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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It was a gift

It was a gift tradutor Francês

745 parallel translation
- It was a gift. - From whom?
- Où avez-vous pris ça?
It was a gift, a talisman.
Un talisman.
It was a gift for your president.
C'était un cadeau pour votre président.
Yeah, it was a gift.
C'était un cadeau.
It was a gift from Pützchen.
Un cadeau de Pützchen.
I thought it was a gift from you.
Je pensais que c'était un cadeau de votre part.
It was a gift from the gods to find so many.
On va pas laisser passer ce cadeau du ciel.
It was a gift from my late father.
C'était un cadeau de feu mon père.
It was a gift from Ronnie.
C'est un cadeau de Ronnie.
You've worn it often, it was a gift from Mrs. Peel.
Vous l'avez déjà porté, c'est un cadeau de Mme Peel.
It was a gift from my dad.
C'est un cadeau de papa.
I thought it was a gift from Heaven.
J'ai cru à un cadeau du ciel.
It was a gift, wasn't it, from a litigant, a woman?
C'était un cadeau d'une plaignante, n'est-ce pas?
- Yes, it was a gift.
- Oui. C'est un cadeau.
I mean, I'll say it was a gift from my mother-in-law and I had to accept it to keep peace in the family.
Que c'est un cadeau de ma belle-mère, et que j'ai dû l'accepter pour qu'on ne se fâche pas.
It was a gift from Mr. Higgins, the guy who has an antiques shop, on the corner of Green Street.
C'était un cadeau de M. Higgins, celui qui a un bazar à l'angle de Green street.
It wasn't a payment, it was a gift.
C'était un cadeau.
Can you recall if it was a gift from Barrett?
Etait-ce un cadeau de Barrett?
it was a gift from a friend...
Une amie me l'a donné.
It was a gift.
Un cadeau.
If you're talking about my bar, Madrid weren't you the one who said 8 years ago that it was a gift to commemorate dissolving of the Egawa Family with no strings attached?
Si vous parlez du Madrid, vous me l'avez donné pour compenser la dissolution de mon clan.
It was a gift.
Je l'ai bien méritée.
It was a gift. - A gift?
C'est un cadeau.
No, it was a gift.
Non, c'est un cadeau.
It was a gift from an admirer who said I was always late.
Un cadeau d'un admirateur que j'ai souvent fait attendre.
It was a nice gift, but Charles didn't think he ought to take... such an expensive present, and I'm inclined to agree with him.
C'est gentil, mais Charles ne peut accepter un cadeau si précieux. Et il a bien raison.
If you'd succeeded in a career I'd discouraged you'd say it was due to a gift.
Si tu avais réussi dans cette carrière, on dirait que tu as réussi parce que tu avais un don.
I meant it, my dear. It was a lovely Christmas gift.
Quel beau cadeau!
Now if it was up to me, I'd make you a free gift of all the bus rights to this city.
Si ça dépendait de moi, je vous offrirais l'exclusivité des lignes municipales.
It was given as a gift.
Ils ont été donnés en cadeau.
- It was a wedding gift to my wife.
Je l'offris à ma femme.
I hadn't left Kate's gift in the hall, and yet... you knew it was a shawl.
Je n'ai pas laissé le cadeau de Kate dans le hall et pourtant... vous saviez que c'était un châle.
You'd find it intolerable to have it known that your wealth was the gift of a servant.
Vous auriez trouvé intolérable de savoir que votre fortune venait d'un de vos domestiques.
It was a wedding gift to the groom. Grandfather said that having a watch and chain
Il la tenait de mon grand-père, qui la lui avait donnée à son mariage.
It was a lovely wedding gift
C'était un beau cadeau de mariage.
It was God's gift to my little kids!
Dieu l'a offert à mes enfants!
It was wrapped like a gift. I guess he wanted to surprise her.
Il était emballé comme un cadeau.
And you know it was... a gift from a very great man, Leadbelly.
Vous savez, c'était un cadeau d'un homme extraordinaire, Leadbelly.
Oh, you don't have to look at it as though it was charity... just a gift from one friend to another.
Mais ce n'est pas de la charité. C'est un cadeau, d'un ami a un autre.
Zeus gave me the gift of prophecy, but I misused it so I was blinded.
Zeus m'a donné le don de la prophétie mais je l'ai mal utilisé... et il m'a rendu aveugle.
It was a perfectly normal gift between father and son.
Il s'agissait d'un cadeau entre un père et son fils.
Thank you for the owl, Daniel, it was a really nice gift.
- Merci, Daniel,.. .. pour le hibou!
I dreamed that out on the plain the Greeks had left a gift and although what it was remained unclear, we brought it into Troy.
J'ai rêvé que sur la plaine, des Grecs avaient laissé un cadeau, et bien que sa nature restât incertaine, nous l'avons apporté à Troie.
It was his misfortune to have been born with such a gift.
Le destin a donné un talent funeste à Shokichi.
No, I don't think so. It was a gift from someone,
Non, je ne crois pas.
All I could think of was his extraordinary gift for hope. A romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person, and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.
Je repensais à son goût de l'espoir, sa prédisposition romantique telle que je n'en avais jamais trouvée et que je ne trouverai probablement jamais.
- It wasrt expensive - It was Fifteen thousand dollars, it's practically a gift
- 10 millions de lires, c'est bien.
So when his enlistment was up, he borrowed $ 5,000 from George bought a coffee shop and bar and gave it to Eiko as a sayonara gift.
Quand son engagement prit fin, Harry emprunta 5000 $ à George, acheta un bistrot et l'offrit à Eiko comme cadeau d'adieu.
It was a gift.
C'était un cadeau.
He brought you a TV as a gift. It was his idea.
Il nous a apporté la télévision!
- It was a nice and sexy little gift.
C'était un joli cadeau sexy.

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