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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Perhaps i can help

Perhaps i can help tradutor Português

163 parallel translation
Perhaps I can help.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
If you're in trouble, perhaps I can help you.
Se estás com problemas, talvez eu te possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu o possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help somehow.
Talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you to forget.
Talvez eu possa ajudar-te a esquecer.
If you'd tell me what it is, perhaps I can help.
Se me dissesses o que é, talvez te pudesse ajudar.
Perhaps I can help.
Talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez vos possa ajudar.
( Peter ) Perhaps I can help you, Demetrius.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar, Demetrius.
- If you don't know, perhaps I can help.
- Se não sabe, talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
But if you feel that strongly about it, perhaps I can help you.
Mas se acredita sinceramente nisso, talvez eu o possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help.
- Talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help.
Talvez possa ajudar.
- My child, perhaps I can help you. If only you could...
- Talvez eu possa ajudar-te.
Perhaps perhaps I can help?
Talvez talvez eu possa ajudar?
I think perhaps I can help you.
Acho que talvez o possa ajudar.
- Perhaps I can help you.
- Talvez possa ajudá-lo.
Perhaps I can help you.
- Talvez possa ajudá-lo.
- I go with you, perhaps I can help.
- Vou convosco, talvez possa ajudar.
Admiral, perhaps I can help :
Almirante, talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-lo.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez os possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you find...
Talvez eu o possa ajudar a procurar...
Perhaps I can help...
- Não. Quero falar com o Joey.
Well perhaps I can help.
Talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu o possa ajudar...
Perhaps I can help you clean it up.
Talvez o possa ajudar a limpar tudo.
Perhaps I can help I am Giovanni
Talvez eu posso ajudar. Chamo-me Giovanni.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu te possa ajudar
Huh. Well, perhaps I can help you find it.
Bem, talvez possa ajudar-te a encontrar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Talvez eu possa ajudá-los.
- Perhaps I can help.
- Talvez eu possa ajudar.
[speaks french] Excuse me, girls. Perhaps i can help.
Com licença, meninas, talvez possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you.
Não a posso ajudar?
But he's supposed to call in. Perhaps I can help.
Mas vai telefonar, talvez possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help in some way.
Talvez eu possa ajudar.
You know... Perhaps i can help here.
Talvez possa ajudà-lo.
Please come to see me. Perhaps I can help you
Por favor venha falar comigo.
Perhaps I can help.
Talvez possa ajuda-lo.
Then perhaps I can help.
Então, talvez eu possa ajudar.
I can't afford to be as generous as you are, sir. But perhaps a little contribution might help. I say, old chap.
Não posso ser tão generoso, mas uma pequena contribuição talvez possa ajudar o rapaz.
Whether they have dogs, guns, servants, insurance. For old times'sakes, perhaps I can help you.
Pelos velhos tempos, talvez te possa ajudar.
Akela, perhaps I can be of help.
Akela, talvez eu possa dar uma ajuda.
- Perhaps, I can help.
Talvez eu possa ajudar.
- Well, perhaps I can be of some help.
- talvez eu possa ajudar.
Perhaps a man I know can help us.
Um homem que eu conheço talvez nos possa ajudar.
Perhaps I can help you with your investigation. That will not be necessary.
Talvez o possa ajudar com a sua investigação.
Perhaps with your help, I can learn to stay this way.
Talvez com sua ajuda, eu possa aprender a ficar dessa maneira.
I have some friends in the art game. Perhaps I can be of some help.
Tenho alguns amigos no ramo da arte talvez a possa ajudar.
I can't help you with the bullet, but I can, perhaps, help you get a little closer to the source of the artifact.
Não posso ajudá-los com a bala, mas talvez possa ajudá-los a ficar mais perto da fonte do artefacto.
I can only say I perhaps to everybody Can help some people present Offer some information to those relatives Missing person
Só lhes posso dizer que talvez possa ajudar algumas de vocês cujos entes queridos tenham desaparecido, dando-lhes informação

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