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I begged him tradutor Francês

326 parallel translation
I begged him to take it back.
Je l'ai supplié de le rendre.
Your Honor, he kept silent because I begged him to.
Il n'a rien dit à ma demande!
And I begged him not to say it.
J'ai voulu l'en empêcher.
I begged him to.
Je l'avais pourtant supplié.
- I did not. I begged him to forget it.
- Je l'ai imploré d'oublier cela.
I begged him not to do it.
Je l'ai supplié.
I begged him, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Je l'ai supplié, mais il ne voulait pas m'écouter!
Just paced up and down in the library, hour after hour. I begged him to let me in, but he wouldn't!
Il a arpenté la bibliothèque pendant des heures sans vouloir me laisser entrer.
- I begged him not to hurt you.
- Je l'ai supplié de ne pas te blesser.
Je l'ai supplié de ne pas le faire.
I begged him time and again not to pick up hitchhikers.
Je lui ai toujours dit de ne pas prendre d'auto-stoppeur.
I begged him not to invest his money with that swindler.
Je lui avais dit de ne pas confier d'argent à cet escroc.
I begged him not to go in the first place. But nobody listens to me.
Je l'ai supplié de ne pas s'engager, mais personne ne m'écoute.
I begged him, "Don't take that plane, Gaucho." But no, not him.
Je lui avais dit : "Ne prends pas l'avion!" Mais non, penses-tu!
- I begged him not to interfere.
- Je lui ai dit de ne pas s'en mêler.
I begged him to go for the doctor, but he fell on the couch and passed out.
Je l'ai supplié d'aller chercher le médecin, mais il s'est endormi.
I followed him all around the room this morning while he was shaving. I begged him to talk to me.
Je l'ai harcelé ce matin pendant qu'il se rasait.
Je l'ai supplié de ne pas faire ca.
I begged him to let me go back to the geisha house.
Je le suppliai de me renvoyer à la maison des geishas.
I begged him to stop.
Je l'ai supplié d'arrêter.
I begged him, but he refused.
Je l'ai supplié, mais il a refusé.
I begged him a thousand times...
J'ai demandé mille fois...
I begged him...
Je l'ai supplié...
It was just last night. He was sitting there at the supper table. I begged him not to go.
Hier soir, il dînait là.
It wasn't very ladylike, but I begged him.
C'était indigne d'une dame mais tant pis.
Do I flatter her I begged him answer
Dois-je la flatter, lui ai-je demandé.
I begged him to take it back.
Je l'ai prié de ramener le bijou.
I begged him several times But he said that since I've learnt the Crane Style... he didn't want me to learn both
Je lui ai demandé souvent de m'apprendre... il n'était pas bon de mélanger les deux styles
I begged him to let me go.
Je l'ai supplié de me laisser partir.
Birnbaum refused absolutely. I begged him to give me those points but he won't listen. You gotta talk to him.
J'ai supplié Birnbaum de me les donner, rien à faire ll faut que tu lui parles toi, papa
Not even if I begged him.
Même si je le suppliais.
I begged him not to.
Je l'ai supplié de renoncer.
One Christmas, when I was a kid, I begged him all fall for a set of paints.
Quand j'étais enfant, pour Noël, je l'avais supplié l'automne durant pour un ensemble de pinceaux.
Well, I took him out in a lorry and he begged for his life.
Je l'ai emmené dans un camion. Il m'a supplié.
Begged me to help him, but I refused.
Il m'a supplié de l'aider, mais j'ai refusé.
When Richard suggested a divorce, I went to Ruth and begged her to give him up.
Quand Richard a parlé de divorce... j'ai supplié Ruth de renoncer à lui.
He needled me, he begged for it and I let him have it, that's all.
Il m'a piqué et il a eu ce qu'il voulait, c'est tout.
Listen to me, it is I... It is I who begged him for this money!
Écoutez-moi, c'est moi... c'est moi qui lui ai demandé cet argent!
I was so scared, I ran and begged him to hide me, like a kid... He wouldn't... he turned me over to them.
J'étais terrifié, je l'ai supplié de me cacher, mais... il m'a dénoncé.
I scratched on his door and begged him to let me in.
Je l'ai supplié de m'ouvrir.
He begged me to help him, and I said no.
Il m'a supplié de l'aider, et j'ai refusé.
He begged me, could I find him a hiding place?
Il me supplie de trouver à le cacher.
I tried persuading him to marry me. In vain. I begged, I threatened, but he just got upset.
J'ai beau lui comprendre que je dois me marier tout de suite le supplier, le menacer, il se fâche.
All this I would have revealed long ago, had not Master Blifil begged me to give him another chance.
J'aurais tout révélé depuis longtemps, si maître Blifil ne m'avait pas supplié de lui donner une autre chance.
I'm telling him I wouldn't be his partner even he begged me!
On doit déjà partir? Je vais lui dire qu "on ne sera pas associés, même s" il me supplie!
I begged him to come back.
Je l'ai supplié de revenir.
I've begged him to see a specialist, but you men are all alike.
Je le supplie de se soigner, mais vous, les hommes...
I begged you to find him. Yeah, I said she was in trouble, that she was gonna get hurt.
Je vous avait dit qu'il lui ferait du mal.
I begged him to go.
- Moi?
I reached the president, begged him to stop.
J'ai rencontrer le Président pour lui dire d'arrêter.
I begged you to put him in the hospital
Je vous avais demandé de le muter.

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