He came to us tradutor Francês
412 parallel translation
Now remember, long ago he came to us and asked us, and we said :
C'est nous qui lui avons dit :
He came to us by way of the Scots Guards, but he's our best engineer.
Il vient de la garde écossaise. C'est notre meilleur ingénieur.
He came to us as a chauffeur about...
Il est venu chez nous comme chauffeur il y a environ...
D.A., slugs Martin just came in. He's afraid that mannion will get him now. Wants us to put him in jail.
Slugs demande qu'on l'enferme.
He came over here to knock us off, but we convinced him he was wrong.
Il était ici pour nous arrêter, mais on l'a convaincu qu'il avait tort.
Yes. He came by this morning, asking us to put him up.
Eh bien, il a déboulé ce matin chez nous pour s'y installer!
Mr. Havisham, he's a lawyer, came all the way from England to tell us about it.
Désolé mais c'est vrai, M. Hobbs. M. Havisham, un avocat venu d'Angleterre, nous l'a dit.
Well, you see, as I said, he'd been working for us for some time, when one day he came to me and said,
Donc, il travaillait pour nous depuis un moment, et un jour il est venu et m'a dit : " M. Gray,
He came to our house and tried to rip us both off.
Tu te rappelles... quand il a voulu nous rouler tous deux?
I owe it to him. He helped us when we came to America.
II nous a aidés à notre arrivée.
It was almost midnight when he came to the end and none of us had noticed.
Il était minuit quand il termina et personne ne s'en était aperçu.
He came here to rob us.
Il est venu ici pour nous voler.
He came to warn us, he has done us a favor.
Il est venu pour nous prévenir.
He came out of the bushes. He started talking to us.
Il a surgi d'un buisson et nous a parlé.
Father told us that he came to see him at the jute works.
Il était allé visiter l'usine.
He asked us to come, we came.
On nous demandé de venir et nous sommes venus.
and he came to see us soon after.
et il est venu nous voir peu après.
And Mr. Slade came to us the night of the other murder... and all he had with him was a little black bag.
Quand M. Slade est arrivé le soir de l'autre meurtre... tout ce qu'il avait avec lui était une sacoche noire.
Remember that night when he came to visit us in Marseille? Would you ever have dreamed it then?
Quand on l'a connu, à Marseille, tu aurais imaginé ça?
He came there that night to make up a lie about us.
Il était venu mettre au point un alibi.
I remember soon after Father came back, he took us to the zoo
Juste après son retour, Père, nous a emmenées au zoo. Je m'en souviens.
You see, my pa wasn't much for fancy when it came to giving out names, so he just named us by the numbers and let it go at that.
Mon père ne voulait pas s'embêter à nous trouver des noms, alors il nous a donné des numéros.
His Majesty had come to salute us, and when he was about to leave, he turned quickly, came towards me, shook my hand and said softly :
Sa Majesté est venue nous saluer et prendre congé de nous. Au moment de nous quitter, il s'est retourné rapidement, est venu vers moi, m'a serré la main et m'a dit à voix basse :
He is a man who came to us not packing a gun, but carrying instead a bag of law books.
Il est venu, non pas avec un fusil, mais avec des livres de lois.
Can you tell us how he came to be shot?
Pouvez-vous nous dire comment ça s'est passé?
Za told one of us to watch and guard them until he came out of the Cave of Skulls!
Za a dit à l'un d'entre nous de surveiller jusqu'à ce qu'il sorte de la Grotte des Crânes!
He soon came out of prison and took us to the city, although Grandfather protested, and said that it would be better for us not to grow up among the ruins.
Il revint tôt de captivité.
During the too - short time of his being with us as a man, and as a commander, he endeared himself to all who came into personal contact with him,
Pendant son trop court séjour parmi nous, cet homme, ce commandant a su se faire apprécier de ceux qui l'ont côtoyé.
Then one of them, the bravest one he came up to us and squatted down beside Katarina.
Puis l'un des deux, le plus courageux, approcha et s'accroupit à côté de Katarina.
When he came to give us a piece of his mind...
Quand il est arrivé pour nous faire part de son point de vue...
Father Diego La Matina of Ragalbuto, who came from his hometown, to describe how this friar was condemned to the stake, for having asked for and wanted justice, and to he p us understand how these customs have been continuously recurring overthe centuries.
A comrade came to the camp. Prison camp number 2 at Dranitsa. He talked to us.
Un camarade est entré au camp, au camp de prisonniers de guerre de Dranica.
We don't know about before he came to see us.
Je ne sais pas. Mais comme il passait presque toujours par Fukushima, il a eu largement le temps de l'encaisser.
He went ahead to start things for us, and if he came back for us, it would just... be a waste.
J'espère qu'il ne viendra pas. S'il revenait nous chercher, ce serait... du temps perdu. Ça n'avancerait à rien.
Yes he came to attack us, I felt it.
Oui il venait nous agresser, je l'ai senti.
He's Cassidy, one of the gringos who came to fight with us under Juarez.
Un des Américains qui luttaient à nos côtés sous Juarez.
In the old days we used to say, "He came to redeem and save us."
Jadis, on disait : "Il est venu racheter nos péchés et nous sauver."
See, I had this cousin, Harvey, who came to visit us, and he was smoking.
Mon cousin Harvey était venu nous voir et il fumait.
He came here to invite us to a party that he's giving, Saturday night.
Il est venu nous inviter à une fête qu'il donne samedi soir.
Maybe you made sure he'd follow us You knew, didn't you? I came also to break up with you
Je n'arrive plus à savoir si je vous ai vu parce que je vous aimais, ou pour avoir un secret à lui cacher.
Nels told us all to all be there at 8 : 30 at the back, so we could come in with him when he came home. The surprise bit.
- Nelson nous a tous conviés à 20h30 pour pouvoir faire la surprise à Victoria.
I said, "Let's wait. Miracles happen." Taicher, who had disappeared, I thought he had deserted us, came back with a parcel wrapped in newspaper containing $ 300.000 and gave it to me.
J'ai dit : "Je crois aux miracles." Taicher, qui avait disparu - je le croyais parti - est revenu avec un paquet emballé dans du journal et qui contenait 300000 dollars.
He'd left the place, and when he came back, he asked us to get the violin left in the house.
Il avait foutu le camp, bien sûr, puis il est revenu et nous a demandé d'aller chercher son violon oublié dans sa chambre.
He lives with us since he came to our land.
Il vit avec nous depuis qu'il est arrivé ici.
He saw us and he came in low, and three hours later... a big fat PBY comes down and starts to pick us up.
Il nous a vus, et trois heures plus tard, un gros P.B.Y. est arrivé et s'est mis à nous récupérer.
A bald guy came up to us and said he was a glass collector.
Un type chauve. Un soi-disant collectionneur.
And if, at the end, he must appear as he did let us allow him to begin again as we all do when we came into the world
Et comment pourrions-nous vivre sans ce travail? Il doit avoir sa chance.
He used to wait for us every afternoon when we came back.
Il allait nous attendre tous les après-midi quand on revenait.
Father Carlo came today, he came here just for us and told me there is a possibility to send
Frère Carlo est venu aujourd'hui, Il est venu rien que pour nous et il m'a dit... qu'il y avait une possibilité de faire partir...
He came home to us. Came to me, his father, for protection.
Il est venu vers nous... vers moi, son père, pour être protégé.
He came up to us and began to speak to the workers.
Il vient vers nous et commence à parler aux ouvriers.
he came 86
he came to me 86
he came at me 30
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
to us 492
he came to me 86
he came at me 30
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
to us 492
he can't swim 20
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19