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And perhaps tradutor Português

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And perhaps get answers to all my questions.
... e talvez meus muitos anos de longa espera também.
And perhaps you'll bring another glass for yourself too, my darling?
The boss will be very delighted, and perhaps you can finally join your dearly departed parents.
O patrão vai ficar muito satisfeito, e talvez possas, finalmente, juntar aos teus queridos e falecidos pais.
The Deputy wasn't in uniform, and perhaps his personality wasn't condusive to the situation at hand.
O ajudante não usava o uniforme. E talvez seu comportamento, não tenha sido adequado devido à sua forma de ser. E agora o que fazemos?
I was 15, and perhaps my girlish, romantic expectations were a bit high.
Eu tinha 15 anos. As minhas expectativas românticas eram um pouco elevadas.
And perhaps one day I shall mourn your passing.
E talvez um dia o seu choram morte.
She knew he would be susceptible to the charms of an attractive woman and perhaps Nurse Craven might end up as Lady Boyd Carrington instead of her.
Ela sabia que ele seria suscetível aos encantos de uma mulher atraente e talvez a enfermeira Craven acabasse como Lady Boyd Carrington em vez dela.
Monsieur Tysoe, you seem to be a man who is ambitious, who is creative and perhaps even with some level of intelligence.
Monsieur Tysoe, parece ser ambicioso, criativo e talvez até com algum nível de inteligência.
And perhaps it was to get back at her mother...
- Talvez para revidar à mãe...
And perhaps, you never know, if there was a good opportunity, I'd maybe buy something.
E, talvez, nunca se sabe, se surgir uma boa oportunidade, talvez até comprar.
And perhaps that weakness is the very reason you were chosen for this job.
E, talvez, essa fraqueza seja a razão pela qual foi escolhido para este trabalho.
Or stiff and angular? And perhaps... no gown at all.
Ou talvez... não devas usar vestido?
Now, play your part and perhaps you will be spared.
Representai o vosso papel... e talvez sejais poupado.
So, perhaps when you fell and hit your head... Captain.
Talvez quando caíu, tenha batido com a cabeça...
Until an enterprising business fellow decided that far from befitting the sending and receiving of mail it was perhaps better suited as a humble taproom where a weary traveler might get Matted.
Até que um colega de negócios empreendedor decidiu que longe de ser condizente com o envio e recebimento de correio talvez fosse mais adequado para uma humilde taberna, onde um viajante cansado se pudesse esteirar.
And though you may not understand it now, Dante, you have perhaps saved far more than just one innocent soul.
E mesmo que não possas entender agora, Dante, tu tens salvo talvez muito mais do que apenas uma alma inocente.
And he doped in the most professional, efficient way, perhaps in the history of sport.
Ele dopou da forma mais profissional e eficaz da história do desporto.
Evie, dear, after dinner, I was thinking perhaps you and I could talk.
Evie, querida, depois do jantar, estava a pensar que talvez pudéssemos conversar.
And then perhaps two human creatures may know each other.
E depois, talvez, duas criaturas humanas possam conhecer-se.
Perhaps that little girl should finally stand up and walk into the garden.
Talvez seja altura de essa menina se levantar e caminhar até ao jardim.
Perhaps on your way home, someone will pass you in the dark. And you will never know it!
Talvez a caminho de casa, alguém passe por você no escuro, e você nunca vai saber!
But it seems that perhaps our world met a fork in the road, and the world took one path, and I took the other.
Mas parece que talvez o nosso mundo encontrou um desvio na estrada, e o mundo seguiu um caminho, e eu segui em outro.
Perhaps this is an inevitable result, and each of us are doomed to find ourselves on a path alone in the end, especially those of us who found the world as it was to be a close to perfect place... those who accepted that the affairs of men
Talvez este seja um resultado inevitável, e cada um de nós está condenado a encontrar-nos num caminho sozinho no final, especialmente aqueles que encontrou o mundo como ele era para ser um sítio próximo do perfeito... aqueles que aceitaram que os assuntos dos homens
So perhaps I'd do better to take my pokes on these pages and take direction from the Bard...
Por isso, talvez seja melhor pegar as minhas escritas nestas páginas e ir em direcção a Bard...
He stirred the nest and they've come to sting him rather more than perhaps he expected.
Ele mexeu no ninho e elas vieram picá-lo, mais do que ele esperava.
When I declined, he offered an alternative, perhaps I would spy on my other interviews and report back to him.
Quando recusei, ele ofereceu-me uma alternativa. Talvez pudesse espiar as minhas outras entrevistas e contar-lhe tudo.
- Too soon to say. Perhaps Mr. Oldman will be able to work this out more quickly and better than us.
Talvez o Sr. Oldman consiga resolver isto melhor e mais depressa do que nós.
And you feel that perhaps you'll never want to get out.
E sente que talvez nunca vá querer sair.
Perhaps the only difference between me and other people was that I've always demanded more from the sunset.
A única diferença entre mim e as outras pessoas é que eu sempre exigi mais do pôr do sol.
I decided, perhaps a bit desperately, that the only thing standing between me and the bag of chocolate sweets, was an unequivocal provocation of this man.
Decidi, de forma talvez um pouco desesperada, que a única coisa entre mim e o pacote de bombons de chocolate era a provocação inequívoca daquele homem.
Anyway I got this bottle of chilled vintage champagne and the Rolls is outside and I thought perhaps, you know, we could... celebrate.
Em todo o caso, tenho aqui esta garrafa fresquinha de champanhe vintage e o Rolls está lá fora e pensei que talvez, tu sabes, pudéssemos... celebrar.
You know who killed Hattie Stubbs and you know perhaps where the body it now lies.
Sabe porquê. Sabe quem matou Hattie Stubbs e sabe, talvez, onde está o corpo.
Perhaps also for Poirot the shadows are lengthening and the moment it is come to think of the life that is quiet.
Talvez também para Poirot as sombras se alonguem e chegou a hora de pensar numa vida calma.
Perhaps you met him through your late husband and his work?
Talvez o tenha conhecido através do seu falecido marido e do seu trabalho?
So, perhaps we should just call it quits and I should hand you back these.
Então, talvez devessemos dizer que estamos quites e eu lhe deva devolver isto.
Or perhaps you'll lead Grey Worm and me to the slaughter, cutting the head off our army.
Ou talvez leves o Verme Cinzento e a mim para a chacina cortando a cabeça do nosso exército.
Perhaps you'll laugh, but I know him better than most and this is the truth.
Vós podereis rir, mas eu conheço-o melhor do que a maioria e isto é a verdade.
You're right. Perhaps the safest thing to do is to kill you both and burn your bodies.
Tendes razão, talvez o mais seguro seja matar-vos a ambos e queimar os corpos.
Perhaps in all the excitement, Mr. Rose has forgotten that there is a special advocate on this case and that we're both representing the defendant.
Talvez com toda esta excitação, o Sr. Rose se tenha esquecido que há um defensor especial sobre este caso, e que nós dois estamos a representar o réu.
Perhaps because, and, please, let me do it for you,
Talvez porque, e por favor, deixe-me fazê-lo por si,
A suspension between life and death and then perhaps..... a great awakening.
Uma suspensão entre a vida e a morte e daí, talvez um grande despertar.
Perhaps it's just you and me here in Lorenzo's home.
Talvez seja... o facto de estarmos aqui, em casa do Lorenzo.
Perhaps if you two thieves had paid a little more attention in Sunday school, and a little less time playing Hide Your Finger in Your Sister's Cunt,
Se você dois ladrões tivessem prestado mais atenção nas aulas de catecismo e gastado menos tempo em enfiar seus dedos nas vaginas de suas irmãs
And you are holidaying together to see if perhaps the flame still burns?
Nada de mais. E estão de férias juntos para ver quem sabe se a chama continua viva.
Well, perhaps you should mark me a traitor and have me killed as well.
Talvez devesses considerar-me traidor e mandar-me matar.
Mm. Da Vinci faces imprisonment, perhaps death, and you have the power to intercede with the magistrate.
O Da Vinci vai ser preso, talvez morto e tu tens o poder de interceder junto do Magistrado.
Well perhaps you should mark me a traitor and have me killed as well.
Talvez devias dizer que sou um traidor e matar-me também.
And for this, perhaps you would offer me something in return?
E por isto... talvez me ofereças... algo em troca?
You know, pair of pants and a brassiere, perhaps.
Um par de cuecas e um soutien, talvez.
Perhaps you are the god of mischief who sends men mad and sends them to their deaths.
Talvez sejas o deus do prejuízo que torna os homens loucos e os condena à sua morte.
Perhaps if we can make them leave their position and attack us.
Podíamos tentar fazer com que mudassem de posição e assim podiam atacar-nos.

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