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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why wouldn't it be

Why wouldn't it be tradutor Francês

187 parallel translation
Say, why wouldn't it be a good idea for Mr. Wilson to pay a little visit to Habersville, just long enough to collect this coin?
Ce serait une bonne idée si M. Wilson se rendait à Habersville pour récupérer ce magot.
Why, if it wasn't for Karl, I wouldn't be here.
S'il n'y avait pas eu Karl, je ne serais pas ici.
Well, you know, if - if we have children, why-Well, it w-wouldn't be legal.
Tu sais, si on a des enfants, on - eh bien, ça ne serait pas légal.
Why, I wouldn't be seen dead in it!
Je ne voudrais pas la porter une fois morte!
Look, I'm on the level. What's in it for me not to be? Why wouldn't I believe them?
Je suis réglo, pourquoi je ne les croirais pas?
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Why wouldn't it be legitimate?
Pourquoi ne serait-il pas légitime?
- Why wouldn't it be?
- Que veux-tu que ça craigne?
Why not? It wouldn't be so hard. Except for maybe the baby part.
Ça serait pas dur, sauf pour avoir un bébé, peut-être.
Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-ce pas?
Why, I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for that brave girl risking her life by throwing me down on the sidewalk.
Je ne serais pas de ce monde, sans cette fille courageuse qui a risqué sa vie en me jetant sur le trottoir.
Oh, I'd say, bein'it's a... pretty dead hole, why... Well, it wouldn't be a hell of a much.
Je dirais... dans ce trou... ça ne serait pas une fortune.
Why wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that somebody travelling around these small villages might have a particular interest in the Engels Dam?
Ne serait-il pas raisonnable de supposer que quelqu'un visitant ces petits villages a un intérêt particulier pour le barrage Engels?
- Why not? Would he get in trouble, or wouldn't he be glorified by it?
Aurait-il des problèmes, ou n'en tirerait-il aucune gloire?
Why, that would be wonderful, wouldn't it?
Ce serait merveilleux, n'est-ce pas?
- Why wouldn't it be?
- Pourquoi cette question?
Why him? I built this field. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.
C'est moi qui ai construit ce stade!
Why, you know, if it wasn't for me telling you day after day to get up, get to work and do something, for God's sake you wouldn't be bringing home the chump change that you are.
Si je ne te disais pas tous les jours de te lever et d'aller travailler, tu ne ramènerais pas tes 4 sous.
Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ce ne serait pas un argenté?
Why wouldn't it be?
Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi pas?
Why wouldn't it be okay?
Pourquoi ça n'irait pas?
Why wouldn't it be true?
Pourquoi ça le serait pas?
Why wouldn't I be getting it from you?
J'aurais pas la tienne? Pourquoi?
Why, why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ça n'irait pas?
Why wouldn't it be?
Bien sûr! Les affaires vont bien en ce moment.
- Why wouldn't it be?
- Pourquoi pas?
- It is. - Then why wouldn't they be paying for it?
Oui, en effet.
Yeah, sure... why wouldn't it be?
Ouais, bien sûr... pourquoi ce ne serait pas le cas?
Why wouldn't I be? - Well, it's just that...
Dis à Walters que je suis mort.
Fact is, I wouldn't be surprised if it's why he picked me for this case.
En fait, je ne serais pas surpris qu'il m'ait refilé cette affaire pour ça.
It reads... 75 % of the details of most sessions wouldn't carry much currency for espionage, but enough significant material passed through Sonia Baker's hands to justify, in my opinion, why she would be useful to the oil industry, U-EX in particular, because they, again in my opinion, were the only company directly responding to hostile perceptions of their working practices.
car, toujours selon moi, eux seuls réagissent à l'hostilité provoquée par leurs méthodes.
- Why don't you go on it, you'd be great, wouldn't he, he'd be great.
- Tu devrais participer. Il serait bon, non? Le 50 - 50.
Actually, why wouldn't it be?
En fait, je sais pas pourquoi on penserait le contraire.
Why wouldn't it be okay?
- Pourquoi ça me dérangerait?
Sure. Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ça ne le serait pas?
It's why I told everyone I went to Ibiza, in the hopes that I wouldn't be treated like an invalid, or a victim, or like I was going to die.
C'est pour ça que j'ai dit que j'allais à Ibiza, dans l'espoir que je ne serai pas traité en invalide, ou en victime, ou comme si j'allais mourir.
Although, it would be hard to score below 14, wouldn't it, Kimmy? - Why are you doing this?
Quoi qu'il doit être dur d'arriver à moins de 14.
And I think that if we were the men we all dreamed we'd be... when we were all young... we'd be doing deals on all the other things... and going home to explain our little failures... to our own countrymen, but we wouldn't compromise... the actual lives of people we will never meet... just because we'd never have to explain to them face-to-face... why we didn't think it was worth fighting to stop them dying.
Si nous étions les hommes que nous rêvions d'être, lorsque nous étions jeunes, nous tomberions d'accord sur les autres points. Nous rentrerions expliquer nos petites défaites à nos compatriotes, mais nous ne compromettrions pas la vie des gens que nous ne verrons jamais
That's why we'll make it look like we left so he wouldn't expect me to be here.
Je veux qu'il croie que je suis partie, et l'attendre quand même.
I still wouldn't be able to afford half this car. Yeah, but why would you want it?
Je ne serais même pas capable de m'offrir la moitié de cette voiture.
- Why wouldn't it be?
- Pourquoi ça n'irait pas?
Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
I mean, why would I? And why wouldn't it be with the other hearts that I apparently plucked out?
Ça vaut la peine que je commente?
Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ça n'irait pas?
Yeah of course it is, why wouldn't it be?
- Ouais, bien sûr, pourquoi ne le serais-je pas?
Why wouldn't you be excited about it?
Ça ne t'a pas fait plaisir?
I mean, why wouldn't it be?
- Bien sûr. Pourquoi pas?
Why wouldn't it be me? I dunno.
- Pourquoi ce ne serait pas moi?
- Everything all right? - Yeah, why wouldn't it be? - David.
M. et Mme O'Neil, avez-vous aimé votre dîner au Samson hier?
- Why wouldn't it be? Do I ask your real name?
- Pourquoi ce serait pas mon vrai nom?

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