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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / They didn't find anything

They didn't find anything tradutor Francês

96 parallel translation
─ No. They didn't find anything wrong.
Non, mais j'ai eu droit à la totale.
I didn't think they'd find anything wrong.
Je ne pensais pas qu'on trouverait quoi que ce soit.
They say they didn't find anything. I have no reason to doubt them.
Ils prétendent n'avoir rien trouver, je n'ai aucune raison d'en douter d'eux.
As long as the authorities didn't find my food supplies, they wouldn't suspect anything.
Tant qu'on ne contrôlait pas mon chargement, je pouvais toujours m'en sortir.
- They didn't find anything.
La police a surveillé le bâtiment toute la nuit, ils n'ont rien trouvé.
- They didn't find anything.
- On n'a rien trouvé.
They searched everywhere, but didn't find anything.
Ils ont tout inspecté Ils n'ont rien trouvé
Ray, I'm thinking the reason we didn't find anything in the backyard... is because they probably weren't burying anybody in the backyard.
Ray, je crois que si on n'a trouvé personne dans le jardin arrière... c'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas dû y enterrer qui que ce soit.
- No, they didn't find anything but... I need a safe place for them.
- Non, ils ne les ont pas trouvées, mais j'ai besoin d'une bonne cachette.
- You didn't find anything? No, they ate something, definitely, just not Minbari.
- Vous n'avez rien trouvé? Ils ont mangé quelque chose, mais pas du Minbari.
Forensics have been through this place. They didn't find anything.
Le labo a passé la pièce au peigne fin et n'a rien trouvé.
They filed a missing persons but they didn't find anything.
Ils ont ouvert une enquête mais ils n'ont rien trouvé.
- Oh, yeah. - They didn't find anything on this farm.
On n'a rien trouvé dans cette ferme?
They didn't find anything. But a neighbour said they saw Colonel O'Neill dumping something by the lake.
Ils n'ont rien trouvé, mais un voisin a vu le colonel jeter un truc dans le lac.
We sent a unit, but they didn't find anything.
La patrouille n'a rien vu.
They didn't find anything.
Ils n'ont rien trouvé.
We had an inspection and they didn't find anything.
On a demandé une inspection, et ils n'ont rien trouvé...
- So they didn't find anything by Pete's car?
- Rien trouvé dans la voiture de Pete?
- Anything they didn't find...
- Du secret...
No, they didn't find anything.
Non, ils n'ont rien trouvé.
Sherman - Ranger Rivers - traced the bear's route back a week. They didn't find anything.
Sherman Rivers, le garde forestier, a suivi la trace de l'ours et n'a rien trouvé.
Nada. they didn't find a body or signs of anything.
Rien, Ils n'ont pas trouvé de corps ni de signes.
They didn't find anything.
Ils ont rien trouvé.
Dr. Myers was bitten, but he went to the infirmary to get checked out and they didn't find anything wrong with him.
Myers a été mordu mais il est parti à l'infirmerie pour être examiné et ils n'ont rien trouvé d'anormal.
Police examined it. Said they didn't find anything.
La police a dit qu'il n'y avait rien dedans.
They said they didn't find anything.
Ils n'avaient rien trouvé.
Right? They didn't find anything.
- Il n'a rien trouvé, non.
Because it's embarrassing, and they didn't find anything.
Parce que c'est embarrassant, et puis ils n'ont rien trouvé.
The police responded, but they didn't find anything.
La police est intervenue, mais n'a rien trouvé.
They didn't find anything, ok?
Ils n'ont rien trouvé, ok?
I didn't tell them anything they couldn't find out for themselves.
Je ne leur ai rien dit qu'ils ne pouvaient pas trouver.
Anton, they looked but didn't find anything.
Anton, les gars n'ont rien trouvé.
I've been tested and, uh... they didn't find anything.
J'ai été testé et... ils n'ont rien trouvé.
And if they didn't find anything, you'd look into it.
Et que s'ils ne trouvaient rien, vous regarderiez à votre tour.
- They didn't find anything.
- Oui. Elle n'a rien trouvé.
That's why they didn't find anything back in'81?
C'est pour ça qu'ils n'ont rien trouvé en 81?
They didn't find anything.
Y avait rien chez lui.
They searched the apartment all day, but didn't find anything.
Ils ont fouillé, ils ont rien trouvé.
Maybe they didn't find anything'cause there's too much there.
Peut-être qu'ils ont rien trouvé parce qu'il y a trop de trucs par ici.
They didn't find anything in the photos we sent.
Ils n'ont rien trouvé dans les photos que nous leur avons envoyées.
They, uh, searched the house. They didn't find anything.
Ils ont fouillé la maison, mais n'ont rien trouvé.
They questioned my husband, but didn't find anything.
Ils ont interrogé mon mari mais n'ont rien trouvé.
They get all the big boys, the senior detectives, and... they didn't find anything, either.
Ils sortent les gros calibres, les inspecteurs chevronnés. Ils ne trouvent rien non plus.
Esposito said CSU didn't find anything until they stripped the bed.
- Quoi? Il a fallu défaire le lit pour trouver des traces.
Well, if it is, they clearly didn't find anything, did they?
Eh bien, si c'est le cas, ils n'ont manifestement rien trouvé, vous ne croyez pas?
- They didn't find anything, so I had them check for other foreign substances.
- C'était négatif, alors, j'ai fait vérifier pour d'autres substances.
They searched my home. They didn't find anything.
On a fouillé ma maison, en vain.
I saw how they drilled around in the stone... but they didn't find anything... and left with their second sample.
J'ai vu comment ils continuaient à creuser dans la pierre... Mais ils n'ont rien trouvé... Et sont partis avec le nouvel échantillon.
They're gonna search your computer, and they're not gonna find anything'cause you didn't do anything.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Ils vont examiner tes comptes et ton ordinateur, { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } et ils vont rien trouver parce que t'as rien fait.
- Trust me, they didn't find anything.
- Fais moi confiance, ils ne trouveront rien.
- They didn't find anything!
- Ils n'ont rien trouvé de grave.

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