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It always was tradutor Português

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TEAM EDWARD not behaved as it always was.
EQUIPA EDWARD Ele agia de forma diferente.
As it always was and always will be.
Como sempre foi. E sempre será.
Large brains need a lot of energy and it's always been thought that what fuelled brain growth was meat.
Um cérebro maior precisa de muita energia e sempre se pensou que a carne fomentou o crescimento do cérebro.
You always picked, and it was always the same.
Tu escolheste sempre e era sempre o mesmo.
It's because he knows that they've always thought he was a screw-up.
É porque ele sabe que eles sempre o viram como um falhado.
You always say it was close.
Foi por pouco. Dizes sempre isso.
I remember when I was, uh... When I was a kid, my old man tried to explain to me that, that her dad had been arrested, and I didn't get it,'cause Mr.Clarke was always such a nice guy.
Lembro-me quando era, uh... quando era criança, o meu velho tentou explicar-me isso, uh, que o pai dela foi preso.
So, when he says he missed out on his childhood, I've always felt that what he really meant was that he just missed it very much.
Quando ele diz que não teve infância, o que eu acho é que ele queria dizer que sente muita falta dela.
No, no, I was, uh, I was always adamantly against having a... uh, a pole-vaulting career, even though it's what most women want.
Eu sempre fui... Cegamente contra ter um... Uma carreira de saltadora, mesmo sendo o que a maior parte das mulheres quer.
After he died, I wouldn't go into his room for a year because it was too hard and it always made me wanna cry.
Depois, não entrei no quarto dele durante um ano, porque era demasiado difícil e tinha vontade de chorar.
I have always thought it was Darcy who took things from me but really it was just me who was giving everything up to her.
Eu sempre pensei que fosse a Darcy a levar as coisas de mim. ... mas na realidade era eu que desistia de tudo para ela.
- And to be honest, I was always a little worried about the way he kept wanting to do it doggy style.
- E para ser franca, sempre me preocupei com o facto de ele só querer sexo à canzana.
It was always a fucked mission.
Sempre foi uma missão tresloucada.
But he always said it was all of you who made him brave and strong.
Mas ele dizia sempre que eram vocês que lhe davam coragem e força.
When I was born, you know, and growing, there was a certain amount of consciousness... in the higher self... that, you know, it was always a lonely world, not finding people who might think like me, you know?
Quando nasci, e ao crescer "Musico Reggae" havia uma certa consciencia em um Ser Supremo.... e, tu sabes, foi sempre um mundo solitário, não encontrava pessoas, que pensasem como eu, sabes?
It was always about racing to see who could beat him.
Era sempre quem corria o suficiente para o poder derrotar.
Yeah, the black people in America were not responding. It was always a big thing.
Sim, os negros nos EUA Não estavam a aderir.
Violet didn't start Tom's fire It was always burning and she got the ring on
A Violet não acendeu o fogo do Tom, esteve sempre a arder e ela tem o anel posto.
Do you think it was fun growing up with two roving quartet players for parents, who were gone seven months of the year, and I was always taking a backseat to a violin and a viola?
Achas que foi divertido ser filha de dois instrumentistas itinerantes? Que se ausentavam sete meses por ano e que davam sempre prioridade ao violino e à viola? Sempre!
It was overdue, like it always is, and, I didn't have it.
Estava atrasada, como sempre, e, eu não tinha dinheiro.
Was it always her you wanted?
Era ela que queria desde o início?
It was always impossible, Vitaly.
Era impossível, Vitaly.
Oh, it was always shut down, officially.
Isto esteve sempre fechado, oficialmente.
It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything!
Nasci com eles, olhos que só vêem o encanto em tudo.
- Was it always missionary position?
- Foi sempre na posição do missionário?
When I was a kid, I always wanted to fix it up...
Quando rapaz sempre quis consertar isto.
If there was a problem, you always try to deal with it by expanding the pie go west young man, make the pie bigger so that everyone's got a bigger piece.
Se houvesse um problema, resolviam-no aumentando o bolo. "Vai para o Oeste, meu jovem." Aumenta-se o bolo, para que todos fiquem com uma fatia maior.
It isn't because they want to be pirates or terrorist, now there may be a few crazy people, people with their nuts loose, there will always be serial killers, maybe Usama Bin Laden was one of them,
Não é por quererem ser piratas ou terroristas. Pode haver pessoas loucas. Há pessoas loucas, que não regulam bem.
It was always over money!
Sempre foi por dinheiro!
It was always you.
Foste sempre tu.
I told him it was my fault that you were always so far away, and he said,
Disse-lhe que a culpa era minha por estares sempre tão afastado, e ele disse :
I always thought it was kind of a scam.
Sempre achei que era algum tipo de burla.
It was always gonna work.
Sempre iria resultar.
We always talked about him coming back like it would never happen, like it was just me being paranoid.
Nós sempre falámos de ele voltar, que nunca iria acontecer, que era só paranóia minha.
She said "I want to see the cursed video" and was always searching for it.
Ela disse : "Quero ver o vídeo amaldiçoado" e estava sempre à procura.
It was Ronald Reagan who said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.
Foi o Ronald Reagan que disse que a liberdade nunca está a mais do que uma geração da sua extinção.
It was Ronald Reagan who said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.
Foi Ronald Reagan quem disse que a liberdade nunca está a mais do que uma geração da sua extinção.
It was always locked. Clearly my partner always knew that.
Estava trancada, claro que o meu sócio sempre soube.
Look, I always had a little yen for sleeping with a woman, and when I finally did, and it was... very intense, it was very exciting but unnerving.
Eu sempre tive curiosidade em dormir com uma mulher e e quando finalmente o fiz, foi... foi muito intenso muito estimulante, mas perturbante.
♪ I always gotta keep one rolled. ♪ I always looked up to him. And when I found out he was a fan and embraced what I do, you know, it really just gave me that go hard and that motivation to keep doing what I'm doing.
Sempre o admirei e, quando descobri que era meu fã e gostava do que eu fazia, isso deu-me mais força e motivação para continuar a fazer o que faço.
It was always fun with Lumpy.
Era sempre divertido com o Lumpy.
It always seemed more trouble than it was worth it. Now, that I'm here I think I was just holding off for the right gal.
Sempre achei que dava mais trabalho do que aquilo que valia mas agora que aqui estou acho que estava à espera da rapariga certa.
I just... I always felt like it was so much... Easier to blame you for...
Eu só... sempre senti como se fosse... mais fácil culpar-te por... as coisas não terem funcionado... do que apenas... admitir que talvez eu tenha estragado tudo.
I have actually always wondered if it was possible to dry yourself with a sock.
sempre me perguntei se era possível secares-te a ti próprio com uma meia.
My dad always said it, and he died when he was 27 and in a car accident.
Meu pai sempre disse isto e ele morreu quando tinha 27 anos em um acidente de carro.
I just always felt like it was such a real raw sport and that it was gonna overtake boxing one day.
Sempre tive a sensação de que era um desporto realmente violento... e que ia superar o pugilismo algum dia.
Oh man, I was always hoping there might be something - that would make it all worthwhile
Sempre esperei que existisse algo que fizesse com que tudo valesse a pena.
But it was always a whisper and very quiet like he was hiding from something.
Mas era sempre como um murmúrio e de uma forma muito calma, como se estivesse a esconder de algo.
And everything about it was strange to me, but he--I was very, very stressed, and we were very busy, and when I asked him a question, he always had an answer.
E tudo aquilo me era estranho. Mas eu estava muito tensa e estávamos muito ocupados. E, quando lhe fazia uma pergunta, ele tinha sempre uma resposta.
Like I always thought Chartreuse was a bad color for me, and then I tried it, and now it's my trademark.
Eu sempre achei que o verde-limão era uma má cor para mim, mas depois experimentei e agora é a minha imagem de marca.
In fact, I've always known. That it was too wonderful to be true. That it couldn't last.
Na verdade, sempre soube que era demasiado maravilhoso para ser verdade que não podia durar, que a vida não é assim, que a vida não é generosa.

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