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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ K ] / Kill the lights

Kill the lights tradutor Português

105 parallel translation
Kill the lights and fire!
Apaguem as luzes e o lume!
George, kill the lights!
George, apaga as luzes!
Kill the lights.
Apaguem as luzes. Afastem-se todos!
On my signal, you pull the plug cut the power and kill the lights.
Ao meu sinal, puxas o interruptor cortas a energia e apagas as luzes.
Get under the bridge, pull over and kill the lights.
Pára debaixo da ponte e desliga as luzes.
[Nick] Kill the lights.
Apague as luzes.
Mother, lock everything down. Then kill the lights.
- Mother, fecha tudo.
Your job is to kill the lights, so I can grab the girl and we get out.
Então tu encarregas-te de apagar as luzes para que eu agarre a garota e possamos sair.
Kill the lights!
Destrói as luzes!
Kill the lights, Unit 1!
Apaguem as luzes.
Kill the lights.
Apaguem as luzes.
Kill the lights.
Desliga as luzes.
Kill the lights!
Apaguem as luzes!
kill the lights. "
Matar um pássaro. "
- Kill the lights.
- Apaguem as luzes.
- Kill the lights.
- Isso mesmo!
Rudy, kill the lights.
Rudy, desliga as luzes.
We'll lock the door, kill the lights, sit by a candle to read "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," naked as the day we were born.
Fecharemos a porta, apagaremos as luzes sentaremo-nos junto a uma vela a ler "O Matrimônio do Céu e o Inferno" nus como o dia em que nascemos.
Kill the lights.
Apaga as luzes.
Kill the lights.
Corta as luzes.
- Jane, kill the lights.
- Corta as luzes.
- Kill the lights.
Apague a luz.
I'll kill the lights, you kill the patient.
Eu apago as luzes e você o paciente.
Julio, kill the lights!
Julio, desliga as luzes!
- Kill the lights.
- Apaga os faróis.
Step one, kill the lights.
1 ) apagar as luzes ;
Whoa whoa, what the hell's that? Hey, kill the lights, dude.
Ho, ho, esperem um pouco, desliga as luzes, Steve.
Kate, Can you kill the lights?
Podes apagar os faróis?
Okay, kill the lights.
Certo, desliga as luzes.
Kill the lights.
Apaga as luzes!
Kill the lights.
"Desliga" as luzes.
Kill the lights. Kill'em.
Desliga as luzes.
Kill the lights in five minutes.
Apaga as luzes daqui a cinco minutos.
- Rico, kill the lights.
- Rico, as luzes!
Would someone kill the lights, please?
Alguém pode apagar as luzes, por favor?
Okay. Kill the lights.
Pronto, desliguem a luz.
Hey, fellas! Kill the lights.
Rapazes, desliguem as luzes.
Kill the lights.
Apague as luzes.
You can kill the lights now.
Podes desligar os faróis agora.
Hey, you guys kill the lights?
- Vocês apagaram as luzes?
We'll even kill the lights, So you can have your privacy.
Até apagamos as luzes, para teres privacidade.
- Kill the lights.
- Apaga as luzes.
Apaga as luzes.
Sheriff says, kill the air and the lights.
O xerife manda cortar o ar e as luzes.
Roll film. Kill the lights.
Eu estive num B-29, olhando o alvo na escuridão, e posso dizer que é a mais brilhante, e a coisa mais quente na Terra desde a sua criação.
Garbin, kill the lights.
Mas sem luz?
I know the lights are beginning to dim, but if you could just hang on for a second, when Matt's finished, I'm gonna kill him and your daughter, and I would love for you to see that.
Sei que estás a começar a ver mal, mas, assim que o Matt acabar, eu mato-o a ele e à tua filha e gostava que tu assistisses.
Okay. Kill the house lights.
Apaguem as luzes!
Hey, fellows, kill the lights.
Pessoal, apaguem as luzes.
Look, don't bother me with the fucking Gypsies, who kill each other over who gets to harass what car at the traffic lights.
Olha, não me importo se a merda dos ciganos estão a matar-se. Só servem para perseguir as pessoas nos semáforos!
- And then you wait a little bit and then you turn the lights back on and then you're supposed to see her body in the mirror and she's gonna try to kill you.
Esperas e ligas as luzes outra vez. Vê-la no espelho e ela tenta matar-te.

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