To the right tradutor Francês
53,368 parallel translation
Who leans to the right.
Qui penche à droite.
Alex, you do actually lean a little to the right.
Alex, vous penchez un peu à droite.
You know it's supposed to be the other way around, right?
Normalement, c'est l'inverse.
We have a male, early 30s, gunshot wound to the upper right thigh.
On a un homme, la trentaine, blessure par balle à l'aine.
All right, something to really grab the liberal market.
De quoi capter le marché libéral. Voilà comment vous y prendre.
You want to play the revenge game, right?
Tu veux jouer au jeu de la vengeance?
And the one right next to him.
Celui à côté.
I like that, cuts right to the chase.
J'aime qu'on aille droit au but.
But sometimes, we're cast with making difficult choices. But we always want to do the right for our kids, right or wrong.
Parfois, nous devons faire des choix difficiles, mais toujours pour le bien de nos enfants.
I did what I believed was the right thing to do.
"J'ai fait ce qui m'a semblé être juste."
Marne, you were there with me the whole time, right next to me. You were my partner, but you never saw me.
Marn, tu étais avec moi, près de moi, tu étais ma partenaire, mais tu me voyais pas.
- Yeah. I think what we really need right now is we need a tight on you of your annoyance at the fact that you have to indulge her.
Ce qu'il faudrait, c'est un gros plan sur toi et ton exaspération de lui avoir cédé.
So I thought, "You got to pick while the picking's good," right?
Il faut les cueillir tant qu'elles sont bonnes.
When the merchandise enters the interior market, it has the output tax which gives the buyer the right to deduct it, but then he pays it...
Quand la marchandise entre sur le marché intérieur, il répercute l'impôt que l'acheteur peut déduire, sans le verser ensuite.
Okay, then turn right when you get to the road, and I'll tell you where to go after that.
Ok, donc tourne à droite quand tu prends la route, et je te dirais où aller après ça.
I can't keep waiting for you to be in the right frame of mind.
Je peux pas attendre indéfiniment que tu te décides.
At least now we can pull the trigger on that trip to the Caribbean, right?
Au moins maintenant on peut tirer un trait sur ce voyage aux Caraïbes, pas vrai?
Look, leaving them is exactly the wrong thing for me to do right now.
Les laisser maintenant serait une énorme erreur de ma part.
You take us straight to the address right now!
Amenez-nous à l'adresse, tout de suite!
Right? The one that they sent to you?
Celle qu'ils t'ont envoyée.
You dress the right person no one will ask to see your resume.
Si tu habilles la bonne personne personne ne demandera à voir ton CV.
What gave you the right to do this?
Qu'est-ce qui t'as donné le droit de faire ça?
You did the right thing coming to me.
Tu as bien fait de venir me voir.
But when I see you two whispering in the hallway it takes me right back to high school too.
Quand je vous vois toutes les deux chuchoter dans le couloir, Ça me rappelle le lycée aussi.
But I'm not eager to be in the spotlight right now.
Je ne suis pas pressée d'être sous les feux des projecteurs pour l'instant.
From bar stools, to ping pong right before he took himself off the case.
Du tabouret de bar au ping pong juste avant de se retirer de l'affaire.
I'm writing a program right now to search the cell towers in Rosewood.
Je code un programme pour chercher les serveurs de Rosewood.
I think they gave up the right to be your friends.
Je pense qu'elles ont renoncé au droit d'être tes amies.
We didn't have the right to shut you out like that.
On n'avait pas le droit de t'exclure comme ça.
It was right there all the time in the steeple... waiting for Charlotte to come.
C'était juste là tout ce temps dans le clocher... Attendant que Charlotte vienne.
I just want to make sure that we're getting the right guy.
Je veux juste m'assurer qu'on a le bon gars.
Time for the real dance to begin, am I right?
Il est temps que le vrai show commence, hein?
- With me in studio right now, is Billy Cook, eyewitness to the bloodbath at the Max Rager headquarters, and what he is about to impart upon us, my friends, is going to confirm everything.
- Avec moi en studio, c'est Billy Cook témoin oculaire du bain de sang au quartier général de Max Rager, ce qu'il va nous donner, mes amis, va tout confirmer.
Ellen took it down herself after that young woman died because she knew it was the right thing to do.
Ellen a tout effacé seule après la mort de la jeune fille, elle savait que c'était ce qu'il fallait faire.
And it used to get so hot, we thought it would burn the house down, but... - Right. -... you wouldn't let anybody touch it.
- Mais personne ne devait y toucher.
Yeah, you should have heard how that arrogant jerk spoke to me at the hearing. Right there, in front of Kevin, he accuses me of muddying the waters... muddying... the... waters.
Tu aurais vu ce petit con prétentieux à l'audience, sa façon de me parler devant Kevin, m'accusant de brouiller les cartes.
Pull the trucks up to the doors, unload right into the shop.
On met les camions devant, on décharge dans l'atelier.
You really want me to take you to the train station right now, like this?
Tu veux que je te dépose à la gare dans cet état?
You're gonna want to get out of the way right now.
Tu ferais mieux de t'écarter de mon chemin.
He was standing as close as you were to me right now, and he was chatting with the woman who shot him.
Il était près d'eux, comme toi et moi maintenant, et il discutait avec la femme qui lui a tiré dessus.
So, the plan was to wing him, right?
Elle devait le manquer, c'est ça?
Hello. Sara, listen, I know you're upset, but I need you to come to the Whitney Heights police station, right now.
Sara, je sais que tu es en colère, mais il faut que tu viennes au commissariat de Whitney Heights, tout de suite.
Well, as we know, New Mexico is one-party consent, So chuck had a right to make the recording.
D'après la loi du Nouveau-Mexique, Chuck était dans son droit.
So we seal off engineering, the reactor deck, and the machine shop, we over-pressurize them all, we pop the hatch to the cargo bay, it'll blow the big door right off, along with that thing.
Donc on scelle l'ingénierie, le pont du réacteur, et l'atelier, on les pressurise tous, on enlève la trappe de la soute, ça explosera la grande porte, ainsi que cette chose.
I've been trying to make choices on my own lately, and I can't seem to make the right ones.
J'ai voulu faire mes choix dernièrement... et je n'apparais pas faire les bons.
You made some pretty stupid choices since you've been in charge, but you were always trying to do the right thing, so...
T'as fais des choix assez stupides depuis que t'es aux commandes, mais tu essayais toujours de faire le bon choix, donc...
It was nice not having to worry about being on the right team.
C'était bien de ne pas avoir à s'inquiéter d'être dans la bonne équipe.
We have to get to the ops center, right now.
On doit aller au centre d'opérations.
It was the right thing to do.
- On a bien fait.
Always ready to right the wrong, to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.
Parce que tu es comme ça. Toujours à redresser les torts, à défendre ceux qui en sont incapables.
You're going to execute Valentine right here in the Institute?
Tu vas exécuter Valentin ici dans l'institut?
to them 177
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the airport 39
to the sea 38
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the airport 39
to the sea 38
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the tune of 23
to the car 26
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21