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Constance tradutor Português

748 parallel translation
To enter Switzerland above Lake Constance and bypass the Rhine, we'll have to cover... - 200 miles.
Para chegar á Suíça, acima do lago Constança, é o único meio de evitar o Reno, teremos de andar 320 quilómetros.
Look here, to get to Lake Constance...
Não, mas diz lá : para chegar ao tal Constança...
Mrs. Pendergast, the former Constance Milligan, is doing nicely.
" A Sra. Pendergast, anterior Constance Milligan, está bem.
I'll be back, Constance.
Eu volto, Constance.
Not half as nice as you.
Nem metade da Constance.
I'd be away over there, and you'd be over here.
Eu estaria longe e a Constance estaria aqui.
Constance. What... What are you doing here?
Constance, o que fazes aqui?
Really, Constance, I'm afraid I don't understand.
A sério, Constance, receio não entender.
I'd like to believe you, Constance.
- Gostava de acreditar, Constance.
Really, Constance, I... I don't know what you expect to prove now.
A sério, Constance, não sei o que esperas provar agora.
Constance, maybe I was hasty.
Constance, talvez eu me precipitasse.
You're Constance Porter.
É a Constance Porter.
Don't be too taken in by my happy air, Constance.
- Não se deixe levar pelo meu ar feliz.
It'll do Constance good to be drooled over.
Faz-lhe bem ser paparicada.
I'm sorry this has happened to you, Constance.
Lamento que isto se tenha passado consigo, Constance.
What do you say, Constance?
O que acha, Constance?
You know, if you were anybody but Constance Petersen, the human glacier and the custodian of truth, I'd say...
Se fosse outra pessoa que não Constance Petersen, o glaciar humano... a zeladora da verdade, eu diria...
I'm sorry, Constance, that our staff retains the manners of medical students.
Perdoe, Constance, alguns ainda têm maneiras de estudantes de medicina.
Any husband of Constance is a husband of mine, so to speak.
Um marido da Constance é meu marido também.
- Constance told you.
- A Constance contou-lhe.
I'm afraid she looked a little like Constance.
Temo que se pareça um pouco com a Constante.
You've got a great career ahead of you, Constance.
Tem uma grande carreira à sua frente, Constante.
Well, good night, Constance.
Bem, boa noite, Constance.
It's rather late, and you need rest, Constance.
Já é tarde e precisa de descansar, Constance.
Charming loyalty. One of your most attractive characteristics, Constance.
Encantadora lealdade, uma das suas mais atraentes características.
Any husband of Constance is a husband of mine, so to speak. All right.
O marido da Constance é meu marido também.
Constance Mae.
Constance Mae.
Constance, good afternoon. And Hypatia.
- Como estás, Hypatia?
Constance, I can't help it. I'm very sorry.
Constance, desculpa, não posso fazer nada.
Also, ladies and gentlemen we'll hear from another lady who works for the insurance office by the name of Constance Willis.
Senhoras e senhores, também ouviremos outra senhora que trabalha na seguradora que dá pelo nome de Constance Willis.
He's arranged an apartment for a girl he likes. Her name is Constance.
Montou casa à sua amante, que se chama Constance.
You'll not go to Constance's party now, will you?
Não creio que vás agora a essa festa da Constance.
I ate lunch with an old school friend and it ended up with someone asking us to go to a little party at his girlfriend's - Constance.
Almocei com um velho amigo da escola. E alguém nos convidou para uma festa em casa da sua amiga, Constance.
I have to confess I went to Constance's party in Florabakken after all.
Devo confessar-te que, apesar de tudo fui a Florabakken, à festa da Constance.
Constance, open up.
Constance, abra.
Once in a while, if you'd just learn to trust me, Constance everything is going to be a lot easier.
Se de vez em quando, confiares em mim, Constance... tudo será muito mais fácil.
There's a time in every man's life, Constance when he's got to stick his hand in the fire and see what he's made out of.
Chega um momento, na vida de todo o homem, Constance, ele tem de põr a mão no fogo... para ver de que ele é feito.
She would never forgive D'Artagnan... or his mistress Constance for defeating her plot against the Queen.
Ela não perdoou a D'Artagnan nem à sua amante Constance, terem evitado a conspiração contra a rainha.
Beside you, Constance my dear, they look old and wrinkled.
Ao pé de ti, minha preciosa Constance, são velhos e enrugados.
But Constance...
Mas a Constance...
Constance's melons!
Os melões da Constance!
I must find Constance.
Tenho de encontrar a Constance!
Constance will just have to make me a new one.
A Constance terá de me fazer outro.
- Constance is not to be found.
- Majestade, não a encontrámos.
But my Constance, snatched from my side, I love with my heart.
Mas a Constance que me roubaram, essa amo-a de todo o coração.
And besides, I owe it to my Constance.
Além disso devo-o à minha Constance.
"C" for Constance.
"C" de Constance.
Constance, would you mind not prodding me?
- Constance...
- Constance.
- Constance.

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