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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / Spock here

Spock here tradutor Francês

112 parallel translation
Mr Spock here.
Ici M. Spock.
- Spock here.
- Ici Spock.
Spock here.
Ici Spock.
-'Spock here.
- Ici Spock.
- Mr Spock here.
- Ici M. Spock.
- Spock here, Captain.
- Ici Spock, capitaine.
- Spock here.
Spock. - Ici Spock.
- Spock here. Report on magnetic storm, Mr Spock.
Rapport sur l'orage magnétique.
is Spock here?
Spock? Spock here.
Ici Spock.
- Enterprise, Spock here.
- Enterprise, ici Spock.
- Kirk here. - Spock here.
Ici Kirk.
- Spock here, Captain.
- Spock, capitaine.
Spock here, captain. We've pinpointed a power source on the planet's surface which seems to have something to do with the force field.
Nous avons localisé une source d'énergie qui semble être liée au champ de force.
- Spock here, captain.
- Spock, capitaine.
Spock here, captain. I am triangulating now.
Je fais la triangulation.
- Kirk to Spock. - Spock here, captain. Mr. Spock, it was Kryton transmitting.
C'était Kryton qui transmettait.
Spock here.
- Ici Spock.
- Spock here.
- Ici, Spock.
- Understood. - Mr. Spock? - Spock here.
M. Spock, je vais tenter de traverser le flux magnétique.
- Kirk to Enterprise. - Spock here. We've been trying to make contact, captain.
Nous essayons de vous contacter depuis un moment.
There are lots of things that go on around here that I don't know, Mr. Spock.
Il se passe beaucoup de choses ici que j'ignore.
Mr Spock received a transmission, a message from Fleet Captain Pike, requesting that we divert here.
M. Spock a reçu une transmission, un message du capitaine Pike, nous demandant de venir ici.
José, Spock stated he received a message for us to come here.
José, Spock dit avoir reçu un message lui demandant de venir ici.
Mr Spock is with me here.
M. Spock est avec moi.
Spock says here :
Spock dit ici :
Spock, get the doctor up here.
Spock, appelez le docteur.
In here, Spock.
Par ici, Spock.
Scotty here, Mr. Spock.
Je vous écoute.
Mr. Spock, can we get those two guards? What would you say the odds are on our getting out of here?
Quelles sont nos chances de nous en sortir vivants?
Spock, you're going to love it here.
Spock, vous allez vous plaire ici.
I'll convince Spock I'm all right and order him to report here. Soon as he leaves the Bridge,
Je vais le convaincre que je vais bien et lui ordonner de venir ici.
- Spock here.
- Spock.
Tell Dr. McCoy Mr. Spock just left here.
M. Spock vient de quitter l'infirmerie.
And knowing Mr. Spock's determination on some things, I thought I'd better hold him here until I got your orders.
Connaissant la détermination de M. Spock, j'ai préféré le retenir ici jusqu'à votre arrivée.
Mr. Spock, in the interest of efficiency, I don't think we should leave his body here.
En parlant d'efficacité, on ne devrait pas laisser son corps ici.
But we're happy here. I can't lose you now, Mr Spock. I can't.
Nous sommes heureux ici. Je ne veux pas te perdre.
Mr. Spock, here's something.
M. Spock, il y a quelque chose.
- Kirk here. - Spock, captain.
Ici Kirk.
Lieutenant Uhura here, Mr. Spock.
- Ici le lieutenant Uhura.
Spock, what do we know about the race that lived here?
Que savons-nous de la race qui peuplait cette planète?
Mr. Spock, you were not ordered to the Bridge, what is your purpose here?
Je ne vous ai pas appelé. Que venez-vous faire ici?
You and Spock get up here.
Remontez avec Spock.
- Then what are we doing here? - Tricorder readings, Mr. Spock?
- Alors que faisons-nous ici?
Mr. Spock, why don't you join us common humanoids in trying to find a way out of here and quit explaining why we can't get out.
Essayez de trouver une solution, cessez d'expliquer pourquoi il n'y en a pas.
Bones. Spock, come here.
Bones, Spock, venez ici.
Spock here, captain.
Galloway et moi vérifions les niveaux inférieurs.
Leave me here, Spock.
- Pas question de vous abandonner.
Why are you still here, Spock?
Pourquoi êtes-vous toujours là?
Those few seconds will not make any difference, Mr. Spock, because you and I and the rest of the crew will no longer be here to bandy it back and forth.
Quelques secondes de plus ou de moins ne changeront rien, parce que nous ne serons plus là pour en discuter.
If he is not here, that is your own responsibility, Mr. Spock, and that of your staff.
Son absence est votre responsabilité et celle de votre personnel.

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