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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I asked them

I asked them tradutor Português

729 parallel translation
I didn't want- - I asked them.
Eu não queria... eu perguntei-lhes.
Now, as I was not completely ignorant of legal procedure, I asked them to produce a court order in writing first.
Como percebia algumas coisas de direito, pedi-lhes para me mostrarem primeiro uma ordem do tribunal.
I asked them to bring it up to see how it would look.
Eu pedi que eles trouxessem para ver como ficaria.
- Well, because I asked them to.
- Porque lhes pedi. - Porquê?
They didn't look right to me, so I asked them a few questions.
Achei-os com má pinta e fiz-lhe umas perguntas.
I asked them what the trouble was, and they told me the drums said the soldiers was rounding up their people and marching them off and burning their villages so they wouldn't have no homes to come back to.
Perguntei a eles qual era o problema. Disseram que os soldados estavam expulsando as pessoas das... aldeias e queimando-as, assim... eles não podiam voltar.
- If I asked them.
- Se eu lhes pedisse.
I asked them to hold out as long as they could. And they did.
Pedi para aguentarem o maximo possivel e foi o que fizeram.
You got a great company. I asked them to hold and they did.
Pedi que aguentassem e fizeram-no.
I asked them downstairs in the lobby to find a cot.
Pedi-lhes lá em baixo para arranjarem um divã.
I managed to keep calm. I asked them very simply, why I was arrested...
Fiquei calmo e pergunte o motivo da prisão.
I asked them what they knew about it, and they told me.
Perguntei-lhes o que sabiam dele, e eles disseram.
I asked them to circle the block a couple of times, but they were in a hurry to get rid of me.
Pedi-lhes que dessem umas voltas para fazer tempo, mas estavam com pressa para se livrarem de mim.
- I asked them not to tell me that.
- Pedi para não dizer isso.
When I asked them to step forward, even Posey joined.
Quando pedi que dessem um passo, até o Posey deu.
I asked them to give you a chance.
Até lhes pedi que lhe dessem uma oportunidade.
I asked them to put it on my form, sir : "No killing."
Pedi-lhes que incluíssem no meu formulário : "Nada de mortes."
I asked them if the machine-gun bullets pierced the armor. And he said, " No, sir.
Perguntei se as balas das metralhadoras perfuravam a blindagem e ele respondeu : "Não, senhor".
- I asked them to eat with us.
- Convidei-os para jantarem conosco.
I asked them myself.
Fui eu que lhes pedi.
Some months back I asked them to look into your case, and they've made some headway.
Pedi-lhes por que revissem também o teu caso. E assim fizeram.
I asked them, please, that they keep the same... the same, comrades, attitude.
Pedi que mantivessem a compostura.
I've asked them.
Já lhes perguntei.
Charles and Wade asked me to eat with them, but I told them I promised you.
O Charles e Wade queriam que comesse com eles. Eu disse que tinha prometido a si.
When I was a reporter, we asked them quicker than that.
Quando fui repórter, era mais rápido. Vamos, jovem.
I asked her to tell them Laura had let her the apartment while she was away.
Pedi para dizer que Laura lhe tinha cedido o apartamento enquanto ausente.
I know. I asked her for them.
Eu sei.
When the end was near and I asked him to get them out... he said he had no further interest or concern... in the Afrika Korps.
Quando o fim estava próximo, e eu pedi para tirá-los de lá, ele disse que não queria mais saber do Afrika Korps.
My mind was vacant when I walked up to the ticket booth and asked them to let me in.
Não tinha nenhuma ideia quando me aproxime ¡ da bilhete / ra a pedir uma entrada.
I have asked them to move us to a place where my young men will not die fighting their brothers and the whites, for a land where each year there is less food to feed us.
Eu pedi-lhes que nos levem a um lugar onde meus jovens não precisem lutar com seus irmãos e com os brancos, por uma terra que a cada ano, há menos comida para nos alimentar.
Which when I saw, I reprehended them... and asked the mayor what meant this willful silence.
Pelo que eu, nisto vendo, lhes fiz grande reprimenda. E perguntei ao Alcaide o sentido de tão obstinado silêncio.
I just asked them to wait.
Pedi-lhes apenas que esperassem.
I asked if a white girl was with them.
Perguntei se estava com eles uma rapariga branca.
I asked Father what would happen to them... ...íf anyone found out they were hídíng us.
Perguntei o que aconteceria a eles se alguém descobrisse... que estão nos escondendo.
I've asked them to help me find Karen's father.
Fui-lhes pedir ajuda para encontrar o pai de Karen.
They could have asked me, and I would have told them.
Podiam ter-me perguntado que eu contava-lhes.
That's what I said to them. They asked me to work for them.
Foi o que lhes disse Propuseram-me trabalhar para eles.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
Por várias vezes me pediu, e eu sempre recusei.
The man don't know wheres neither,'cause I asked him all them kind of things.
O homem não sabe onde ele foi, porque eu fiz-lhe um monte de perguntas.
I asked if you love them.
Perguntei se os ama.
I asked for them specially.
Eu disse para estarem.
I have asked you not to use them utensils in that manner.
Pedi-vos para não usarem os utensílios dessa maneira.
Let me tell you, Inspector, I have played games of such complexity that Jung and Einstein would've been proud to have been asked to participate in them.
Joguei jogos com tanta complexidade que Jung e Einstein ter-se-iam orgulhado em particular deles.
Yes, I phoned them about an hour ago and asked them to meet me here at 10 : 00.
Sim, liguei-lhes há uma hora atrás e pedi-lhes que viessem aqui às 22 : 00 horas.
Kiona, I made some friends here, and they've asked me to help them.
Kiona, fiz amigos aqui e eles pediram para eu os ajudar.
Now, I had some hard things The Man asked me to do, and I did them.
O Homem pediu-me para fazer coisas pesadas, e eu fiz.
I asked to them to which age the reason of that barulheira.
Perguntei-lhes qual era o motivo daquela barulheira.
You see, if I had told them that I heard it from you, they would have asked questions : Who you were, how you came by this information.
Se houvesse dito que vocês a disseram... fariam perguntas... quem eram vocês, por que sabiam isto.
This year you've asked for new game uniforms. I've OK'ed them.
Este ano, pediu equipamentos novos : concedi.
My parents better get me them cha-cha heels I asked for.
Mas cabe a meus pais conseguir os sapatos de Chá-Chá-Chá que lhes pedi.

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