Stage two tradutor Francês
339 parallel translation
My trouble is, I don't know whether Grant is still in stage two or if the boat has sailed.
Je ne sais pas à quelle étape Grant en est.
Are you still in stage two or have you made stage three now?
En es-tu toujours à la phase 2 ou en es-tu à la phase 3?
Stage two, this one.
Celui-ci est au stade 2.
Stage Two, second building to your right.
plateau numéro 2.
Stage two.
Phase 2.
AII right One : assemble and check out booster stage one, stage two and trans stage
Voyons ça 1 : assembler et vérifier les étages successifs du propulseur
Stage two is green.
- Deuxième étage, vert.
Stage two of the series will be attempted in a lifeless underground.
2 : essai d'implantation souterraine.
Well, the tape was made about a year ago, so I can only assume they've reached stage two by now.
- L'ampex date d'il y a un an. Je suppose qu'ils en sont à l'étape 2.
If stage two was completed, it was going to be underground.
Si l'Étape 2 est achevée...
Stage two of what?
Étape 2 de quoi?
You've been on the stage two times.
T'es passé deux fois sur scène.
I'll give you two seconds to get out. Clear the stage.
Je vous donne deux secondes.
When you came here two years ago with Lily Garland... the sheriff didn't have to tack a sign on the stage door.
Du temps de Lily Garland, le shérif n'avait pas à faire surveiller l'entrée des artistes.
Citizens stage running battle with bandit after daylight robbery of Wells Fargo Express Office, in which agent and two bystanders are killed,
Les habitants déclarent la guerre au bandit après le vol en plein jour du comptoir de Wells Fargo Express au cours duquel un agent et deux passants ont été tués,
You two kids expect to go on the stage?
Vous voulez monter sur scène?
Thought I might start a stage line. No, we got two here now that I run.
Ouvrir un service de diligence.
I've been right here on this stage for two years.
- Je suis dans ce théâtre depuis deux ans.
Do either of you two reporters know anything about stage play royalties?
Vous savez comment marchent les droits d'auteur?
Two comics would come out on stage and one would say to the other :
Deux comiques entrent en scène et l'un dit à l'autre :
Believe what? That those two hours on the stage every night... are worth everything.
Que les deux heures passées sur scène chaque soir valent toutes les peines du monde.
Your only way to find happiness is on any stage... any platform, any public place... during those two little hours when you become another person... your true self.
Tu ne trouveras le bonheur que sur scène sur les planches, devant un public. Pendant ces deux petites heures ou tu deviens une autre. Alors seulement tu es toi-même
I'll have two fast horses waiting at the stage entrance.
Deux chevaux attendront à l'entrée des artistes.
We have two hours before the next stage show.
C'est un long film. On a 2 h 10 avant le prochain spectacle.
That stage isn't due for two weeks.
On ne l'attend pas avant 15 jours.
Once the stage gets inside town, there's... two ways they can break into the clear.
Une fois entrée dans la ville, la diligence... aura deux façons d'en sortir.
But once he gets on stage, the audience goes so wild, you'd think the house would split in two.
Mais comme acteur, il n'y avait pas meilleur que lui. Il faisait crouler le théâtre sous les bravos.
First stage burnout, two seconds late.
Combustion du premier étage avec deux secondes de retard.
You two, load the bodies atop the stage.
Vous deux, placez les corps sur la voiture.
Tomorrow morning you can proceed with stage two of our briefing. Very good. Yes.
Offrez-vous donc une bonne nuit de sommeil.
In my boorish way, I'm only suggesting that if you two gentlemen continue to work from a script with cues and stage directions these proceedings take on all the dignity of a very bad Gilbert and Sullivan.
Excusez ma brutalité. Mais, en continuant de finasser... nous nous couvrons de ridicule.
Andrew Leszczyc who refused to do his student training is now due for two years military service.
"Ayant refusé son stage de 3 mois, Andrzej Leszczyc " fera 2 ans de service militaire.
Two. We can't afford mistakes at this stage of the game.
On ne peut pas se permettre d'erreurs à ce stade du jeu, signor Fox.
Two men killed on the Naco stage this morning.
Deux hommes ont été tués dans la diligence de Naco, ce matin.
It can't be more than two miles, the landing stage.
L'embarcadère n'est pas loin.
Earning an honest dollar, which is more than I've made on a legitimate stage in two years.
Je gagne le dollar que je ne peux plus gagner sur scène.
I mean, most normal adolescents go through a stage of squeaking two or three times a day.
Presque tout adolescent normal va pousser des petits cris de souris deux ou trois fois par jour.
This is the main engine which propels it underwater at a rate of two knots, the reciprocating stabilizer mechanism, the high-voltage acid batteries, the multi-stage compressor, ballast-tank trimmer, the air pump, which filters and recirculates the air...
Ce moteur propulse notre engin à la vitesse de deux nœuds. Le stabilisateur alternatif. Les batteries haut voltage à acide.
It's only in the development stage at the moment, but it should be practical and in the market within two years.
Il n'en est encore qu'à la phase de création mais sera lancé sur le marché dans les deux ans.
Developments in north Brazil, and they are the key issue are about at the stage at which Camillo Torres was two years before his death in terms of history, the radio schools, illiteracy, etc.
Le développement au nord du Brésil, c'est ce qui nous intéresse, en est au même stade que Camilo Torres, deux ans avant sa mort, en termes d'histoire, d'éducation et d'alphabétisation.
This was something to tell the round table. At this stage, mr. norris was faced With two major divergent theories
A ce moment, deux théories divergentes concernant ses ancêtres de Surbiton se présentaient à Mr Norris :
The bolt sticks, it's got a two-stage trigger and the scope is off 0.02 to the left and it has a 9.5 - Inch drop.
La culasse colle, il y a une double gâchette, et la lunette est déréglée de 0,06 vers la gauche, et de 25 en hauteur.
Thus itwas that the two cities of Hiroshima and Kure became the stage fora bloody war between the Uchimoto and Hirono families, underthe wing ofthe Akashi family, and the Yamamoris, affiliated with the Shinwa Group.
Ainsi, Hiroshima et Kure devinrent le théâtre d'une guerre sanglante entre les clans Uchimoto et Hirono, sous la protection de la famille Akashi, et les Yamamori, associés au groupe Shinwa.
We've gathered right here in our Norge model kitchen listening to music from those two friends from the stage, radio, and screen...
Nous sommes dans notre cuisine modèle Norge pour écouter deux grands acteurs de scène et de radio...
So was Shakespeare, for that matter but the angry mob at the Globe Theatre wasn't going to pay two shillings to see a bunch of pansies jumping about on the stage.
Shakespeare aussi, d'ailleurs. Mais la foule en colère du globe theatre n'allait pas payer deux shillings pour voir un tas de folles faire leur numéro.
Stage two is green.
Deuxième étage, vert.
S-two ignition. We have S-two. We have second stage ignition.
Mise à feu étage 2 à H plus 2mn 46s.
She put him through four years of medical school... two years of residency, and a year of internship... and now he won't even take her calls.
Elle lui a payé quatre années d'études de médecine, deux ans d'internat et un an de stage, et là il ne répond même pas à ses appels.
Malcolm Gerrie and two cameramen who went across, we were all members of the same union and of course, when we got back to Newcastle, there were all the other unions like the electricians'union, and the NATKE union, the props and stage people said, " We weren't represented over there,
Malcolm Gerrie et deux caméramans sur place, et qu'on était tous membres du même syndicat, à notre retour à Newcastle, les autres syndicats, comme celui des électriciens, du NATKE, et des accessoiristes ont dit :
I have to say that Bono actually left the stage, disappeared for about two or three minutes and appeared on one of the big towers on the left of the stage.
Bono a quitté la scêne. Il a disparu pendant deux ou trois minutes, puis il a réapparu sur l'une des grandes tours à gauche de la scêne.
He's on stage, doing his act, two people get heart attacks.
Un jour, alors qu'il faisait son numéro... deux personnes ont fait un infarctus.
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two hearts 28
two years ago 477
two months ago 182
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two hearts 28
two years ago 477
two months ago 182
two years later 88
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two arms 16
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two arms 16
two people 83
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two words 186
two weeks 445
two things 153
two sugars 100
two men 105
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two words 186
two weeks 445
two things 153
two sugars 100
two men 105