It was a man tradutor Francês
2,678 parallel translation
Even if it was a man, I wouldn't want to see that.
- Même pour un homme, je voudrais pas voir ça.
It was a man. Why the hell are you telling me this, jimmy? Because I think I got away with it.
Ça correspond à des événements bouleversants, qui échappent à ton contrôle et te mettent sur d'autres voies.
It was a man, laughing.
La voix d'un homme qui riait.
- It was a man?
- C'était un homme?
Diego, he said it was a man on the phone.
Diego a dit qu'il s'agissait d'un homme au téléphone.
You said it was a man on the roof.
T'as parlé d'un homme sur le toit.
Brady called... about 7 : 30 this morning, and asked me to send it right away to the man it was addressed to, the man who arrested him ten years ago...
Brady a appelé, vers... 7 h 30 ce matin et m'a demandé de l'envoyer à l'homme à qui il était adressé, l'homme qui l'a arrêté il y a 10 ans.
Man, do you think it was stolen?
Vous pensez qu'elle a été volée?
Look, man, when I was reading, it was just a comic book. There weren't monsters hitting my window.
moi aussi je croyais que c'était juste un comic mais il y avait bien un monstre collé à la vitre.
It was one of them real cold nights, kind of cold that makes a man's balls want to hibernating like a pair of weasels up inside his chest.
C'était une de ces nuits très froides ce genre de froid qui vous donne envie de planquer vos couilles comme une belette les planquent au plus profond de leur poitrine
And rather than being a man about it, he decided to rattle my cage, to show me who was the alpha male.
Il l'a mal pris et a décidé de s'acharner sur moi, pour me montrer qui était le plus puissant.
The same man who suggested it was worth going after him.
Celui qui nous a lancés sur sa piste.
It was a family of women, and the father was the only man.
C'était une famille de femmes. Seul le père était homme.
It was a good man Julius.
J'ai été sage, Julius.
Then I got home and I told my old man what happened, and, uh, he beat the crap out of me and said it was better to fail with honor than to win by cheating.
Une fois rentré, je l'ai dit à mon père et là, il m'en a mis une et m'a dit : "Mieux vaut perdre avec les honneurs que gagner en trichant."
If any man ever called out for a killing, it was Eddie Sawyer.
Si un homme méritait de mourir, c'est bien Eddie Sawyer.
We all know that Auggie was innocent, and now, with the right man in custody, it's only a matter of time before he's exonerated.
Nous savions tous que Auggie était innocent, Et maintenant, avec la bonne personne en détention, il sera vite innocenté.
Fuck, man, I get it! Your daughter was murdered and it ripped your world apart.
Ta fille a été tuée et ton monde s'est écroulé.
Roxanne just told me that her ex, a young man named Gavin Buckley... that he used to feed her drugs like it was candy, that Cassie went and paid him a visit and told him to stop supplying Roxanne's habit.
Roxanne vient de me dire que son ex, un jeune homme du nom de Gavin Buckley, la gavait de drogues comme si c'était des bonbons. Cassie est allée lui rendre visite pour lui dire d'arrêter de pousser Roxanne à la consommation.
And it was then that I saw what a splendid man he was.
Et c'est là que j'ai vu quel homme admirable c'était.
I was 30, and it was high time I started acting like a man.
J'avais 30 ans et il était temps de commencer à agir comme un homme.
It really hurt Mom, and... how was I ever supposed to trust a man after that?
Tu as fait du mal à maman. Comment pouvais-je croire un homme après ça?
My God, man, you could at least act like it was a hard decision!
Ça vous défriserait d'exprimer un regret?
And after 40 years, it was first to send a man into space.
Et 40 ans apres, on a été les premiers a envoyer un homme dans l'espace.
There was no doubt in my mind that this was it, the answer to a question that man had been searching for since the beginning of time, the missing link in our evolution,
J'ai tout de suite su qu'on tenait la découverte, la réponse à la question que l'homme se pose depuis toujours, le chaînon manquant dans notre évolution.
It was out west in Woolridge County, years ago, wife died, man hired some nanny who killed all the children.
A Woolridge County, il y a des années... La femme meurt, la nurse tue tous les enfants.
I was just removing it before a guilty man could destroy it.
je la mettais juste à l'abri avant qu'un coupable ne la détruise.
An innocent - yes, innocent young woman was brutally murdered'cause she flashed a little tit on occasion, got it on with a married man tried to live her life outside your goddamn family.
Une innocente... Une innocente jeune femme a ete brutalement assassinee parce qu'elle se decouvrait un sein de temps a autre parce qu'elle baisait avec un homme marie et qu'elle essayait de vivre sa vie a l'exterieur de votre foutue famille.
We were set upon man, it was self-defence.
On nous a piégés.
I thought it was funny, such a rubbish... in the lips of such a great man.
J'ai trouvé amusant une aussi grande bêtise... sortant de la bouche d'un individu aussi célèbre, non?
It's not knock-down man, he was pushed!
Ce n'est pas une chute, il l'a poussé.
Well, I'm gonna take that as a compliment, because anyone who's read the story of Frankenstein knows that he was a benevolent man and it was society who made the monster bad.
Je prends cela comme un compliment, car quiconque a lu l'histoire de Frankenstein sait que c'était un homme plein de bonté. Et c'est la société qui a rendu le monstre méchant.
Where did you get the bills? - It was a loan, man, it was a loan!
C'est un emprunt, mec.
It was with a very nice man.
C'est un homme bien.
It's my hope I can help breathe life back into this neighborhood that was so dear to my father, a man who placed great trust in me to carry on his legacy.
J'ai l'espoir de pouvoir aider a redonner vie à ce quartier qui était si cher à mon père, un homme qui savait qu'il pouvait compter sur moi pour continuer son oeuvre.
No, it was about Yeats, when he was a young man.
- Non, c'était une pièce sur Yates. À l'époque de sa jeunesse.
It was an old man in a hospital.
C'était un vieil homme dans un hôpital.
Was it not the torture of this butcher of a man that led to you losing your father?
Ne sont-ce pas les supplices de l'invention sanguinaire de cet homme, qui ont perdu Monsieur votre père?
Despite my insistence, Elisa categorically refused to give any more details about the shadowy story that had destroyed her life, Yet as the night went on, it became ever clearer to me that that man's existence was the only obstacle to our happiness...
Malgré mon insistance, Elisa a refusé catégoriquement de donner plus de détails sur l'histoire ténébreuse qui avait ruiné sa vie, mais au fur et à mesure que la nuit avançait, il m'était de plus en plus clair
Than man wouldn't know air conditioning if it was drop kicked up his ass.
Je sais pas ce que ce type a contre la climatisation.
It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice...
Il ressemblait à un homme, mais était dur comme la pierre, et froid comme la glace...
This stuff was invented by this man in central Ohio as a white goo, and he used it to remove soot off of wallpaper from old-fashioned heating.
Ce truc a été inventé par un homme dans l'Ohio. C'était une pâte blanche qui servait à... enlever du papier peint la suie dégagée par les anciens chauffages.
And that it was a man.
.. parce qu'il aimait quelqu'un.
I started to like what I was doing, it was nice, I felt comfortable, as if I was happy to be there, as if for a moment, the old man, the old man didn't even know my name
Ce que je faisais me plaisait. C'était bon, je me sentais à l'aise. J'étais bien.
"It takes a boy to live" "It takes a man to pretend he was there"
After a while it occurred to him that the old man was making peace with himself
II comprit plus tard que le vieil homme faisait la paix avec lui-même,
It was a beautiful woman With a beautiful man. I'll say he's beautiful.
C'était une belle femme accompagnée d'un mec mignon.
You know, when my cousin come out of the house and got me and we went back inside... it was trippy, man, because like two minutes before, you know, my poppy, he was- - he was alive. There was color in his face.
Eh ben, en fait quand mon cousin est sorti de la maison, et m'a demandé de rentrer à l'intérieur c'était vraiment trippant parce que seulement deux minutes avant, mon grand-père était encore, il était encore vivant, il avait de la couleur dans
Somehow, I got closer to God and it was important for me as a man.
Quelque part, je suis plus près de Dieu et c'était important pour moi en tant qu'homme.
But he was a complicated man, and especially when it came to his politics.
Mais c'était un homme compliqué, et spécialement lorsqu'il est entré en politique.
Such a man would not believe she was gone, Unless his own eyes told him it was so.
Un tel homme n'aurais pas cru à son décès à moins de ne le voir de ses propres yeux
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233