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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Perhaps we should

Perhaps we should tradutor Português

819 parallel translation
Perhaps we should warn them.
Se calhar, devemos avisá-los.
Perhaps we should- -
Then perhaps we should get better acquainted.
Então talvez nos devêssemos conhecer melhor.
Perhaps we should try a more energetic remedy.
Talvez tentar uma solução mais enérgica.
Perhaps we should keep each other warm, huh?
Talvez devêssemos aquecer-nos um ao outro.
Well, for the sake of the world perhaps we should not delay my good friend Kester.
Para bem do mundo,... não demoraremos mais o meu amigo Kester.
Perhaps we should visit the store.
Talvez devêssemos ir ao armazém.
Perhaps we should've asked your permission first.
Devíamos ter-lhe pedido autorização.
Perhaps we should get some ideas from the repairman in the story.
Talvez o reparador da história nos dê algumas ideias.
Perhaps we should return to Sheba rather than to visit Jerusalem. Wait.
Talvez devamos voltar a Sabá em vez de visitar Jerusalém.
- Well, Jean, perhaps we should...
- Jean, talvez devêssemos...
Perhaps we should have confided our suspicions.
Talvez devêssemos ter comunicado as nossas suspeitas.
- You don't think perhaps we should...?
Não acha que deveríamos...
Perhaps we should have a little talk.
- Talvez pudessemos conversar.
I think perhaps we should be on our way.
Acho que talvez seja melhor irmos andando.
Perhaps we should discuss this matter in comfort, Sir James.
Sei... então será melhor discutir esse assunto com mais calma, Sir James.
There'll be no evacuation, but perhaps we should get you straightened out.
Não vai haver evacuação, mas devíamos corrigi-lo a si.
Perhaps we should postpone the visit. Oh, no, no, no.
Talvez devamos adiar a visita?
Perhaps we should go and have a look at the new showers.
Talvez devamos dar uma olhada nas novas duchas?
Perhaps we should go back and get him.
Talvez devessemos voltar e apanhá-lo.
Perhaps we should call an exterminator?
Talvez nós devamos chamar um exterminador.
Perhaps we should postpone the visit.
Talvez devamos adiar a visita?
Perhaps we should go and have a look at the new showers.
Talvez devamos dar uma vista de olhos nos novos duches?
Until we learn more about it, Scotty, perhaps we should be ready to do the same.
Até sabermos mais, Scotty... talvez tenhamos de nos preparar para o mesmo.
I just thought perhaps we should meet.
Achei apenas que deveríamos nos conhecer.
- Don't you think perhaps we should open? No, no, no!
- Não acha que devíamos abrir...
Well, now that summer, along with presidential primaries, is heavy upon us... and the frost is still there, perhaps we should take a closer look.
Bem, agora que o verão, junto com as primárias presidenciais, está sobre nós... e o gelo segue aí, possivelmente devêssemos lhe dar atenção.
Perhaps we should change places?
Talvez devêssemos trocar de lugar?
Perhaps we should just wait and see.
Talvez devamos esperar para ver.
Perhaps we should be together - a joining of free, independent warrens.
Talvez devêssemos estar juntos. Uma junção de coelheiras independentes.
Perhaps we should prepare an escape vessel :
Talvez devessemos preparar uma nave de fuga?
Perhaps we should attempt to validate Mr : Wist's story :
Talvez deveríamos confirmar o que o Sr. Wist diz.
Perhaps we should go back and try another tunnel :
Talvez deveriamos voltar para trás e tentar outro tunel.
Perhaps we should put her somewhere where it's cool so she doesn't rot too quickly.
Devemos colocá-la num lugar fresco para não apodrecer tão depressa.
Perhaps we should think about phasing him out. I see.
Talvez devêssemos pensar em afastá-Io gradualmente.
Perhaps we should just have paid them the money.
Talvez fosse melhor pagar-lhes apenas o dinheiro.
Perhaps we should travel together.
Talvez deveríamos viajar juntos.
Perhaps we should....
Não seria melhor...
Gentlemen I think perhaps we should recommence.
Cavalheiros devíamos continuar as negociações.
- Perhaps we should be going?
- Se calhar é melhor irmos andando.
Well, perhaps we should begin with your back.
Bem, talvez devamos começar com as costas.
Perhaps we should invite him on up for a spell?
Talvez devêssemos convidar para um encanto...
We find ourselves in a situation so dire, that perhaps I should risk giving Ben my new Omnitrix.
Encontramo-nos numa situação tão difícil... que talvez até arrisque a dar ao Ben o meu novo Omnitrix.
It's perhaps a strange circumstance that we both should be in love with the same woman.
Talvez seja uma estranha circunstância que ambos estejamos apaixonados pela mesma mulher.
Well, perhaps tonight, we should celebrate.
Bem, talvez esta noite, devessemos celebrar.
Perhaps we should call Michal.
Talvez devêssemos chamar o Michal.
If, or perhaps I should say when, we take the Ant Hill... how long do we have to hold it before we can expect any support?
Se, ou melhor, quando tomarmos a colina Formigueiro... durante quanto tempo teremos que ocupá-la sem reforços?
I say 60 million is perhaps the highest price... we should be prepared to pay in a war.
Acho que 60 milhões é o preço mais alto que estaremos prontos a pagar na guerra.
Gentlemen, perhaps I should tell you - or perhaps I should not tell you - that we have just come from a very brief and very painful session with the Prime Minister on this.
Senhores tenho algo que lhes devo ou não dizer. Acabamos de chegar de uma reunião breve e muito dolorosa com o Primeiro Ministro.
Perhaps I should explain, we normally get our celery delivered on a Wednesday, along with our cabbages, onions, walnuts, grapes...
É melhor eu explicar. Nós recebemos o nosso aipo às quartas-feiras, juntamente com as couves, as cebolas, as nozes e as uvas...
Perhaps it we should make a run for it.
Podemos correr.

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