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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ K ] / Kill them both

Kill them both tradutor Português

214 parallel translation
- I'll kill them both.
- Vou matá-los aos dois!
You planned and you wanted to kill them both.
Você planejou e queria matar os dois.
Together we could kill them both.
Juntos podemos matar os dois.
By my faith, I'll kill them both!
Juro que mato os dois!
Kill them both.
Matem os dois.
But if Clemenza can figure out a way to have a weapon planted there for me then I'll kill them both.
Mas se o Clemenza pensar num modo de lá haver uma arma colocada para mim então matarei os dois.
I'm going to Paris... to kill them both.
Vou a Paris. Matá-los aos dois.
I'm going to Paris... to kill them both.
Estou decidido. Vou a Paris matá-los aos dois.
Mr Moze will kill them both, I knows it.
O Sr. Moze vai matá-Ios, eu sei.
Unless you'd kill them both.
A menos que você mataria os dois.
It would make me happy. I'd like to kill them both.
Gostava de os matar aos dois.
Or maybe kill them both.
Talvez matar os dois.
Kill them both!
Matem os dois!
Randy Kill them! Kill them both!
Mata-os Randy, mata os dois.
- Kill them both!
- Mata os dois.
No, you'd kill them both.
Não, tu ias matar os dois.
Kill them both.
Mata ambos.
Kill them both.
Matar os dois.
Kill them both.
Mata-os aos dois.
You'll trigger the sterilization system and kill them both.
Tu vai acionar o sistema de esterilização e matá-los simultaneamente.
Kill them both.
Mate ambos.
If he's in there, and she's hiding him kill them both.
Se lá estiver e ela o tiver escondido mata-os aos dois.
Kill them both!
Matem as duas!
Kill them both.
Matem ambos.
Kill them both!
I had to kill them both.
Tive que matar ambos.
I'm going to follow them and kill them both.
Vou segui-los e matá-los.
We may have to kill them both tonight.
Talvez tenhamos que os matar aos dois esta noite.
Did you threaten to kill them both if they interfered?
Ameaçaste matá-los se interferissem?
- I'll kill them both!
Eu vou matar os dois! Não irmão Raju.
If he gets the software, Ashton'll kill them both.
Se deitar mão ao software, o Ashton mata ambos.
- Sidney, stay away! If you do one thing to attract attention to yourself... one thing, I'll kill them both. - Sidney!
Sidney, fique aí!
I ought to kill both of them.
Devia matar os dois.
Both sides being therefore convinced that the most high minded course for them to pursue was to kill as many of one another as possible.
Assim, ambos os lados se convenceram que o melhor a fazer... era matar uns aos outros... o mais possível.
You kill both of them for me.
Mata os dois por mim.
It's too bad I have to kill both of them.
É uma pena termos que matar ambos.
- I can't fight my long chance take them of too, he can hold you with them it's my life as well as yous you want him kill us both, take them of
- Não posso lutar em ceroulas. - Despe-as também. Senão ele pega-te nelas.
Both his brothers came to the city today, one of them I had to kill.
Ambos os seus irmãos vieram hoje, para a cidade, um deles tive que matar.
If he makes a move, any kind of a move, kill both of them.
Se ele se mexer, qualquer tipo de movimento, mate os dois.
"I'll kill them both."
It's got to kill them both.
Tem de os matar aos dois.
Kill them... both!
Mata-os... aos dois!
She opens the door to her accomplice, the fellowt with the bushy beard, they kill Pace and both of them disappear.
Abre a porta ao cúmplice, o sujeito da barba espessa, matam o Pace e desaparecem.
- kill the both of them!
- Mate los dois!
If you kill them, we both lose.
Se os matares, perdemos os dois.
T - bird, he came in, he says "Waste them both." And now this ghost gonna kill my ass next!
O T-Bird dizia... mata-nos. E agora esse fantasma vem matar-me.
Kill them both. Not a good idea.
Não é uma boa idéia.
Kill them both!
- O que foi? - Mataram os dois.
So play along. But whatever you do, don't tell them what I just told you,'cause they'II kill us both.
Mas o que quer que faça, não lhes diga o que acabei de dizer-lhe, senão eles matam-nos.
- I thought I'd killed them both. - Kill it!
- Pensei que tinha matado os dois.
Now, that's reason enough to kill them both.

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