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Constantine tradutor Português

507 parallel translation
And I was in a film once with Eddie Constantine.
E já entrei num filme com Eddie Constantine.
I was in a movie with Eddie Constantine two months ago.
Entrei num filme com o Eddie Constantine.
The Emperor Constantine built it as a reservoir... 1,600 years ago.
O lmperador Constantino construiu-o como reservatório... há 1,600 anos.
The Arch of Constantine.
O Arco de Constantino.
Dr Constantine, Monsieur Poirot wants to see you.
Dr. Constantine, o Sr. Poirot quer vê-lo.
Would you kindly ask the chief attendant to arrange the tables and chairs so that Signor Bianchi, Dr Constantine and myself can confront the passengers with the solution of the murder?
Pode pedir ao condutor que arrume mesas e assentos para que o Sr. Bianchi, o Dr. e eu informemos sobre a solução do crime?
Later still, Mrs Hubbard discovered this bloodstained dagger, which Dr Constantine confirms could have been the murderer's weapon.
Aí, a Sra. Hubbard achou a adaga cheia de sangue que o Dr confirma que pode ser a arma assassina.
Would you kindly give Dr Constantine your deepest butler's bow?
Pode mostrar ao Doutor sua licença de mordomo?
Dr Constantine sets the time of the murder anywhere between midnight and 2 : 00am.
O Doutor fixou a hora entre as 24 e as 2h00.
As long as you've got Victor Constantine, we can't touch you. So you might as well put that thing away.
Enquanto tiverem Victor Constantine não podemos tocar-lhe.
Mr. Constantine has left us some wine.
Constantine deixou-nos algum vinho.
Until we come up with something, Mr. Constantine.
Até descobrirmos alguma coisa.
Mr. Constantine, you're not the first victim, you know.
O senhor não é a primeira vítima.
Thank you, Mr. Constantine. You're doing great.
Está a ir muito bem.
No doubt you've been reading or hearing about the Constantine kidnapping.
Já deve ter lido a notícia do rapto Constantine.
We're still working on that Constantine book.
Precisamos de ti, ainda estamos no livro do Constantino.
Constantine! Is it you?
In which one Sonny Burnett takes out Edward "The Wire" Constantine and splits the scene.
- Onde um tal Sonny Burnett despacha o Edward Wire Constantine e sai de cena.
With Constantine dead, it's gonna continue to come down hard and quick... until those animals get tired of chewing'on each other.
Com o Constantine morto, será assim, até se cansarem de andar aos tiros.
I, Edward Constantine —
Eu, Edward Constantine...
Being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all my worldly possessions... to my sister, Victoria Elizabeth Constantine.
Em posse das minhas faculdades, deixo por este meio os meus bens à minha irmã, Victoria Elisabeth Constantine.
Constantine's sister mentioned his business associates.
A irmã falou nos sócios dele.
Every victim did business with Constantine two weeks before he died.
O Constantine negociou com as vítimas duas semanas antes de morrer.
He seemed to have formed an extraordinary bond... with Edward Constantine.
Era próximo do Edward Constantine.
You mean the late Edward Constantine.
- Refere-se ao falecido Constantine?
Understudy Constantine?
Substituir o Constantine?
I'm not going to understudy Constantine.
Eu não vou substituir o Constantine.
The bastard asked me to understudy Constantine in The Seagull.
O idiota pediu-me para substituir o Constantine no The Seagull.
You know they're talking about ten thousand dead in Constantine?
Sabes que falam de dez mil mortos em Constantinopla?
Who was the Emperor Constantine?
Quem foi o Imperador Constantino?
- Constantinople? - Constantine the First.
Quem fundou Constantinopla?
Thank you, Constantine Dmitrich.
Obrigada, Constantine Dmitrich.
Constantine Dmitrich Levin.
Constantine Dmitrich Levin.
Why, Constantine Dmitrich.
Olá, Constantine Dmitrich.
Ah, Constantine Dmitrich.
Ah, Constantine Dmitrich.
Constantine Dmitrich.
Constantine Dmitrich.
Constantine Dmitrich Levin,
Constantine Dmitrich Levin,
Constantine Dmitrich despises and hates town and us townspeople.
Constantine Dmitrich despreza e odeia a cidade e os seus cidadãos.
Do you believe in spirits, Constantine Dmitrich?
Você acredita em espíritos, Constantine Dmitrich?
Letters have arrived from town, Constantine Dmitrich.
Chegaram cartas da cidade, Constantine Dmitrich.
Miss Constantine, may I speak to you?
Posso falar-lhe?
MYTHOS - cultural action in association with ROSEBUD, HOT SHOT Productions and The Greek film Centre present a film by Constantine Giannaris
E cuspi nela... o MYTHOS - acções culturais em associação com ROSEBUD, HOT SHOT Productions O Centro Cinematográfico Helénico apresenta um filme de Konstantínou Giánnari ( Constantine Giannaris )
Before Emperor Constantine even became a Christian in 337, he ordered the confiscation and destruction of all works that challenged orthodox Christianity, as set forth by the council of Nicaea in 325.
Antes do Imperador Constantino se converter ao cristianismo, em 337, ordenou que se confiscasse e destruísse todas as obras, que desafiavam o cristianismo ortodoxo, tal como foi estabelecido no concílio de Niceia em 325.
Early in the fourth century, the emperor Constantine allowed his mother Helena to travel to Jerusalem in search of the cross.
No início do século IV, o imperador Constantino permitiu que a mãe dele, Helena, viajasse para Jerusalém para procurar a cruz.
When Constantine told me what they were trying to do to you, I was outraged.
É uma treta da porra. Desculpem a minha linguagem.
Constantine's boys. Kostas's brother, what's his name?
Os filhos do Constantine o irmão do Kostas, como se chama ele?
you're telling me your name is constantine stark.
está a dizer-me que o seu nome é Constantine Stark.
Tyrel Constantine.
Tyrel Constantine.
" Mr. Constantine will be unconscious
" Mr.
" but in perfect condition when picked up.
Constantine estará inconsciente, mas de saúde quando o forem buscar.
Everything all right here?
Quando o Constantine me disse o que eles vos estavam a fazer, fiquei furioso.

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