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I never was tradutor Português

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Aria, maybe you thought he was always happy to see you, but I could never get past the bulge in his pants.
Aria, tu talvez pensasses que ele ficava sempre feliz por te ver, mas eu nunca deixaria de reparar naquele alto nas calças dele.
I was never in Rosewood tonight, ma'am.
Não estive em Rosewood, esta noite, minha senhora.
My mother was a Russian spy. It doesn't matter that I never knew her.
A minha mãe era uma espiã russa, não importa se nunca a conheci.
She was a Russian spy who I never knew.
Ela era uma espiã russa que eu nunca conheci.
I've never had much that was my own, you know.
Nunca fui tão amada, como sabe.
He lived in Hoboken, which was four miles from Jersey City, and I'd never been there.
Ele disse : "Arranjas as minhas?" Eu disse : "Claro." E arranjei-lhe as unhas. E foi assim que o conheci.
He never said goodbye to me or nothing. And I didn't know where I was going.
E após terem passado quatro meses, voltei a dizer-lhe isso, mas desta vez não deu um sorriso tão grande.
I was booked for two weeks. Sinatra ( singing ) : ♪ Never saw the sun ♪
Eles gritaram, como loucos.
My name was never Franklin and I was not named after Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Na tarde seguinte, recebi indicações para ir ver o psiquiatra.
Sinatra : Tina as a child, growing up, never got to spend a lot of time with me, but, you know, I was probably a stranger to her.
Dei a volta e, com toda a certeza, era ele, porque tinha visto a fotografia dele no topo da coluna.
♪ Am I... ♪ He was a disciplined man in many respects, but he was never disciplined emotionally about women. Nancy, Sr. :
A próxima vez que nos vimos foi quando nos tiraram aquela fotografia famosa.
I still loved him, but the marriage was never going to work- -
Estava meio a dormir na minha suite ao lado da dele, quando ouvi um tiro.
Uh... I was never in Chiang Mai.
Eu nunca estive em Chiang Mai.
You know, for the record, I was never a debate geek, all right?
Sabes, para que conste, eu nunca fui um cromo de debate, está bem?
I know things... Got complicated since then with Aiden and Amanda... But I never stopped feeling that way when I was around you.
Eu sei que as coisas... se complicaram desde então, com o Aiden e a Amanda... mas nunca me deixei de sentir dessa forma sempre que estava contigo.
Maybe the poetry book was ill-advised, but I'm not an idiot- - I never crossed the line.
Talvez o livro de poesia tenha sido um pouco demais, mas eu não sou idiota. Nunca passei dos limites.
I got to tell you, it was like I never kissed any other woman before.
Vou confessar, foi como se eu nunca tivesse beijado antes.
"that was incredibly thoughtful. " And I wish our time together would never end. "
"Céus, Conrad, isso foi incrivelmente atencioso, e gostava que o nosso tempo juntos nunca acabasse"?
I never said I was fast. All my high school guidance counselors did, but I did not.
Todos os meus orientadores escolares eram, mas eu não.
I've, uh- - I've never been asked if I was a hooker on a first date before.
Nunca me perguntaram se era uma prostituta, no primeiro encontro.
Since I've been here, I've done things... I never imagined I was capable of.
Desde que cheguei aqui, fiz coisas... que nunca imaginei ser capaz de fazer.
I was thinking in the car... what if I never came back?
Estava a pensar no Tom. E se eu nunca voltar?
Donna was right. I should have never tried to make things right with you.
Nunca devia ter tentado fazer as pazes contigo.
Simple is good, because last month I went on a call where a guy tried to propose to his girl by parachuting into her backyard, but he hit some power lines on the way down, so let's say... there was never a honeymoon.
No mês passado eu atendi uma chamada... Em que o fulano quis pedir a namorada em casamento... A voar num pára-quedas no quintal dela...
It was a really stupid joke I never should have made.
Foi uma piada estúpida que eu nunca devia ter feito.
- Yes, she was with me. I was never alone as a little child In the Krakow ghetto.
Sim, em criança nunca estava sozinho no Gueto da Cracóvia.
For me it was the most special room in the whole of the Wawel because it was a bath I have never seen before or afterwards.
Para mim, a divisão mais especial em todo o castelo porque nunca tinha visto uma banheira assim, nem voltei a ver.
and with Germany and they knew what was on its way, and so for me it boils down to a number of individuals that I never met.
E eles sabiam o que estava para vir. Para mim, resume-se a um número de indivíduos que nunca conheci.
Man, that was pretty crazy, what my dad was talking about, working in a zipper factory. I never knew that.
Foi mesmo marado aquilo que o meu pai disse sobre ter trabalhado numa fábrica de fechos.
I knew right away I was madly in love and that this love would never fade.
Soube que estava loucamente apaixonado e que este amor perduraria.
I was never loyal to you, and you were never loyal to me.
Nunca lhe fui leal e nunca foi-me leal.
I never saw his car myself, but I'm told it was a piece of shit.
Nunca vi este carro, mas disseram-me que é uma porcaria.
But I'll never be the man I was.
Embora nunca voltarei a ser o que era.
I can take it, do whatever I want for as long as I like and pop it back a second later, he'll never know it was gone.
Posso levá-la, fazer aquilo que eu quiser, pelo tempo que quiser e trazê-lo um segundo depois e ele nem notará que ela despareceu.
And he was gonna kill me right then and there because he knew I would make sure he would never get out again.
Ele ia matar-me ali mesmo porque sabia que eu me certificaria de que ele nunca sairia dali.
From the way he talks to us, I never really believed he was gay.
Pela maneira como ele fala connosco, nunca acreditei que ele era gay.
♪ Never knew I was a dancer ♪
♪ Nunca soube que era uma dançarina ♪
- ♪ Never knew I was a dancer ♪
- ♪ Nunca soube que era uma dançarina ♪
He made sure I lived in fear of every move he made, made sure I knew I was never safe, and I was too scared to leave.
Ele assegurou-se que eu vivesse com medo de cada movimento dele, assegurou-se que eu nunca estaria em segurança, e eu tinha medo demais para ir embora.
I never thought the bomb was real.
Nunca pensei que a bomba fosse real.
It was terrible to think that I would never feel her gaze on me again.
Era horrível pensar que nunca mais veria os seus olhos novamente.
I never liked hospitals. But I think it was the patients that finally did me in.
Nunca gostei de hospitais, mas, acho que foram os pacientes que, definitivamente, me levaram a isso.
I tell you, Hitler was never going to stand for the Jews living here in peace forever.
Hitler nunca aceitará que os judeus vivam em paz.
It's your fault! If I knew Andrew was in danger, I never...
Se eu soubesse que o Andrew estava em perigo, eu nunca...
You know, when it happened, uh, when he finally called us to tell us where he was, and it's where Oscar Rankin and his sister were, I'd never seen him so rough.
Quando tudo aconteceu e ele nos ligou a dizer onde estava, e onde estava o Oscar Rankin e a irmã, nunca o tinha visto tão mal.
If I'm right, she's also the most likely reason his.22 was never discovered.
E terá sido por isso que a.22 dele nunca foi encontrada.
But I told you- - I'd never even heard of that woman until she was in the news.
Mas só soube dessa mulher depois de a ver nas notícias.
I was never as... kind and empathetic as you.
Eu nunca fui... gentil e compreensiva como você.
- And in return? You'll help me learn how S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to achieve something with the portal that Hydra, in thousands of years, - has never been able to accomplish.
Ajudar-me-á a aprender... como é que a S.H.I.E.L.D. foi capaz de fazer... alguma coisa com o portal, que a HYDRA, em milhares de anos... nunca foi capaz de fazer.
When I was a boy, I ain't never did not need no tutor either no how!
Quando eu era criança, nunca precisei de nenhum tutor para nada!
The agreement was that I never would tell something to someone.
O acordo era que nunca diríamos nada a ninguém.

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