I went inside tradutor Francês
249 parallel translation
Then I went inside and looked at the tomb where he lies.
Puis, je suis entré et j'ai vu le tombeau où il repose.
I ran into the place. As I went inside, I... saw Briggs look around and dashed towards the kitchen in the back.
Je suis vite entré dans le bar... et j'ai vu Briggs s'enfuir vers la cuisine.
I went inside and slept.
Je suis allée me coucher.
I went inside the fence... and I looked around for some kindlin'to work on, but I didn't see none.
Je suis entré dans le jardin... et j'ai cherché du petit bois à couper, mais j'en ai pas vu.
Been thinking about it ever since I went inside. "I'll never come back!" lsn't that what you swore to me?
Tu as dit que tu ne reviendrais jamais, non?
I went inside the barn.
Je suis entré.
Then I went inside.
Puis je suis rentrée.
Would you mind if I went inside and paid my respects?
Me permettez-vous d'aller me recueillir près de la dépouille?
I went inside and thought about why I was attracted to Chris.
Je suis entrée et je me suis demandé pourquoi j'avais été attirée par Chris.
I went inside the mall to the food fair... where the smell of caramel popcorn... and cleaning fluid so overwhelmed me... that I noticed my nakedness...
Je suis rentrée au niveau restauration, o l'odeur de popcorn et de produits de nettoyage... m'a tellement écoeurée que je me suis aperçue que j'étais nue.
Casually one night I went inside her while she was sleeping.
Pendant la nuit. Je suis rentré pendant qu'ils dormaient et hop!
After I went inside, her mama told her I was dead which, in a way, I was.
Quand on m'a coffré, sa mère lui a dit que j'étais mort, et c'était vrai, dans un sens.
Anyway, they gave me $ 100 but I forgot my sunglasses so I had to go back in, and when I went inside, I heard'em talking about killing somebody, and... and then they chased me, but I got away.
Ils m'ont donné 100 $, mais j'avais oublié mes lunettes. Je suis revenue et ils parlaient de tuer quelqu'un, ensuite ils m'ont poursuivie, mais j'ai pu m'échapper.
I stopped by the house to drop the car off and I went inside for a few minutes.
Je passais remettre la voiture et je suis entré quelques minutes.
I went inside, I told you that.
Je suis effectivement entré chez elle.
I went inside my closet, I got my stash out of the inside pocket of my sharkskin easter suit, and I got stoned.
Je suis allé a mon placard, a ma planque dans la poche intérieure de mon costume de Paques.
I stopped by the house to drop the car off and I went inside for a few minutes.
Je suis passé rapporter la voiture, et je suis entré un moment.
Frank and I went inside, identified ourselves as officers... but the place was empty except for the body.
Frank et moi, on est entrés, il n'y avait qu'un cadavre.
Yeah. I went inside.
Je suis entré.
I just went inside.
Je suis juste entré à l'intérieur.
But this morning when I went to the ticket office, the same man came inside and stood beside me.
Et ce matin, à l'agence de voyages, le même homme est entré.
I went into my apartment, and there they were all inside.
Je suis rentrée chez moi, et ils étaient tous à l'intérieur.
I laid my hand on your arm, I smiled to you, we went inside together.
.. j'ai posé ma main sur votre bras, je vous ai souri, vous avez senti..
When I heard all those stories about your romantic escapades, your savageness, your daring something inside of me always went limp and fluttery.
Quand j'ai entendu toutes ces histoires sur vos escapades romantiques, votre sauvagerie, votre audace, quelque chose en moi me rendait faible et palpitante.
- l was stunned, but when he went inside, I ran off like a thief.
- J'ai été pris de court, j'ai dit oui. Il est monté prendre sa valise etje me suis sauvé comme un voleur.
I stood up, went inside, washed off the blood, and put on a bandage.
Je me suis levée, suis entrée, j'ai lavé le sang et mis un pansement.
Well, as you can imagine, I mean, everything inside me went cold.
Evidemment, ça m'a glacée.
Would you mind if I went up and put them inside now?
Ça vous dérange si je les rentre?
The last time I went up with you, all I saw was the inside of a paper sack.
La dernière fois, je n'ai vu que l'intérieur d'un sac en papier.
Ever since Dom went, I f eel all empty inside.
Depuis que Dom est parti, je me sens vide à l'intérieur.
I felt it before, when I was a boy and I went inside.
Oui, je peux la sentir.
You went inside, so I have orders to kill you.
Tu es entrée, alors j'ai reçu l'ordre de te tuer.
Well then you wouldn't mind if I went back inside.
ça ne vous dérange donc pas si je rentre.
Something just went off inside of my head and all of a sudden, I saw a kitchen knife in my mama's back.
Il s'est passé un truc dans ma tête et j'ai vu le couteau dans son dos.
I mean, she went inside, and I waited outside.
J'ai attendu qu'elle sorte.
You know what the problem is? I went to my dentist yesterday, and he gave me Novocaine, and the first thing you know, I bit the inside of my cheek without knowing it.
Hier, mon dentiste m'a donné de la novocaine et je me suis mordu la joue, sans le savoir.
I couldn't believe it. He just turned around and went inside.
Je n'y ais pas cru, il s'est retourné et est rentré chez lui.
I went with Mr. Professor... To see the inside of the tomb.
J'étais avec M. le professeur... pour voir le tombeau.
I bet you two bottles of Scotch that they're inside the sphere and that they went in right through that hatch.
Je vous parie deux bouteilles de Scotch qu'ils sont à l'intérieur et qu'ils sont entrés par ce sas.
I honoured his choice and went inside.
J'admirai son choix et allai à l'abri.
The last time that I went to death's door and looked inside... I ain't never talked to a minister before in my life.
La dernière fois que j'ai franchi le couloir de la mort, je n'avais jamais parlé à un prêtre.
A neighbor in the hall helped me put it out, and when I went back inside...
Un voisin m'a aidée à éteindre le feu.
So I spoke to him about the dog, he went down, talked to the owner and she agreed to keep the dog inside from now on.
- Je vois. Je lui ai parlé du chien, il est allé voir sa maîtresse qui ne le fera plus sortir.
I went into the garage, and he was in the back, inside the car, with the shotgun across his chest.
Je suis entré dans le garage, il était dans la voiture, le fusil en travers de la poitrine.
You know, I went dead inside a while back and she helped pull me out of it.
J'ai été comme mort à l'intérieur il y a un moment, et elle m'a tendu la main.
I kinda went dead inside a while ago, and he helped pull me out of it.
J'ai été comme morte à l'intérieur et il m'a tendu la main.
That's when she told me the killer was inside, so I went in to see.
Elle m'a dit qu'il était là et j'ai voulu voir.
I told everybody to hang back. She thought she heard screams and went inside half-cocked.
J'ai retenu l'équipe, mais elle a foncé sans protection.
I can't believe he went inside.
Il est allé dedans!
Uh, perhaps if we all went inside and we all line up, I'm sure there'll be enough to go around.
Si on entrait et qu'on se mettait en rang, il y en aurait pour tout le monde.
That's why he went inside. He knew I'd fuckin'kill him.
Il est allé en taule parce qu'il savait que je le tuerais
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went home 97
i went over there 16
i went to college 32
i went to 26
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went to bed 25
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went back 43
i went to see him 27
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went to bed 25
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went back 43
i went away 19
inside 950
inside out 19
inside job 21
inside me 38
inside voice 18
inside you 29
insider trading 23
inside and out 54
inside 950
inside out 19
inside job 21
inside me 38
inside voice 18
inside you 29
insider trading 23
inside and out 54