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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / Here you go

Here you go tradutor Francês

16,259 parallel translation
Here you go, Jet.
Tiens, Jet.
Here you go.
Darling, here you go. Yeah, there you go.
Tiens, mon chéri.
Here you go, buddy.
Tiens, mon vieux.
Here you go, some bathing suits.
Tiens. Des maillots de bain.
Here you go.
Here you go.
Et voilà.
Here you go, lady, how about a little money? You know what, you'd better hope the orphans don't riot.
- Bien, je l'ai laissé sans surveillance, mais c'est seulement parce que j'ai dû courir au petit coin des lutins.
Good. Here you go, you can keep the change.
Le compte y est, gardez la monnaie.
Here you go.
Voilà pour vous.
Here you go.
- Here you go.
- Tiens.
- Here you go, here you go.
- Ça va aller.
- Here you go.
- Et voilà.
- Here you go.
- Tenez.
I don't give a fuck where you go. You can't stay here.
Vous pouvez pas rester ici.
Here you go, Rose.
Tiens, Rose.
Here you go.
Bon appétit.
Here you go, baby.
- Oui. Je prends ça.
Here you go, Plum.
À toi, Plum.
- Here you go, mate. Here's your drink.
- Tiens, voilà ton verre.
Here you go now.
C'est ça.
- I do indeed. - Here you go.
- Je suis sûr que oui.
Here you go, freak.
Tiens, taré.
Here you go.
Why don't you and your boyfriend apologize to Big Rick here and then go jerk each other in the parking lot?
Toi et ton petit copain demandez pardon à Big Rick, et vous pourrez vous branler sur le parking.
Do you think you're ready to go home? No, I'll stay here.
- Êtes-vous prête à rentrer chez vous?
Okay, yeah, great. You go do that. I'll just be out here dry-humping this 40-ouncer.
Ok, ouais, génial. vas y. Je vais juste rester ici, au sec.
Now let's go get in that giant labia you drove up in and get the fuck out of here.
Allez, on saute dans ton beau gros vagin mobile et on fout le camp d'ici.
Here you go.
- Tenez.
Why don't you go ahead and just give me your bid while I got you here on the phone?
Faites-moi donc votre offre pendant que je vous ai en ligne.
Take Livesey here with you, go tie up them fishing'boats.
Prenez Livesey avec vous, et allez amarrer ces bateaux de pêche.
- If you're still with us, here we go. - Come on.
Si vous êtes toujours là, suivez-nous.
"Here we go. Wait." Are you serious?
"Vas-y, attends"?
- Here you go.
- Là. - Merci.
Okay. Okay, so you guys can just wait right here, and I will go tell them that we're ready.
Attendez-moi ici.
What you guys go through, Billy, it's real hard for us over here to get it, but we need to get it, and the country needs to get it.
Ce que vous avez enduré, on a du mal à le comprendre, mais il le faut, le pays en a besoin.
While you be thinking about a TV, I got to be thinking about the roof or whatever else go wrong around here.
Toi tu penses télé, moi je pense toit. Ou tout le reste à réparer.
"Like" you. I go out of here every morning, I bust my butt putting up with them crackers every day'cause I "like" you.
Je me lève tous les jours, je trime, je supporte les p tits Blancs, parce que je t'aime bien?
Next time you feel like you wanna come by here and ask me for somethin', you go down there and get that.
La prochaine fois que tu veux me taper, prends ça.
Here you go your $ 10, Pop.
Allez, papa.
Let's go, Ripper! I'm busting you outta here!
On s'arrache, je vais te sortir de taule!
Here we go. You don't know how to stay focused.
Tu ne sais pas rester concentré.
AJ, you got two seconds to get out here before you go to jail.
A.J., tu as deux secondes, sinon tu vas en prison.
All right, here you go.
- Here you go.
Here you go.
- Tiens.
You mean to tell me there's nobody here batshit crazy enough to go a couple rounds with the master?
Non, ne me dites pas qu'il personne d'assez couillu pour faire quelques rounds avec le maitre?
- Oh. Here you go.
- Donnez-le-lui.
- I'm gonna go tell him you're here. - No need.
- Je lui dis que vous êtes là.
Okay, after this, we can go, we can do whatever you want to do, but now I really would like you here.
Après, on fera ce que tu veux, mais là, je veux que tu restes.

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