Once in Kyoto, I heard a great priest talk.
J'ai entendu une fois un grand prêtre...
You talk a great game, but I think you're a sheep in wolf's clothing.
Tu causes beaucoup, Larry, mais tu es un agneau déguisé en loup.
I want you to go back and talk to your great-grandfather.
Retourne parler à ton arrière-grand-père.
If we talk bouquet, not great.
Si on parle bouquet, pas fameux.
All they talk about is my little brother who always writes to the Great Pumpkin.
On ne parle que de mon petit frêre qui écrit â la Grosse Citrouille.
- Don't talk like that. The Great Pumpkin knows what kids have been good and what kids have been bad.
La Grosse Citrouille sait qui a été sage et qui a été vilain.
I have decided to talk, to break the cycle of death... a great burden to me.
" Je n'en peux plus. J'ai décidé de parler,
I want to talk to Nestor the Great.
Pour parler à Nestor le Grand.
It's a great piece of double-talk.
C'est de la pure langue de bois.
- Those folks won't listen! They talk when I sing! I'm a great artist!
Parce qu'ils chahutent quand je chante.
I know you scientists will have a great deal to talk about, everything far over my head, so if you will excuse me.
Je sais que vous scientifiques avez beaucoup à vous dire, tout cela me dépasse. Alors, si vous voulez bien m'excuser.
They all talk about love, those great men. But at the start of their discussion...
Ils ont discuté de l'opinion de Homère, qui n'est pas d'accord...
When went there by an age, since the great flood, when could they say till now, that talk'd of Rome, that her wide walls encompass'd but one man?
A quelle époque depuis le grand déluge, a-t-on pu dire, jusqu'a aujourd'hui, en parlant de Rome : "ses vastes murs n'enfermaient qu'un seul homme"?
You talk as if this is some great civilized, non-violent place
Vous parlez comme si nous étions un pays civilisé et non-violent.
Great grandmother wants to talk to you!
- La Grande dame veut vous parler.
It's great to have someone to talk to I bet you'd like to use that rifle again.
C'est génial d'avoir quelqu'un à qui parler, je parie que vous aimeriez vous servir de....... ce fusil encore un fois.
Great minds have always recognized the importance of music in a country. But here, all they can talk about is waste of money.
Les grands esprits ont toujours reconnu l'importance de la musique, mais ici on ne parle que d'argent!
- Great. Can we talk later?
On parlera de ça plus tard.
- How do you do? ... instead of Correggio, we could talk about the great Emilian's workshop.
Plutôt que parler du Corrège, nous pourrions parler de l'atelier du grand peintre.
There's been a great deal of talk about flying machines, although so far no one's been able to get more than a few feet off the ground.
On a beaucoup entendu parler d'engins volants... bien que personne n'ait pu décoller de plus de quelques mètres.
Over here we may talk about the House openly But when you enter the boxer's world A mere mention of the name of the House... is likely to put you in great danger
Mais quand tu seras à l'extérieur, tu risques fort d'être tué rien qu'en prononçant le nom de cette école.
I went to talk to her today. Her last album's on the charts and it's doing great in Australia and France.
Son dernier disque bat des records de vente.
Joanna and I talk a great deal.
Joanna et moi, on parle beaucoup.
Well, just tell her I called. This is Conrad calling. Tell her I'm feeling great and I just wanted to talk to her.
Dites-lui que Conrad a appelé, que je vais très bien et que je voulais lui parler.
The Great 0mnicognate Neutron Wrangler could talk all four legs off an Arcturan megadonkey, but only I could persuade it to go for a walk afterwards!
Le Giga-Neutronisateur Omniscient Hyperbolique! Il pourrait casser les pieds d'un mégabaudet d'Arcturus que je serais encore capable de le faire tourner en bourrique ensuite.
You know, Gordon Craig used to talk about... why is there gold or silver in the churches or something - the great cathedrals... when actors could be wearing gold and silver?
Gordon Craig disait : "L'or et l'argent sont réservés aux cathédrales, " mais on devrait en revêtir les acteurs! "
Tonight you and I are going to talk in great detail about the Davis Agreement, all the associated treaties, and the American Revolution in particular.
Ce soir, nous parlerons en détail de l'accord Davis.. des traités qui lui sont associés et de la révolution américaine.
But the pleasures of the court, Sire, the music, the talk, the hunts and the balls and the great feasts -
Mais et les plaisirs de la cour, Sire, la musique, les discussions, la chasse, les bals, et les grandes fêtes.
You can talk about the Steelers-Bears game Saturday or you could reminisce about really great World Series.
Vous pouvez parler du match de samedi : Steelers contre Bears, ou vous pouvez évoquer les championnats passés.
I'll talk to you later. Great.
On en parlera plus tard.
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19