How was i tradutor Francês
14,160 parallel translation
Now, how was I able to drink that so fast?
Pourquoi est-ce que j'ai pu boire aussi vite?
He saw how desperate I was.
Il a vu à quel point j'étais désespéré.
I got so tongue-tied, trying to tell him how hard-working I was, he thought I was asking if I could clean the windows.
J'étais si timide, essayant de lui dire combien j'étais travailleur, il a cru que je demandais si je pouvais laver les vitres.
You know, I live in my parents basement, I broke up with Dylan, I was depressed about how much I ate at Thanksgiving...
Tu sais, je vis dans le sous-sol de mes parents, j'ai cassé avec Dylan, j'étais déprimée car j'ai repensé à quel point j'ai mangé à Thanksgiving...
I don't know how long it was, actually.
Je ne sais pas combien de temps il était, en fait.
Do you remember when you were watching Vinesof explosions and I was learning how to hack?
Vous souvenez-vous quand vous étiez en train de regarder les explosions Vinesof et je suis d'apprendre à pirater?
How and when I'm trained to use lethal force, that I was gonna shoot Casey?
Comment et quand je suis formé à utiliser la force meurtrière, que je allais tournage Casey?
No, no, it's just, I, um, I was wanting to see how you... liked it here.
Non, non, c'est juste, je voulais voir comment vous vous plaisiez ici.
Annelise, tell her how happy I was when-when same sex marriage got legalized. Tell her, tell her.
Dis-leur combien j'étais heureux quand le mariage homosexuel a été légalisé.
Mom, you know, you always say how great my preschool was, but I do live in your guest house.
Tu dis toujours combien ma maternelle était géniale, mais je vis dans ta dépendance.
And now my son wants Edie to go to this pretentious private school, and I just remember how this was such a special place for Gerald.
Et maintenant mon fils veut qu'Edie aille dans cette prétentieuse école privée, et je me souviens à quel point cet endroit était spécial pour Gerald.
How I was hacked.
Comment j'ai été hacké.
And I was also like, "how is this happening to me?"
Et moi aussi je me suis dis : "pourquoi ça m'arrive à moi?"
I didn't realize how late it was.
Je ne savais pas comment il était tard.
Well, the truth is, like, I mean, just thinking about you getting sick, it was a blessing because it made me realize what a fool I had been and how lucky I am.
Eh bien, la vérité est, comme, je veux dire, juste à y penser vous de tomber malade, il était une bénédiction parce qu'il m'a fait réaliser Quel idiot je avais été et comment je suis chanceux.
How did you even know I was here?
Comment tu as su que j'étais là?
Do I have an emotionally charged speech that lays out how great this man was during his 20 years as chief?
Est-ce que j'ai un discours chargé d'émotion qui décrit quel homme génial c'était durant ces 20 années en tant que chef?
I understand how you feel, but he stayed out of trouble the whole time he was in prison.
Je comprends ce que tu ressens, mais il est resté en dehors des problèmes tout le temps où il était en prison.
When you came into my home and tried to drag Carter out, I told her to go with you, that it was the right thing to do, and this is how you repay me?
Quand tu es venue chez moi en essayant de traîner Carter dehors, je lui ai dit de venir avec toi, que c'était la bonne chose à faire, et c'est comme ça que tu me rembourses?
I was wondering how long it was gonna take until you rubbed that in.
Je me demandais combien de temps ça te prendrait pour mettre ça sur le tapis.
The only time that I ever went to a seminar was how to escape the trunk of a car when your hands are tied behind your back.
Le seul séminaire où je me suis rendue était : Comment sortir du coffre d'une voiture en ayant les mains liées derrière le dos.
What I was gonna ask is, how's the diaper business going?
J'allais te demander comment se portait la vente des couches?
But I don't think it'll look too good for you when I spread the word of how easy it was to blow you out of a multimillion-dollar claim for 80 grand.
Mais votre image en souffrira quand je raconterai combien c'est facile de vous expulser d'une réclamations de plusieurs millions, pour seulement 80.000 dollars.
How can I be going to jail for something that I didn't do, that was... it was never gonna happen?
Comment puis-je aller en prison alors que je n'ai rien fait, c'est... ça ne devait pas se passer comme ça.
And I'm listening to Michael confessing how he let the person go who was involved in the kidnapping of my son.
Et j'écoute Michael avouer comment il a laissé s'enfuir la personne impliquée dans le kidnapping de mon fils.
I think Steven was a representative in that case of the entire Avery family and how the Sheriff's Department saw them as kind of a problem and definitely, uh, undesirable members of the community, for lack of a better term.
ÉTAT DU WISCONSIN CONTRE STEVEN A. AVERY Steven représentant toute la famille dans cette affaire... PLAINTE DEPOSÉE LE 4 JANVIER 1985... et le bureau du shérif les voyait comme un problème et des membres indésirables de la communauté, si on peut dire.
I didn't know how else to take it, other than that he was worried about his exposure. That something about Gregory Allen was in his file.
Je ne vois pas d'autre explication... qu'il s'inquiétait de sa propre implication, si on parlait de Gregory Allen dans son dossier.
I remember how excited I was the first time.
Je me rappelle à quel point j'étais excitée la première fois.
- How do you know I was in Mexico?
Comment sais-tu que j'étais à Mexico?
So Rufus hired a P.I. to find this Nicholas, but when the P.I. found out how much the Merlin was worth, he killed Rufus and went looking for Ducky's brother himself.
Donc, Rufus a engagé un privé pour trouver Nicholas, mais quand le privé a découvert la valeur du Merlin, il a tué Rufus et il a recherché le frère de Ducky. - C'est là qu'il a contacté Ducky.
I thought it was just awesome how endangered he is as an accused.
C'était confondant de voir à quel point il était en péril en tant qu'accusé.
Two weeks before I was released from jail, investigators were gonna bring in pictures to show me of Teresa's body and how it was burnt, and there was still muscle tissues on the bones.
Deux semaines avant que je sorte de prison, des enquêteurs m'ont montré des photos... du corps de Teresa, comment il a été brûlé, il restait des bouts de muscles sur les os.
He reminds me of how I was before I met Master.
Ce type me rappelle celui que j'étais avant.
My dear, how could I have known, when I said I was Mr. Paillardin, that you had said you were Mrs. Pinglet?
Mais, ma chere amie... je ne pouvais pas deviner, quand j'ai dit que je m'appelais M. Paillardin, que vous aviez dit, vous, que vous vous appeliez Mme Pinglet!
[Peter] I'm only now beginning to understand how incredibly tough it was for him to not only survive but to take those amazing images as well.
Je commence à peine à réaliser combien ce fut difficile pour lui non seulement de survivre mais aussi de saisir ces images incroyables.
I remember when we watched Girl with a Pearl Earring, and you said how pretty you thought the girl's pearl earring was.
Dans La Jeune Fille à la perle, tu adorais sa boucle d'oreille.
About how bad I was going to do up there
La peur de me ramasser.
When you first came to me, you asked me how I was able to heal Jonathan Pangborn.
La première fois que vous êtes venu me voir, vous m'avez demandé comment j'avais soigné John Pangborn.
He was gonna fire you, but I reminded him of how the firm got the bid in the first place.
Il allait te virer, mais je lui ai rappelé comment la compagnie a eu le contrat.
I mean, she was on my ass about my e-mails, and my Facebook page, and how I dress in front of everybody.
Elle était sur mon dos pour mes e-mails, ma page Facebook et comment je m'habille devant tout le monde.
Apparently, you don't realize how lucky you were that I was there yesterday to relieve you of your excesses in energy'cause you were about to explode. Explode.
Tu ne comprends pas que tu as été chanceux Que je sois là hier, pour se débarrasser de l'excès d'énergie parce que tu étais près d'exploser.
And if I thought that was awkward... how would receive the news is on mom's election campaign for city council?
VOTEZ POUR PAMELA JONES SAUVEZ NOTRE SOCIÉTÉ DE LA RUINE J'avais trouvé ça compliqué, mais j'ignorais comment ça se passerait à la campagne de ma mère.
I was, like, "What? How's he do that?"
Je me demandais comment tu faisais.
And if I had to hear another goddamned story about Calvin "The Golden Jet" Joyner and how awesome you were in high school and how you were this big idiot's best friend, I was just gonna lose it.
Encore une fichue histoire sur Calvin "le Jet Doré" Joyner, sa super classe au lycée, et le meilleur ami de ce gros imbécile, et j'allais péter un plomb.
I mean, if El Toro was gonna kill me, how do I know she's gonna be all right?
Si El Toro allait me tuer, comment être sûr qu'elle ira bien?
And then suddenly everything exploded. And I don't know how but I was outside and Trevor didn't make it. Trevor!
- Et soudainement tout à explosé, et je ne sais pas comment je me suis retrouvée dehors, mais Trevor ne s'en est pas sorti.
How long was I out?
J'ai dormi longtemps?
My whole family kept telling me how lucky I was to have him.
Chez moi, on me disait sans arrêt la chance que j'avais de l'avoir.
Then Bob Dylan came out on the stage and I couldn't believe how little he was.
Puis Bob Dylan est arrivé sur scène et il était si petit, je n'en revenais pas.
And I just, I'd get this strange feeling, and Jack telling me how good it was.
J'ai commencé à avoir une impression bizarre. Jack me disait à quel point c'était génial.
I'm sorry, but that's how it was.
Désolée, mais c'est la vérité.
how was it 649
how was i supposed to know 62
how was i to know 16
how was i supposed to know that 17
how was your weekend 70
how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was i supposed to know 62
how was i to know 16
how was i supposed to know that 17
how was your weekend 70
how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your vacation 16
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how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was yours 38
how was the trip 59
how was your week 21
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31
how was your summer 31
how was school today 48
how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was yours 38
how was the trip 59