He got shot tradutor Francês
781 parallel translation
Well, Wash... My pa had these on that day down in Tombstone... but he got shot in the back.
Eh bien, Wash... mon pere avait ça sur lui, ce jour-la, a Tombstone... quand on lui a tiré dans le dos.
I didn't ask you how he got shot.
Je ne vous ai pas demandé comment il a été blessé.
I got separated. - He got shot in the head.
Il est blessé à la tête.
Maybe he got shot.
Il a peut-être eu une balle dans l'œil.
I know a guy who broke jail once, he got shot in the back.
J'ai connu un type qui s'est évadé. On lui a tiré dans le dos.
That's why he got shot, or did Carlos tell you that, too?
C'est pourquoi on l'a tué. Il vous a dit ça aussi?
He dropped like he got shot in the head.
Il est tombé comme si une balle l'avait tué net.
He got shot in a liquor store job.
Il s'est fait descendre pour quelques dollars.
- He got shot.
- Il s'est fait tuer.
He got shot in the neck while we was gettin'away.
Quelqu'un lui a tiré dans le cou alors qu'on s'enfuyait.
I was in a poker game when he got shot, but I didn't kill him.
J'étais là quand on l'a flingué mais c'était pas moi.
- He went for his gun and he got shot.
Il a dégainé et il s'est fait buter.
But the one that you gave to Mr. Stone was only ruined four days ago when he got shot.
Celle de Stone a été abîmée il y a 4 jours, à sa mort.
Because he got shot in the back in a whorehouse?
Parce qu'il a été abattu dans un bordel?
I was there the night he got shot in that, shall we say, house of ill repute?
J'étais là quand il a été abattu dans ce lieu mal famé.
He got shot up today, so we're taking the opportunity to replace the visual cortex.
Rien. Il a été tué, alors on en profite pour changer son cortex visuel.
I heard somebody in Detroit got to Flaherty and told him to start working on a dancer at the Bronze Peacock if he wanted to find out who shot McClure.
Je sais qu'à Détroit quelqu'un a dit à Flaherty de cuisiner le danseur du Bronze Peacock s'il veut savoir qui a descendu McClure.
I can live! - He's got a shot in his arm!
Je vais pouvoir vivre!
So he got his gun out from under his pillow and he aimed... and he shot a great big hole right through his own foot.
Il a sorti son pistolet, il a tiré et il a fait un trou dans son pied. - Non!
In the second place, if Luke did get shot he's got two brothers just as ornery as he is.
Secundo, si Luke trinquait, il a deux frères de son calibre.
He took care of me when I got shot.
Il a pris soin de moi quand j'ai été blessé.
- but once he got in the ring... - So they shot him.
- mais une fois sur le ring...
He'd have looked you up and down, licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear. You could have stood as close to him as you liked and shot him with a gun you got from Thursby that night.
Il a dû te reluquer, tu l'as vampé et lui as troué la peau avec l'arme de Thursby!
Took a shot at him but he got away.
- ll s'en est tiré.
You mean he might have got shot by a Jerry.
Se faire tuer par un Boche?
He just got a little shot up.
Séquelles de guerre, c'est tout.
He got his spine shot in two.
II avait pris deux balles dans Ie dos.
- He shot himself. - The gifts he got!
Tous ces cadeaux, tous ces pots de vin...
Dude took a shot at Lengthy, tried to get him in the back of the head... just when he thought he'd got you.
Dis-lui de venir ici.
- Too good. That street light was right on his face, when he got out of his car and shot at me.
J'ai vu son visage quand il m'a tiré dessus.
He thinks he's a big shot because he's got guts.
Et il se prend pour un caïd, sous prétexte qu'il est courageux.
That fellow that got shot's a prime minister, isn't he?
Ce type qui a été blessé, c'est le Premier Ministre.
He got a shot in the head.
Ah, si. Un coup de fusil lui a explosé le crâne.
Manion came in and fired the minute he got inside that door and the first shot went through Barney's heart.
Seulement, Manion a fait feu á la minute même où il franchissait la porte, et la première balle a touché Barney au cœur.
He says "What's doing?" "I got a big hotel." Big shot.
Je dis : "J'ai un grand hôtel et j'ai une proposition."
I don't think Joe's got a friend in the world, and he won't have any unless somebody buys'em for him at $ 50 a head, like the fella that shot Wheeler.
Joe n'a pas un seul ami au monde. Et il n'en aura pas à moins qu'on ne paie un homme 50 $. Comme celui qui a tué Wheeler.
Yes, I know, dear. He's got a gun and everything, but he's never shot anybody.
II a un revolver, mais il n'a jamais tué personne.
It was just that when he got to gambling and hitting that bottle... _ How long after the game was he shot?
Mais quand il a commencé à jouer et à boire... - On l'a tué quand?
I-I-I got no pianist on account he was shot last week ;
J'ai pas de pianiste, il s'est fait descendre la semaine dernière.
He never fired that shot, they've got no right to arrest him.
C'est pas lui qui a tiré, ils n'avaient pas le droit de l'arrêter.
He's the guy Turpin shot in my office, and then you got Turpin.
Turpin l'a blessé et tu as tué Turpin.
I've got one of the two Colts taken off John Wesley Hardin... by Cons. John Selman... after he shot Hardin behind the right ear... in the Acme Saloon in El Paso on a Monday afternoon.
J'ai un des deux colts que le constable John Selman avait pris à John Wesley Hardin, après l'avoir touché derrière l'oreille droite à l'Acme Saloon à El Paso lundi après-midi.
I've got an officer with a family. And he's shot up pretty bad.
J'ai un agent avec une famille, il est sérieusement blessé.
I got up this morning, and I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he ever...
Je me suis réveillé ce matin... et j'ai tué un éléphant en pyjama.
First battle he got into, an enlisted man named Tom shot him.
Lors de sa première bataille, Tom, un simple soldat, le tua.
One night, he walked in on us, got her with the first shot... got me here with the second.
Un soir, il nous a trouvés. II l'a tuée avec la 1re balle et m'a blessé avec la 2e.
He means that Fairy Feet Hornsby... deployed his forces with such a masterly grasp of tactics... half of us got ourselves shot by the other bloody half.
Il veut dire que notre petit Hornsby a déployé ses forces avec une tactique tellement infaillible qu'on s'est entretués.
He got shipped out of combat area It was good cose you can get shot
Il a été transféré de la zone des combats ça valait mieux parce qu'on peut se faire tuer
So Mr. Norris was in the screening room, he's watchin'a film, and for some reason, he got up and came out in the lobby and somebody shot him.
Alors M. Norris regarde un film dans la salle de projection. Il sort, va dans le couloir et se fait tirer dessus.
No, it's peculiar that you would walk into the lobby... and see a man that was lying on the floor, he just got shot.
Vous arrivez dans le couloir.
My old man.... Honey, he ain't talked to me since the day Kennedy got shot.
Mon bonhomme m'adresse plus la parole depuis que Kennedy a été tué.
he got it 62
he got caught 17
he got scared 18
he got fired 16
he got up 23
he got 53
he got mad 16
he got me 33
he got you 25
he got what he deserved 41
he got caught 17
he got scared 18
he got fired 16
he got up 23
he got 53
he got mad 16
he got me 33
he got you 25
he got what he deserved 41
he got angry 18
he got away 151
he got him 20
he got what he wanted 17
he got out 64
he got lucky 28
shot 343
shotgun 189
shots 161
shots fired 329
he got away 151
he got him 20
he got what he wanted 17
he got out 64
he got lucky 28
shot 343
shotgun 189
shots 161
shots fired 329