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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Whatever that was

Whatever that was tradutor Francês

1,141 parallel translation
My knight in shining whatever that was.
Mon chevalier en je sais plus quoi rutilant.
Now, whatever that was, something made it go the other way.
Je sais pas ce que c'était mais c'est parti de l'autre côté.
I think I can put some distance between us and whatever that was.
Je crois pouvoir nous éloigner de ce machin.
I remembered a couple Thanksgivings ago when we had bad pheasants, you hooked us up with whatever that was.
Je me souviens qu'il y a deux ans, pour ces mauvais faisans, tu nous avais requinqués avec un truc.
See, these Nazis were going to kill her, so... whatever she'd been like with her friends or her teachers... that was just over.
Les nazis allaient la tuer, alors... quelle que soit son attitude auprès de ses amis ou de ses professeurs... c'était fini.
I admit how I was overpoweringly attracted to him... or whatever, but, you know, I point out that he could have... handled things differently, and he really did not know me at all.
J'y admets à quel point il a accaparé mes pensées... mais je mentionne aussi qu'il aurait pu... se comporter autrement. Il ignorait qui j'étais.
Whatever this image is, it was recorded in that room with the girl.
Quelle que soit cette image, elle a été prise dans la pièce avec la fillette.
But logic suggests that since we survived whatever it was that others must have survived it as well.
Mais la logique suggère que si nous avons survécu à ce qui est arrivé, d'autres ont dû le faire également.
Whatever it was that you had yesterday afternoon, I don't want you to have it again.
On est allées boire un milk-shake après.
Whatever the reason, of the thousands of animals in the piggery that day only one was chosen.
Quoi qu'il en soit, parmi des milliers de cochons, ce fut lui que l'on choisit.
He had been worried, for he was a truthful man that the heading might say "Name of dog". And then whatever he put would be a lie.
Honnête homme, il s'était inquiété de voir écrit "nom du chien", auquel cas il devrait mentir.
- Well, whatever it was... is gone now. - But that's what he saw.
Il en a vues.
I'm telling you, he took whatever was in that goddamn deer, and he put it right into me.
Je peux te dire qu'il a pris ce qui était dans la biche... et l'a fait passer en moi.
Today, after Katimsky's, I tried to explain to her... that I was, you know... sorry or whatever.
Après le cours de Katimsky, j'ai essayé de lui expliquer... Que j'étais... désolé.
Whatever there was between them, you were part of that connection.
Quoi qu'il y ait eu entre elles, tu faisais partie de ce lien.
I wasn't sure what that question meant... but whatever it meant, I knew I had to tell her whatever it was she wanted to hear.
Tu as fait sa connaissance avant qu'il ne meure? Dommage.
That weapon, or whatever it was was from your company, wasn't it?
Cette arme, ce machin, venait de Cyrez, non?
For whatever it was that closed your heart.
Pour tout ce qui a tari votre coeur.
Ali, for whatever he'd done, I was there probably because I had a good story in Esquire that year, maybe 25 of us, honoured guests,
Ali était là pour une raison, et moi pour un article que j'avais dû écrire.
He couldn't escape it, whatever it was. What could be so powerful that you couldn't escape it?
Il n'a pas pu échapper à cette chose, tellement elle était puissante...
But whatever decent impulse it was that brought you down here... you need to follow through on that and put some names down on that pad, huh?
Mais, même si c'est votre bonté qui vous a guidé jusqu'ici, il faut nous aider et noter quelques noms.
I was under the impression that I could take anything I wanted from your fridge. You take whatever from mine.
Je pensais pouvoir me servir dans ton frigo, comme toi dans le mien.
She said she was going to try and explain the situation to Kyle - whatever that means.
Elle a dit qu'elle essaierait de convaincre Kyle.
I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator so scared that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive.
Mais j'avais eu aussi peur dans l'hôpital qu'en allant chercher le générateur. J'avais eu si peur que j'aurais fait n'importe quoi pour rester en vie.
Then she was saying how sorry she was, and she sold me the dress and the socks and whatever else I bought that day.
Elle m'a dit qu'elle était navrée et elle m'a vendu la robe, les chaussettes et d'autres choses.
I felt whatever the hell that was you hit me with.
J'ai senti ce avec quoi vous m'avez frappé.
Whatever it was, it must've been one hell of a fire that stopped it.
En tout cas, il y a eu un sacré incendie.
I'd still like to get to the bottom of whatever was happening to us in that shuttle.
Je veux savoir ce qui nous est arrivé.
Whatever it is, it was inside that Sphere. Now it's out, free to act.
Il est sorti de la Sphère et il est libre de ses mouvements.
San Francisco in the middle'60s... was a very special time and place to be a part of... but no explanation... no mix of words or music or memories... can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive... in that corner of time in the world, whatever it meant.
San Francisco au milieu des sixties constituait un espace-temps unique... Mais aucune explication, aucun mélange de musique et de mots ne rendra ce qu'on ressentait de se savoir là, vivant dans ce recoin de la terre et du temps.
There was a fantastic universal sense... that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning.
Fabuleux sentiment que quoi qu'on fasse, c'était juste, et bien, et qu'on allait gagner.
If you're one of those people who don't like movies... where some person you can't see talks the whole time... and covers up all the holes in the plot and... at the end says, "I was never the same after that summer"... or whatever, like it was so deep they can't stand it... then you're out of luck.
Si vous n'aimez pas les films où la nana parle tout le temps en off - - Et dit à la fin "Je n'étais plus la même à la fin de cet été". - - Vous n'avez pas de bol.
That virus that I was exposed to, whatever it is, it has a cure.
Ce virus auquel j'ai été exposée, quel qu'il soit, il a un vaccin.
After that, whatever original charge it had dissipated while it was drifting... through hyperspace.
Après quoi il a dû épuiser toute sa charge énergétique de base au fil du temps et a dérivé dans l'hyperespace.
But I'm absolutely sure that whatever you said last night was provoked. Even deserved.
Je suis certain... que ce que vous avez dit était provoqué... et mérité.
I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that his sacrifice was not in vain.
Je ferai tout ce qu'il faudra pour que son sacrifice ne soit pas inutile.
That virus that I was exposed to whatever it is, it has a cure.
Ce virus auquel j'ai été exposée, quel qu'il soit, il a un vaccin.
Uh, whatever. We have hard evidence that Andie's mother was responsible for the death of her older brother in a car crash less than a year ago.
Nous avons la preuve... que sa mère a provoqué la mort de son frère... dans un accident de voiture.
If I had whatever it is that your mom has and if I just said everything that was on my mind I would thank both of your parents for raising a son who's such a good lover.
Si j'avais la maladie de ta mère et que je disais tout ce qui me passe par la tête, je remercierais tes parents d'avoir fait de leur fils un aussi bon amant.
You said I should do whatever it was that makes me happy.
Tu m'as dit exactement de faire ce qui me faisait plaisir.
That house, whatever it was to them, is blown. They're twice as volatile and dangerous.
Elles nous y ont vus, ça les rend plus imprévisibles et dangereuses.
Our holy word should have been strong enough to undo whatever it was that kept us from eternity but still we can't pass through the gate.
Notre mot sacré aurait dû nous donner l'éternité, mais on ne peut pas traverser.
Like the last three years have been a poker game... and I was holding whatever it is that you hold... when you win.
Comme si on jouait au poker depuis trois ans, et que j'avais les cartes gagnantes en main.
Then I remembered seeing you with that prick piano player Nick whatever the fuck his name was, at my party.
Et puis je me suis souvenu... de t'avoir vu avec ce... cet enfoiré de Nick... enfin, un nom à la con, à ma fête.
I imagine about the same time as whatever the deal was, that Terry Valentine grafted you out of your share of.
Je suppose que c'est à cette époque que Valentine ne vous a pas versé vos pots-de-vin, comme prévu.
Well, whatever it was that made me and Lyle so mad... don't matter any more.
Ce qui a fait qu'on était si fâchés l'un sur l'autre, n'a plus d'importance.
Whatever I was, I knew there was only one way back to the world and that was to use the place to talk.
Quoi qu'il en soit, le seul moyen de réintégrer la société... était de me servir de cet endroit... pour m'exprimer.
and that, even if he couldn't get any younger, and whatever the difficulties, it was great to be alive.
Et puis, meme s'il ne pouvait rajeunir, et quelles que soient les difficultes, c'etait formidable d'etre en vie.
If we do this, it means that I stop dating Richard... and you stop dating Amber or Turquoise... or whatever crayon she was named after.
Bon, ça veut dire que je ne vois plus Richard... et que tu ne sors plus avec Ambre ou Turquoise... quel que soit le crayon dont elle porte le nom.
Whatever did I do that was wrong?
Ai-je fait quelque chose de mal?
Scared they were never gonna let me out or that whatever was broken inside me wouldn't be fixable.
Peur de ne jamais sortir ou de ne jamais pouvoir guérir.

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