Later that night tradutor Português
239 parallel translation
" Later that night
" Mais tarde naquela noite
And then later that night we went to dinner... with some movie people.
E mais tarde naquela noite nós fomos jantar... com umas pessoas de cinema.
And then the carabineros found him later that night, dead on the street.
Depois os "carabineros" encontraram-no morto na rua.
Later that night, alone in the backyard... he buried it next to the garage.
Mais tarde, naquela noite, sozinho no quintal, queimou-os perto da garagem.
Later that night, I was awakened... by the sound of our radio in the kitchen.
Depois, eu acabei por acordar... ao som do rádio na cozinha
I've since learned that his plane is due to arrive at Heathrow Airport at 9 : 00 a.m. On Friday and that he's booked out under two separate names on flights later that night.
Eu já me informei que o seu avião deve chegar ao aeroporto de Heathrow às 9 : 00 na sexta-feira E que está reservado sob dois nomes diferentes em voos mais tarde naquela noite.
But nothing, nothing happened till later that night.
Mas nada, não aconteceu nada durante a noite.
We believe it was Leo Johnson making the second appointment for sometime later that night.
Acreditamos que era o Leo Jonhson, para um outro encontro mais tarde nessa noite.
Does anyone else come into the room, later that night?
Não entrou mais ninguém no seu quarto naquela noite?
My plan was to start the dinner early... so Karen and I could unload the guns Jimmy didn't want... then get the package for Lois... to take to Atlanta for her trip later that night.
O meu plano era jantar cedo... para poder descarregar as armas que o Jimmy não queria, e ir buscar o embrulho que a Lois... levaria a Atlanta naquela noite.
But later that night, he went too far.
Mas nessa noite, foi longe demais.
And then later that night, you were lying, looking up at the ceiling, and the water in your head... was not dissimilar from the landscape, and you think to yourself, " Why is it that the landscape... is moving,
E depois, mais tarde, nessa noite, deitado a olhar para o tecto, e a água na tua cabeça não era diferente da paisagem, e pensaste para ti : "Porque é que a paisagem está em movimento..."
Later that night, after Nog had left I stayed up working.
Mais tarde nessa noite, depois do Nog se ir embora, fiquei a trabalhar.
Now they're as different as night and later that night. Periodontist.
Dentista de periodôncia.
Because later that night, Kahless and Lukara jumped on each other like a pair of crazed voles.
Porque mais tarde nessa noite, o Kahless e a Lukara saltaram em cima um do outro como dois ratos loucos.
Later that night, she received her "visitation."
Nessa noite, ela recebeu uma "visita".
Later that night, Lyle Van de Groot lost no time in making arrangements... - to whisk his wayward fiancee back home. - All right, I'll take it, I'll take it.
Nessa noite, Lyle Van de Groot não perdeu tempo a arranjar maneira de levar depressa para casa a sua renitente noiva.
Enrique was working later that night and when he saw the body he got really upset ah He called my brother and the next thing I know my brother shows up looking for him and I told him Enrique was digging the plot for the Hall woman.
O Enrique estava a trabalhar até mais tarde nessa noite e ficou transtornado quando viu o corpo. Chamou o meu irmão Mais tarde o meu irmão apareceu à procura dele.
Later that night, Miranda gave me the low-down on her day.
À noite, a Miranda colocou-me a par dos acontecimentos.
Later that night we all went downtown f or a party.
Mais tarde nessa noite, fomos todos a uma festa no centro.
Later that night, the three of us tracked Samantha to the ladies'room... to get the lowdown on her love life with James.
Mais tarde, nós três seguimos a Samantha até à casa de banho... para nos informarmos sobre sua vida amorosa com James.
Later that night, Skipper Johnston met me for coffee and confessed a shocking intimate secret.
Naquela noite, encontrei-me com o Skipper Johnston e ele confessou-me um segredo íntimo chocante.
Later that night, Charlotte was determined to prove she was stronger... than selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.
Naquela noite, Charlotte resolveu provar que era mais forte... que os inibidores de serotonina.
Later that night, back at the brier patch- -
Mais tarde nessa noite, na toca do coelho...
Later that night, I got to thinking about the ex factor.
Naquela noite, pus-me a pensar no factor "X".
Much later that night, bolstered by coffee Miranda decided to perform a 2 : 00 a.m. Seduction.
Muito mais tarde, nessa noite, sustentada por café, a Miranda decidiu partir para a sedução às duas da manhã.
Later that night, on a date across town Miranda was repeating a pattern of her own.
Do outro lado da cidade, num encontro, a Miranda repetia o seu padrão.
Later that night, Charlotte was returning from a second dinner of steamed mussels and fries with bachelor number two, an art loving commodities broker.
Entretanto, a Charlotte voltava do segundo jantar com o segundo solteiro, um corretor de mercadorias.
Later that night the nurse was typing whatever it is they type and you know what she tells me?
Mais tarde, nessa noite, a enfermeira dactilografava... o que quer que costumam escrever... e sabes o que me disse?
She leaves at 6 : 30 saying she's tired. She was murdered in her house later that night.
Ela sai às 18 : 30, dizendo que está cansada e ainda nessa noite, é assassinada em sua casa
Later that night he was persuaded to accept his medal and announced that he had finally completed his invention to transmit wireless power.
Mais tarde nessa noite, foi persuadido a aceitar o seu prêmio e comunicou que finalmente tinha concluído a sua invenção para transmitir energia sem fios.
Later that night I got to thinking about men and women and relationships.
Nessa noite, pensei nos homens, nas mulheres e nas relações.
Later that night, Samantha invited Mr Dildo out for dim sum, and then some.
Nessa noite, a Samantha convidou o Mr. Pénis Artificial para um dim sum e mais!
Later that night, I wondered...
Mais tarde, perguntei-me...
Later that night, two very happy New Yorkers prepared to hike up their first LA red carpet.
Mais tarde, duas nova-iorquinas muito felizes prepararam-se para caminhar no primeiro tapete vermelho de LA.
Later that night, I was a guest at Keith's amazing house.
Nessa noite, fui convidada para a incrível casa do Keith.
Anyway, later that night, I'm getting ready for bed, I figure, now I'm safe.
Continuando, nessa noite, estava-me a preparar para deitar. A pensar que estava seguro.
The brutal part, later that night, I took my mama's hedge clippers and cut open that gator and pulled my folks out of its belly.
O mais brutal é que, nessa noite, peguei na tesoura de podar, abri o jacaré e retirei os meus pais de dentro da barriga dele.
And that night in the hallway, you said yourself the landlady came up a minute later, and she didn't see him?
E naquela noite, no pátio, disse que a senhoria chegou pouco depois e que não o viu, não foi?
By the evening, my own confidence in the forecast for this quieter period had so increased from further reports that had come in, that I convinced General Eisenhower and his commanders that it would indeed arrive later on Monday, after the storm of Sunday night and Monday morning.
À noite, a minha confiança na previsão para este período de acalmia tinha aumentado tanto com os relatórios seguintes que convenci o General Eisenhower e os comandantes que o bom tempo chegaria no fim da segunda-feira depois da tempestade de domingo e da manhã de segunda.
Actually, the reason I asked you to come up to this room was that I figured sooner or later you'd get around to asking me where I was on the night of the murder.
A razão pela qual o convidei a vir até aqui foi porque mais cedo ou mais tarde você ia perguntar-me onde é que eu estava na noite do crime.
Later that same night.
Mais tarde, nessa mesma noite...
I thought... We said last night, that time is on our side and that sooner or later, he'll kill again.
Chegámos a conclusão que mais dia, menos dia, o Henderson vai matar.
You come in any later last night, that monster would've eaten me alive.
Mais um bocado ontem e aquele monstro tinha dado cabo de mim.
Later, I found out that they beat him real bad that night.
Depois vim a saber que o espancaram nessa noite.
And it was just two hours later, on that same Friday night... when the defendant, Clyde Dunner... entered the home of George and Carol Beeman... a.44 caliber pistol in his hand.
E isto foi só duas horas depois, daquela mesma sexta feira à noite quando o arguido, Clyde Dunner entrou na casa de George e Carol Beeman uma pistola calibre 44 na mão dele.
I went home that night, shaved my beard and a week later I'm laid out in her office with a broken back.
voltei para casa, rapel a barba e uma semana mais tarde estava estendido no consultório dela, com as costas partidas.
Much later, and if it's at night, that's even better.
Sim, muito mais tarde e melhor ainda se vieres só à noite.
- That you're far from stupid, and you were forced to apprentice under your father- - a plumber with a drinking problem. Oh, yes, married at 21. And years later when your wife became ill, you took the night job at London Diamond so you could spend your days by her side.
Todas as noites, às 9 horas, eles fecham as portas da frente.
Later that same night, we managed to obtain one of the summoning devices in exchange for an energy converter.
Mais tarde naquela noite, conseguimos obter um dos objectos de invocação pela troca de um conversor de energia.
Two concerts, a matinee, with children throwing pies at me, and later on that night, striking union members.
Dois concertos, uma matiné, com os garotos a atirarem-me tortas, e nessa noite a greve dos sindicalistas.
later that day 29
that night 595
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
that night 595
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightcap 16
night shift 20
nightclubs 16
night moves 16
nighters 22
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night and day 58
nightcap 16
night shift 20
nightclubs 16
night moves 16
nighters 22
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night thing 23
night sweats 22
night night 30
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night thing 23
night sweats 22
night night 30
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25