So we wait tradutor Francês
922 parallel translation
Someone will come soon, perhaps Angelo. So we wait.
Quelqu'un passera bien.
So we wait for a rich man to die, and then we quickly bring out our dead and join the cremation.
Alors nous attendons qu'un riche meure et vite nous apportons nos morts pour qu'ils partagent l'incinération.
So we wait.
Alors, attendons.
We'll need to organize our surgeries so the wait time for each recipient is as soon as possible.
Nous devons organiser nos chirurgies pour que le temps d'attente pour chaque receveur soit le plus court possible.
So we just wait for the police to catch the guy instead?
Bien, on ne peut pas simplement attendre que la police arrête le bonhomme.
She wouldn't understand, so we were going to wait until she went to Europe.
Elle ne comprendrait pas. On préférait attendre qu'elle parte en Europe.
We have to wait three days anyway, so Bill is going back up to the mountain to finish up his work.
De toute façon, ça prend trois jours, alors Bill va aller finir son travail dans la montagne.
I'll be killed first... but I'll wait for you if I can... so we can go to him together.
Je serai tué en premier, mais je t'attendrai si je peux, pour qu'on puisse aller vers lui ensemble.
Why don't you wait'til tomorrow morning so that we can talk it over?
On pourrait en reparler calmement demain matin.
We call it "euphoria." That's your call, so wait for it.
On appelle ça l'euphorie. C'est le logement de la confession.
Wait a minute, get the steam shovel out on the bridge so we can start to fill in the morning.
Un instant. Sortez la pelle à vapeur sur le pont pour qu'on commence dès demain matin.
- I guess if you can wait, so can we.
Eh bien, nous attendrons.
She does not get up until about 10 : 00 in the evening, so we'll probably have to wait awhile before we can talk to her.
Elle ne se lève pas avant 10 : 00 du soir, donc nous devrons probablement l'attendre un moment avant que nous puissions lui parler.
Are you so almighty hungry to hang one man... that you can't wait till we get through planting this one?
T'es si impatient de pendre un homme... tu ne peux pas attendre qu'on ait fini avec celui-là?
So we all sit about and wait for the liquor barrels to run dry!
On va attendre que les réserves d'alcool s'épuisent.
But she had to change, so we decided to go up to his place and wait for her.
Mais elle devait se changer, alors on l'a attendue chez lui.
I wish that you will wait for me to grow up so that we can always be together.
Je souhaite que vous attendiez que je grandisse pour que nous soyons toujours ensemble.
I'm not so sure We'll have to wait and see
Je ne suis pas sûr On verra bien
We better wait a month or so.
- Attendons un mois ou deux.
So what do we do? Wait to be butchered in the dark?
Et on les laissera faire?
So we walked to the stinking EI, and we wait for the stinking train.
Alors, on prend cette saleté de métro.
Would the nice man let us wait outside so we could look at the airplanes?
Ce gentil monsieur nous laisserait sortir, pour qu'on voie les avions?
So give me the money and we'll... Wait!
Donne-moi l'argent et...
We'll wait till dark, then circle out so we can jump'em before daylight.
On partira quand il fera nuit, on les surprendra a l'aube.
# Wait for the wagon and we'll all take a ride # # Did you ever see bones picked so clean?
- T'as déjà vu des os grugés comme ça?
You all know Simon won't like missing the hanging, so we'll wait, but if he don't show up soon we'll go ahead without him.
Simon n'aimera pas manquer la pendaison, alors on doit attendre. Mais s'il tarde trop, on le fera sans lui.
Why did we have to wait so long?
Pourquoi avoir attendu si longtemps?
So we just wait here... -... until we die.
Nous attendrons donc ici jusqu'à notre mort.
Maybe so, but let's just wait and see, shall we?
Peut-être, mais nous allons attendre et voir, d'accord?
So we'll just sit back and wait until Moriyama here decides to come clean.
On va attendre tranquillement que vous acceptiez de parler.
So, let's go to the river and wait on bridge Cestio until she throws herself and then we save the ancestor of don Aníbal.
- Ce soir, on va sur le pont, on se jette et on va hanter cette maison.
Even so, it won't be too late to wait for Mr. Ichi-no-kami who represents Osaka Castle to return before we make a decision.
C'est parce qu'Ichinokami représente le château d'Ôsaka que nous ne déciderons rien sans lui.
Without horses we can't get far, so we'll wait'til dawn breaks, when the patrol gets back from its round of inspection.
Sans chevaux, on n'ira pas loin. On partira à l'aube quand la patrouille reviendra faire son inspection.
" The train is late So while we wait
" Le train a du retard En attendant
Whatever it takes, we'll wait. Nine months, 10, so long as it's a boy.
Nous attendrons neuf mois.
So you send 50 more, and we wait 50 years?
Alors vous en envoyez 50 de plus, et on attend 50 ans?
- So all we can do now is wait for him to come out.
Alors tout ce qu'il nous reste à faire, c'est d'attendre qu'il sorte. MARCO :
- SO HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO- - - ( machine whirring ) WAIT A MINUTE. WHAT'S THAT?
Voici ce que l'on va faire... une minute, qu'est-ce que c'est?
So we either wait four days, or we go by land.
On attend ici, ou on prend la grand route.
So we just sit here and wait for him'n that's all we gotta do!
Donc on reste ici et on l'attend. C'est tout ce qu'on a à faire.
There was a queue, so we didn't wait. We went to a restaurant.
Y avait foule, alors on est allées au restaurant.
So we'll wait there for you.
On vous y attendra.
Well, shrivel up to nothing. So all we've got to do is wait!
On a juste à attendre.
So we'll just have to wait till she gets back.
On va devoir attendre son retour.
If he's determined not to contact us, he never will. So, we may continue to wait for him in vain.
S'il a décidé de ne pas nous en donner, tu auras beau te démener et faire tout ce que tu peux, on n'aura pas de nouvelles.
We have a long wait ahead of us, so let's get comfortable.
L'attente va être longue. Mieux vaut se mettre à l'aise.
Well can't it wait till we get to a starbase hospital so they can be checked out by a child specialist?
- Il doit y en avoir une. Peut-on attendre d'être à un hôpital?
So would we, wait your turn.
Nous aussi. Attendez votre tour.
You keep telling us to wait... How long must we do so? !
Il faut attendre combien de temps?
So we'll wait till daylight.
Alors on va attendre le lever du jour.
This is one thing that I was gonna wait a while before we talked about, but maybe we'll talk about it now so you can think about it.
Il y a une chose que je voulais vous dire. Dès maintenant, l'entrée est libre.
so weird 79
so we can talk 27
so we're even 45
so we're done 24
so we have a deal 18
so we are 21
so well 31
so we thought 26
so we're back to square one 28
so we're agreed 16
so we can talk 27
so we're even 45
so we're done 24
so we have a deal 18
so we are 21
so well 31
so we thought 26
so we're back to square one 28
so we're agreed 16
so we're cool 21
so well done 18
so we can 22
so weak 25
so we're okay 18
so we're good 84
so were we 18
so we meet again 26
so were you 70
so we got 16
so well done 18
so we can 22
so weak 25
so we're okay 18
so we're good 84
so were we 18
so we meet again 26
so were you 70
so we got 16
so we're clear 36
so we have 34
so we did 36
so we agree 19
so we 119
so we're gonna 18
so we just 17
so we go 16
so we'll 17
so we're 46
so we have 34
so we did 36
so we agree 19
so we 119
so we're gonna 18
so we just 17
so we go 16
so we'll 17
so we're 46