That means a lot tradutor Francês
737 parallel translation
That means a lot to me.
C'est un problème pour moi.
- And that means a lot to you?
- Et cela compte beaucoup pour Vous?
Money, that means a lot, trust me.
L'argent, ça compte, crois-moi.
I don't mind telling you, baby, that means a lot, you standing up for me.
Je dois te dire que j'ai aimé que tu me défendes ainsi.
That means a lot to me.
Ca veut tout dire.
That means a lot to me, Tony.
Cela m'importe à moi, Tony.
Coming from you that means a lot.
Venant de toi, cela veut dire beaucoup.
That means a lot coming from your peers.
Ça me va droit au cœur.
I got something here that means a lot to me.
J'ai quelque chose ici qui signifie beaucoup pour moi.
And that means a lot up there, especially with the chicks.
Ça signifie beaucoup, surtout avec les nanas.
Coming from you, that means... that means a lot.
Venant de vous, cela compte beaucoup.
That means a lot to me.
T'es vraiment une sœur pour moi.
- That means a lot to me.
- Ça signifie beaucoup pour moi.
That may not mean anything to you. But that means a lot to me.
Vous vous en moquez peut-être, mais pas moi.
Well, coming from you, Carl, that means a lot.
Eh bien, de ta part, Carl, ça veut dire beaucoup.
That means a lot to me.
C'est très important pour moi.
Thanks a lot, G, that means a lot to me.
Merci beaucoup, G, ça me touche.
That means I'll be looking after her a lot.
Ça veut dire que je jetterai souvent un œil sur elle.
A lot of people think that means swearing. But I'll tell you what it means. It means exactly what you're talking about.
Les gens pensent que ça veut dire jurer, mais ça se rapporte à ce que tu dis.
That means if one of us dies, the other will get a lot of money.
Si l'un de nous meurt, l'autre empochera l'argent.
All it means to me is that you're terrified... hiding under a lot of rubbish about the functions of a robot.
Vous êtes terrifié et vous vous cachez derrière vos ridicules fonctions de robot.
That saddle means a lot to me.
Cette selle veut dire beaucoup pour moi.
I can see that it means a lot to you.
Je vois qu'elle représente beaucoup pour toi.
They're gonna get hurt, but what it means is that these people have it in their heads that your welfare is a hell of a lot more important and the music is, than a dollar.
Ça va faire mal. Mais cela prouve que pour eux, votre intérêt et celui de la musique passent avant le fric.
I'm delighted that Chief Yang is here It means a lot to me I'm here to ask a favor
Je dois escorter dans le nord la famille d'un mandarin ainsi que 300 000 taels de bijoux.
It means a lot of things, primarily the unknown, that which scares us because it is unfamiliar.
Cela signifie beaucoup de choses, essentiellement l'inconnu, qui nous effraie... parce qu'il nous est peu familier.
I just called to offer my congratulations. Well, that certainly means a lot coming from you, sir.
Un jour, je vais mettre une grenade dans son porte-jarretelles.
Whatever that means, I hope you got a lot saved up... because you're sure gonna be needing something.
Je sais pas ce que ça veut dire, mais j'espère que t'as plein de "sûr" de côté parce que tu vas en avoir besoin!
Coming from a big star like you, Mr. Hart, that really means a lot to us.
Venant d'une vedette comme vous, M. Hart, on apprécie le compliment.
It's got a lot of space. That means freedom. You know what I mean?
Beaucoup... d'espace... de liberté.
That means we can do a lot for them.
Très bien.
It means a lot for the strikers that people know that they are not linked with the terrorist group.
Et c'est très grave pour les grévistes qu'on les mette dans le même sac que les terroristes.
Namely, that the state, and that means the police, does more to help and protect the rights of people who already possess a lot anyway.
l'Etat, enfin... la police, favorise les droits de ceux qui possèdent.
That game means a lot to us.
C'est important pour nous.
The absence of a signal on a channel that is not receiving a broadcast... means that it can receive a lot of noise from many things, like short waves.
L'absence de signal sur une chaîne qui ne reçoit aucune émission... signifie qu'elle peut recevoir des tas de bruits, comme des ondes courtes.
And that means a lot of walking.
Ça craint, la nature!
To me, that cut means a lot.
Pour moi, cette cicatrice signifie beaucoup.
It means that what our fathers taught us... is a lot of nonsense... and that we should be modern.
Ça veut dire, ce que les vieux nous ont appris... et que d'après eux, il faut foutre en l'air... car maintenant, il faut être moderne.
Look, Jesse, I just want you to know that having you and Joey here really means a lot to me.
Jesse, je veux que tu saches que vous avoir ici toi et Joey, c'est très important pour moi.
I... I may not have much and I may never have a lot but I've got something inside that I want to give to the only person that means something to me.
C'est peut-être peu... et peut-être que je n'aurai jamais grand chose, mais j'ai quelque chose en moi que je veux donner au seul être qui compte pour moi.
I don't know if this means a lot to you, but the sacrifice that you are about to make... will give this man back his sanity.
Je ne sais pas si cela représente quelque chose pour vous, mais le sacrifice que vous allez faire rendra à cet homme toute sa raison.
I wanted to say that yesterday means a lot to me.
Je voulais te dire que j'étais très ému hier.
That means a full minute, Al!
On a peut-être touché le gros lot.
It means a lot to me that you think this much of me to have me do this for you.
Ça compte énormément que tu penses ainsi à moi et que tu me le confies.
Now, he ran around with a lot of women if that means anything. Well, thank you, sir.
C'était un coureur de jupons, si ça peut vous aider.
That means Congressman Mackey was lying... when he said he drove to your office and parked in your lot.
Alors le sénateur Mackey a menti en disant être allé en voiture à votre bureau.
That means a lot to me.
C'est important.
Out in the real world that means nothing... and here at the Washington Navy Yard it doesn't mean a whole lot more.
Dans le monde extérieur, ça ne signifie rien... et pas beaucoup plus ici, au siège de la Marine à Washington.
Hey, look, Uncle Phil... I got to tell you, man, taking me to Chicago with you... that really means a lot to me.
Tu sais, oncle Phil, le fait que vous m'emmeniez à Chicago avec vous, ça me touche vraiment.
That means he has friends in a lot of places.
Ça veut dire qu'il a des amis un peu partout.
It means a lot to me that you brought me along on this thing.
Ça me fait chaud au cœur, que tu m'aies amené avec toi. - Allez, c'est rien.
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that means something 38
that means 406
that means nothing to me 16
that means nothing 33
that means that 18
that means you 69
that means no 21
means a lot to me 20
that means a lot to me 54
that means something 38
that means 406
that means nothing to me 16
that means nothing 33
that means that 18
that means you 69
that means no 21
means a lot to me 20
means a lot 21
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
a lot of times 55
a lot better 53
a lot of fun 24
a lot more 90
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
a lot of times 55
a lot better 53
a lot of fun 24
a lot more 90