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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He got scared

He got scared tradutor Francês

236 parallel translation
I think he got scared.
Je crois qu'il a eu peur.
- Yesterday he got scared of a calf.
- Il a eu peur d'un veau hier.
He got scared and ran away.
Giorgio a eu peur, il s'est barré.
That's why he got scared
C'est pour ça qu'il a peur.
In a flare. He got scared and stood up.
Il a pris peur et s'est mis debout.
He got scared this time, because she was watching too closely.
Elle les regardait de trop près.
He got scared.
Il a eu peur.
He got scared and lost his mother in the crowd.
Il s'est affolé et a perdu sa mère dans la foule.
I yelled at him, he got scared and left.
Je lui ai crié dessus, et ça l'a fait fuir.
Monsieur le juge, quand il était petit et qu'il avait peur, il faisait pareil.
I guess he got scared and he hit me.
Il a dû avoir peur et m'a frappé.
And he got scared.
Il a eu peur.
Then I started working here for Chalkie... till he got scared of the bad element.
Les voyous ont mis le grappin sur le quartier, et lui, il a mis en vente.
He got scared.
Et il a eu peur.
I think he got scared.
Une soudaine frayeur.
When his old man came, he got scared.
Quand son père est venu, il a eu peur.
And when you came here with him, he got scared of being caught.
Ravi a avoué dans sa lettre de suicide qu'il était l'amoureux de Seema, et son tueur aussi.
He got scared and fired!
Il a pris peur et a tiré en l'air.
... I thought he was gonna kill me, but he got scared.
J'ai cru qu'il allait me tuer... mais il a pris peur.
If he'd done like I told him, we wouldn't be in this mess, but he got scared, and...
S'il m'avait écouté, on ne serait pas dans ce pétrin. Mais il a eu peur.
- Well, Mr. Denham got him. The rest of us were running scared. He had the nerve to stand there and chuck bombs.
M. Denham, seul, a osé l'approcher pour lancer les bombes.
He's got me scared to death with that meat ax he carries.
Il me fiche la pétoche avec son hachoir.
It's got things in there, like where he says he was so scared he couldn't sleep nights.
Il vide son sac. Il dit qu'il a trop peur pour dormir.
- That's why I'm scared! He's got nothing more to lose.
- D'où ma peur car il n'a plus rien à perdre.
Yes, but he just got scared.
Mais plus vraiment d'humeur.
Any chance he got scared off?
Le téléphone sur écoute et les sorties sont bloquées C'est mauvais. Il a une chance de s'en sortir?
When he saw you were my wife, he got very scared, went on the attack.
Te sachant ma femme, il a eu peur.
Well, he came in and wanted to know what I was doing and when he said he was a cop, I got scared. So I said I was waiting for my uncle and then you came in.
II voulait savoir ce que je faisais ici, c'était un flic et j'ai eu peur, alors j'ai dit que j'attendais mon oncle.
You got scared he'd change his will.
Tu as eu peur qu'il modifie son testament.
He's more scared than his wife. Funny about a man. Funny that the woman got such a hold on him.
C'est drôle pour un homme de laisser une femme avoir tant de prise sur lui.
Nothing. He got a bit scared.
Rien, il a eu un peu peur.
Possibly Gan Wen Bin got scared that he knew too much and killed him
Il en savait trop. Gan Wen-bin l'a certainement fait taire.
The officer scared him today, so he got disoriented.
L'officier lui a fait peur, ça l'a désorienté.
Aw, he's got you so you're scared to move, Captain.
Il vous paralyse de peur.
And afterwards you got scared and split, while he lay there, bleeding to death. Right? You ran!
Après l'accident, vous avez fui en le laissant se vider de son sang.
And I don't know him and he's just staring at me out here, you know and I was inside and I got scared I run out on the porch and I called you, and he's still here.
Je ne le connais pas et il me fixe. J'étais à l'intérieur, j'ai eu peur, j'ai couru dehors et je vous ai appelé. Il est toujours là.
Look it, he's got you scared to death.
Vois comment il t'a fichu la trouille.
He got all white, scared to death.
Pulford était content. Il a du respect pour vous.
Goddamn it, if he had done such a good job on those guys from Houston they wouldn't have got scared.
S'il avait fait son boulot, ces gars de Houston n'auraient pas eu peur.
Your brother Anton, Who never Wanted to fly... Who kept his feet on the ground, he Was never as scared as you. You always got scared.
Ton frére Anton, qui n'a jamais voulu voler... qui a les pieds sur terre, il n'avait pas la chair de poule comme toi.
She's got everybody around here scared shitless, and he calls her "Anne" for Christ's sakes!
Elle fout la pétoche à tout le monde et lui, il l'appelle Anne!
He's got some information on the Japanese, but he's scared to death of them.
Il à reçu des informations sur les Japonais, mais il en a très peur.
And El Gato's running scared like he's got hellhounds on his tail.
El Gato est complètement mort de trouille.
I talked to this guy and he says I got scared.
On me dit que j'ai eu peur.
I got all wimpy scared, but my grandpa, he said to me, he says, "Bud."
J'avais la trouille, mais mon grand-père m'a dit... Il a dit : "Bud..."
- Yeah. He figures he got you scared.
Il s'imagine qu'il t'a fait peur.
Yeah, I heard in this one town the projector guy got so scared he died.
Ah ouais! J'en ai entendu parler! C'est celui où un projectionniste a eu si peur qu'il en est mort!
He got a seizure, you got scared, and you ran out.
Il a une attaque, tu as pris peur et tu t'es enfui.
Vanessa and I got scared... He said it was very easy to make such stuff.
Vanessa et moi avons eu peur car il disait qu'il était simple de faire ce genre de film.
He knew he was gonna be very scared as he got closer to the fight.
Il savait qu'il allait avoir peur, plus le match approcherait.
He said that some of the people in his squad got scared and ran.
Il a dit que des hommes avaient pris peur et fui.

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