According to him tradutor Português
396 parallel translation
According to him, I'm supposed to be dead
De acordo com ele, suponho que estarei morto
Twenty pieces of silver, according to him.
20 moedas de prata. É o que ele pede.
But nobody's decent, according to him.
Mas segundo ele, ninguém é decente.
How much money was sunk to the sea according to him
Quanto dinheiro no fundo no mar, segundo ele?
According to him, it doesn't wear off.
Segundo o Petri, não desaparece.
According to him we need to be politicians. You know what?
Segundo ele, temos que ser políticos.
- Not according to him.
- Segundo ele, não.
According to him, the terror bombing of London means that Goering's given up on the duel of the fighter commands.
De acordo com ele, o bombardeamento de terror de Londres significa que o Goering está a desistir do duelo dos comandos de luta.
According to him, he acquired all his skills under your expert tutelage.
Ele disse-nos que tudo o que sabe, o aprendeu sob a sua sábia tutela.
Not according to him, he hasn't.
De acordo com ele, ele não tem.
- According to him.
- De acordo com o que ele diz.
We will return soon, according to him he says to me.
Voltaremos em breve, segundo ele me diz.
One calls Joe Rogers, according to him.
Chama-se Joe Rogers, segundo ele.
According to him... the Tables of Law were buried under one of these gothic cathedrals.
Segundo ele, as tábuas da lei estão enterradas debaixo de uma catedral gótica.
Biff's dad is a bankruptcy lawyer and according to him... WestworId airlines is about to fall prey to a corporate raider.
O pai do Biff é um advogado de falências e, segundo ele, a Westworld Airlines vai cair nas mãos de um predador de empresas.
According to him we're practically engaged.
De acordo com ele, somos praticamente noivos.
The guy says he works for Hogan-Hayes Clinic. According to him, six patients were killed last night.
O tipo disse trabalhar na clínica Hogan-Hayes e que ontem à noite seis pacientes foram assassinados.
According to him, the police conspired against him.
Segundo ele, foi a polícia, que imaginou tudo contra ele.
According to him, it was one way to get over it.
Segundo ele, era a melhor maneira de esquecer o assunto.
According to him, he was working hard all the way back to Paris.
De acordo com ele, ele estava trabalhando duro durante toda a sua volta a Paris.
According to him, he's dislocated his shoulder half a dozen times trying to make it down those rapids.
De acordo com ele, já deslocou o ombro meia dúzia de vezes a tentar descer pelos rápidos.
According to him, he was prevented from doing so by some Kind of phantom soldier.
De acordo com ele, um soldado fantasma não deixou que ele os salvasse.
I'm asking you, to bury him according to the new ways...
Peço-vos que o sepulteis de acordo com os novos procedimentos...
According to the fact of psychology that under great emotional stress the mind sees what it has expected to whether the thing is actually there or not is it not possible that you did not see Joseph Wilson but only the image of him your imagination had created in your head?
Segundo a psicologia, quando está sob grande stress emocional, a mente vê o que esperava... ... quer a coisa esteja lá ou não. Não é possível que não tenha visto Joseph Wilson, mas apenas a imagem dele criada pela imaginação da senhora?
Are you then prepared to give him burial according to our laws and customs that you may inherit that which was his?
Está preparada dar-lhe sepultura de acordo com nossas leis e costumes, - para poder herdar o que era seu?
Otherwise, I'd have married him, I would have done according to his will.
Caso contrário, teria ficado e casado com ele.
What happens when you find him guilty, according to regulations?
O que fazem se o considerarem culpado, de acordo com o regulamento?
For your information, smart guy, on the evenin'of the 21st between 10 and midnight, him and me was eatin'supper in the house of one of those Italian merchants, who, according to you, we extorted the dough from.
Para sua informação, patrãozinho... na noite de 21, entre as 10 e a meia noite, estávamos a cear em casa de um desses comerciantes, que, segundo a sua informação, extorquimos o dinheiro.
He wanted him hung, according to law, but I couldn't do that.
Ele queria vê-lo enforcado. Conforme a lei. Mas eu não podia permiti-lo.
Well, you know, according to Patrolman Bancroft's report here it says that Officer Frann was seen talking to you as they were wheeling him in.
Segundo o relatório do Patrulha Bancroft o Agente Frann foi visto a falar consigo, enquanto o traziam.
We tell him what he must do... and punish or reward him accordingly... no matter what his own pleasure dictates. He is punished or rewarded... according to whether his behavior... conforms to the survival need of the group.
Dizemos-lhe o que deve fazer... e punimo-lo ou recompensamo-lo... independentemente da sua própria busca do prazer,... punimo-lo ou recompensamo-lo... de modo a que a sua acção... esteja em conformidade com as necessidades de sobrevivência do grupo.
According to what we saw... the lnspector took it out of the dead man's hand and said it was Cirinna's by putting it next to him.
Desculpe, mas... porque é que Sante Cirinná não contou a ninguém um pormenor tão importante?
According to NORAD, his original course and rate of descent would have taken him here, - south of Winslow.
De acordo com a NORAD... o rumo original e o ângulo de descida deveriam levá-lo aqui ao Sul de Winslow.
I intimidate him, according to her.
Ela diz-me que o intimido.
According to Morse Hudson's records you sold him six Napoleon's on June the third, of last year.
Segundo os registos de Morse Hudson, vendeu-lhe seis Napoleões no dia três de Junho do ano passado.
Will you, Deborah Stephens, have this man, James Ferguson to be thy wedded husband... and live together according to God's law, in the holy state of matrimony... Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health... forsaking all others, keeping thee only unto to him, so long as you both do live?
Você, Deborah Stephens, aceita este homem, James Ferguson para ser seu marido... vivendo juntos de acordo com as Leis de Deus no Sagrado Estatuto do Matrimónio... e amá-lo, confortá-lo, honrá-lo e mantê-lo na doença e na saúde... pelo bem de todos vós, mantendo a sua fidelidade,
And according to Kris they hunted him down and roasted him like a Thanksgiving turkey.
E, segundo o que a Kris me contou, perseguiram-no e assaram-no como um peru do Dia de Acção de Graças.
To get there, a handmaiden has to be sacrificed along with him, according to the book.
Para que chegue lá, é preciso o sacrifício de uma mulher... segundo o livro.
Well, according to the book I've just read Keep Him Down, Keep Him Down, Keep Him Down :
Bom, segundo o livro que acabei de ler, Faça-o Baixar a Bolinha, Faça-o Baixar a Bolinha,
... paid him fully, according to the contract.
... totalmente pago, conforme o contrato.
According to the coroner, he died between 9 and 11 pm 3 women visited him
Segundo o médico legista, Manuel Sancho morreu entre às 9 e as 11h da noite. Durante estas duas horas, visitaram-no três mulheres.
Ben says he'd been dead at least 16 hours but according to a couple of his co-workers, they saw him recently.
É irónico, não é?
According to Mr. Lake, this individual told him that he had killed Mary Davis and another individual in Manattan, and that he did it in order to steal the drugs.
SUPREMO TRIBUNAL QUARTA-FEIRA, 24 DE MARÇO Segundo o Sr. Lake, este indivíduo disse-lhe ter morto Mary Davis e outra pessoa em Manhattan e que o fizera para roubar a droga.
According to the report, Ryu may be as powerful as Ken. Vega must have targeted him already.
Estou certo que o facto do Ryu ser tão bom lutador como o Ken não escapou ao Bison, mas, por ora, estamos em vantagem.
According to them, he murdered the doctor that recommended dropping him and was killed trying to escape the murder scene.
Segundo eles, ele matou o médico que recomendou que o eliminassem e foi morto a tentar fugir do local do crime.
According to the report, the finger-prints belong to him.
Segundo o relatório, as impressões digitais pertencem a ele.
Actually I'm testing to see how much force it requires to drain Superman's reserves which would, according to my theory, render him vulnerable.
Na verdade... testo-o para saber o que é preciso para anular as reservas do super-homem... que, segundo a minha teoria, o iria tornar vulnerável.
- According to mythology to send him back to his own dimension he has to say his own name backwards.
De acordo com a mitologia... para o enviar de volta a sua própria dimensão... tem que dizer o seu nome ao contrário.
"According to Eric Payne, a 62-year-old transient, Mr. Salinger forced him bodily out the door."
"Segundo Eric Payne, um transeunte de 62 anos, o Sr. Salinger empurrou-o porta fora."
They have to bury him according to their Poro beliefs. Otherwise, his soul will haunt them forever.
Têm de fazê-lo de acordo com a sua crença, caso contrário, a alma dele persegui-los-á.
According to his sister, that would make him class of'92.
Segundo a irmã, devia ser da classe de 92.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17