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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Perhaps i will

Perhaps i will tradutor Português

309 parallel translation
Perhaps I will not stay to tea.
- Talvez eu não fique para o chá.
Perhaps I will, then, after all.
Talvez o faça mesmo.
Perhaps I will one day.
Talvez um dia o faça.
Perhaps I will, Miss Wilkison.
Talvez o faça, Menina Wilkinson.
- Perhaps I will get a job.
- Talvez arranje trabalho.
Then perhaps I will run for the Congress. Hello?
Então, talvez me candidate ao Congresso.
I will sit at the feet of Solomon like the wise men who flock to Jerusalem. And perhaps I will learn from his own lips the way to destroy him.
Sentar-me-ei aos pés de Salomão, como os sábios que acorrem à Jerusalém e talvez aprenda, de seus próprios lábios, a forma de o destruir.
Yes, I think perhaps I will, dear.
Se calhar também tomo.
Perhaps I will sing again as before and fend for myself.
Voltarei a cantar E a valer-me a mim própria.
Perhaps I will one day.
Talvez um dia.
Talvez eu beba.
Yes, perhaps I will...
Talvez passe.
Perhaps I will kill you too.
Talvez o mate a si também.
Perhaps I will think of more...
Talvez, quem sabe...
Perhaps one day I will tell you everything.
Talvez algum dia te conte tudo.
But perhaps next spring, the war will be over you and I...
Mas talvez na próxima primavera, a guerra termine você e eu...
And if I haven't, perhaps you will know what to say.
E se eu não fizer, talvez você saberá o que dizer.
Yeah, perhaps I will.
Talvez o faça.
Perhaps I can enlighten you a bit. I'm an authority on what people will think.
Pois acredite : sou autoridade no que as pessoas pensam.
Now perhaps you will understand why I cannot let you meet people.
Talvez entendas porque não posso deixar-te ver ninguém.
Since your cousin avoided me tonight and undoubtedly will avoid me in the morning I think perhaps I had better speak to you.
Já que o seu primo me evitou, esta noite, e voltará a evitar-me amanhä... ... talvez seja melhor consigo.
And what luck for me, too, Because I'm sure you won't mind... but perhaps you will.
E que sorte a minha também, porque tenho a certeza de que você não se importa...
Perhaps you will insist that Madame give me more time... so that you and I can go to Paris together.
Podia pedir à senhora que me conceda mais tempo livre... para que possamos ir a Paris juntos
Perhaps if I eat something, it will make... me... grow small. Ow!
Talvez comendo qualquer coisa eu fique mais pequena.
Perhaps you will consider this foolish but when Joab told me I was to come to Jerusalem I swore an oath on my sword.
Talvez considere uma tolice... mas quando Joab me disse que eu viria a Jerusalém... fiz um juramento sobre a minha espada.
I think perhaps he will.
Acredito que o seja.
But perhaps the more discerning of our audience... will be able to find a clue to their identities... in what follows, after which... I'll be back.
Mas possivelmente os espectadores mais perspicazes... possam descobrir suas identidades... neste anúncio, logo do qual... voltarei.
I think they will end up with ten or twelve of their Men before being killed, and perhaps injuring many others.
Eu acho que eles vão acabar, com dez ou doze dos seus homens antes de ser morto, e talvez ferir muitos outros.
And perhaps there, too, I will find another kind of death.
E talvez lá também encontre outra classe de "morte".
Every morning, after roll call, you will report to me for fatigue duty, when you are so fatigued you cannot stand perhaps you'll wish I had shot you.
Todas as manhãs, depois da chamada, você me informará pelo dever de fadiga, Quando você está tão cansado, você não aguenta
Perhaps but Pierre and I will never give up our house.
Possivelmente Mas Pierre e eu nunca vamos desistir da nossa casa.
I will. Barrymore? Since you've mentioned Sir Charles'death... perhaps you could tell us a little more about it.
Talvez nos possa dizer algo mais sobre a morte do Sir Charles.
I was thinking that perhaps after today... we will not let a mine fall on our heads again.
Estava a pensar que depois de hoje... não vamos mais deixar que uma mina nos caia em cima outra vez.
- I'm sure it will. - Perhaps Her Highness has other plans.
- Sua Alteza tem outros planos.
Perhaps you will succeed in teaching me humility. It's a virtue I've never mastered.
Talvez possa ensinar-me a humildade.
- There will be no execution. Perhaps, one day, as you toil in the salt mines at Tipon, you will rue the day that I saved your lives.....
Talvez um dia nas minas de Taypon, para onde vão ser deportados, lamentareis o ato de clemência com que lhes salvo a vida.
Perhaps they will think I've just come from the beach, from a swim.
E talvez pensem que venho da praia, so isso.
Domino, I was thinking, as I'll be busy this evening, perhaps Mr Bond will take you to the Junkanoo.
Domino, estava a pensar, como vou estar ocupado esta tarde, talvez o Sr. Bond te leve a ver o Junkanoo.
Perhaps, but I will never starve, sir.
Talvez. Mas nunca passarei fome.
Perhaps I have failed you and Gina... but the Fox... will not fail.
Talvez eu tenha falhado com você e Gina mas a Raposa não falhará.
If I am to be imprison-ed, will you, perhaps, come and see me there?
Se ter de ser preso, será possível, talvez, ir visitar-me à cadeia?
I will announce myself. You might perhaps bring me a cup of tea.
Talvez possas trazer-me uma chávena de chá.
I don't know, but perhaps one day people will live where they like
Não sei, pode ser que algum dia a gente viverá no lugar, onde queiram viver
An insignificant difference, perhaps... but I think you'll find the operational characteristics of the M-16... indicate that a bullet will decelerate as much as... 40 feet per second per second faster in these climatic conditions.
Um diferença insignificante, talvez mas julgo que verá que as características operacionais dos M-16 indicam que uma bala abranda cerca de 13 metros por segundo mais depressa, nestas condições climatéricas.
I will die soon, perhaps.
Morrerei em breve, talvez.
- You will therefore forgive me, sir, when I say... that you are perhaps not quite as naive as you look.
- Desculpe que lhe diga que... talvez não seja tão ingénuo como parece.
- I know I'm asking you to perform miracles. But perhaps this will help.
Sei que estou pedindo um pequeno milagre... mas talvez isto ajude?
Perhaps this night is tired e after one hours of sleep, I will be able to write to it a pretty letter.
Talvez esteja cansado esta noite e após umas horas de sono, poderei escrever-lhe uma carta bonita.
Oh, there, there, there, there. I'm sure that God will forgive you, Miss Ohlsson, and perhaps, which is more important, so will your father and mother.
Deus a perdoará e, talvez o mais importante a seus pais também.
I'm much too restless to sleep. Perhaps Joaquín will take the evening air with me. He's my friend and servant.
Estou demasido inquieto para dormir, talvez o Joaquín me acompanhe pela noite é meu amigo e empregado, não pode falar mas ouve perfeitamente.
I will preach goodness. Perhaps join the church.
Pregarei a bondade, talvez me junte à igreja!

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