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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / She was right here

She was right here tradutor Francês

266 parallel translation
She was right here.
Elle était juste là.
She was right here!
Elle était ici!
- She was right here.
- Elle était couchée là.
She was right here, of course, where else would she be?
Elle était ici, bien sûr. Où serait-elle allée?
She was right here at school the night she disappeared.
Elle était ici, à l'école, le soir de sa disparition.
She was right here.
Elle était là.
She was right here.
Elle doit pas être loin
That's how. Right here on this pier was the last time she ever saw him.
On cherchait des fonds pour démarrer la saison à La Havane.
She was sitting over here, sitting right here taking off her stockings.
Assise ici. Dans ce fauteuil, elle enlevait ses bas.
The last time I saw Marcellina, she was standing right here, in a dress just like that.
La dernière fois que j'ai vue Marcellina... elle se tenait là, dans une robe comme celle-là.
She was doing all right until you came here.
Elle s'en sortait bien avant votre arrivée.
Why, first year she was built, General Gates stopped right here to water his horses.
Le Gal Gates est venu abreuver ses chevaux ici-meme!
Marian a tout de suite su qu'elle devait aider cette voix.
If my mother was here, she'd kiss me right here.
Si maman était là, elle me ferait un bisou, ici.
She's all right, but the man was killed. The police are here. Don't laugh.
Elle va bien, mais l'homme a été tué.
I was told she was going to drop by here, I raced right over.
On m'a prévenu qu'elle allait passer, je me suis précipité.
Right along here when she was barely moving.
Juste par là, quand il ralentit.
It's right out here on the old highway. I even know what cabin she was in. It was number one.
Dans la chambre n ° 1.
- Right here, she was discharged at 8 : 15.
Mais si, elle est sortie à 20 heures 15.
I was just asking her to shoo Mrs. Call's soul right back here to the Earth if she sees it a - heading that way.
Je lui demandais de renvoyer l'âme de Mme Call sur Terre si elle la voyait arriver de l'autre côté.
She was standing right here in this doorway, watching.
Elle se tenait ici, sur le pas de la porte, à guetter.
Yes, she's right here in my arms looking so bright-eyed you'd think she was about to talk.
Oui, elle est ici, dans mes bras, et semble si éveillée qu'on la croirait sur le point de parler.
She was here, all right.
Elle est revenue une fois, mais...
Yes, I know, Mr. Morton, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought that the important thing was for me to come over here right away and tell you about it.
Je sais, mais quand j'ai entendu cette femme dire qu'elle savait tout, j'ai pensé que je devrais venir vous le dire tout de suite.
I really miss her. - I wish she was here right now.
I'm sure that the girl was strangled right here and then taken to the garret when she was dead.
Je suis sûr qu'elle a été étranglée ici et transportée au studio.
And she's as big a hit right now on Broadway as she was here in Hollywood.
Elle triomphe aujourd'hui à Broadway comme à Hollywood.
Right Mrs Clay didn't like her to get here any earlier'cause she was normally a little rocky in the morning
Non, elle avait rendez-vous chez le coiffeur à 9h30. Depuis, on ne sait pas où elle est.
She's wearing a dragon pendant, but when you drew these lines right here I thought that was part of her dress.
Elle porte un dragon en pendentif, mais lorsque tu l'as dessiné... j'ai pensé que c'était sa robe.
She was sitting right here...
Elle était assise là.
Here. it's when she was younger. Oh, right.
Là, elle était jeune.
- She was seeing someone right here.
- Facile. Il travaille ici.
When Laura was killed she was standing right here... and probably reading this tablet. There are a bunch of names...
Etant donné la position du corps, Laura devait être en train de lire cette épitaphe.
Yeah, she was here, right on that bed.
Oui, elle était là, sur ce lit.
His mistress, she's blonde, right? Oleg was here Wednesday.
Le match commence à 1 9H35... ils arrivent en...
I was reading the kid his rights, when she took out a gun and she shot me right here in the chest.
Pendant que je lisais ses droits au garçon... elle a sorti un flingue et a tiré sur moi... en pleine poitrine.
There was a girl sitting across from me, and she was wearing this dress that was buttoned clear up right to here.
Il y avait une fille en face de moi. Elle portait une robe boutonnée de là... jusque là.
She was, er... stabbed in an alleyway that was right near here.
Elle a été... poignardée dans une allée aux environs.
I miss her and love her as much right now as I did when she was still here.
Elle me manque et je l'aime autant... que lorsqu'elle était là.
If you had to do it all over again I mean, if she was here right now would you tell her?
Si tu devais recommencer... Je veux dire, si elle était là, maintenant... tu lui dirais?
All right, here's what happened. When I was leaving work today, my boss calls me in, tells me what a great job I'm doing and says I have as much promise as anyone she's hired since she's been at the firm.
En fait, sous des dehors d'époux moderne, il se comporte comme un macho pour qui je devrais sacrifier ma carrière.
This is the house she was brought up in, right here.
Voici la maison où elle vivait.
She was headed northbound, she ran red light doing 60. She clipped a truck right there, rolled here...
Elle s'apprêtait à prendre la rue en face, elle a grillé le feu à 100 à l'heure, le camion l'a accroché juste là et il l'a projeté ici.
- She was walking ahead of me, right here,
- Elle marchait devant moi, juste là
- Really? Yeah. I think she was killed right here at the Houston service.
On l'a tuée ici durant la cérémonie de Houston.
She was right about here when she slipped.
Elle était ici quand elle a glissé.
- She was right here.
- Elle était là
She was working as a physician, right here at the Centre... in the staff dispensary.
Elle était médecin au Centre. - A l'infirmerie.
Hey, Charlie, you know what I think she'd say if she was here right now?
Vous savez ce que je crois qu'elle aurait dit si elle était là?
- She was just right here.
Elle était juste là.
If she was here right now, maybe we'd have a house with a little fence up in Silvertown, that place you talk about.
Si elle était vivante, on aurait peut-être une maison avec un jardin... à Silvertown, dont vous parlez tant.

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