Later today tradutor Português
558 parallel translation
Said he'd tell me later today.
Diz-me mais logo, ao final do dia.
I mean, later today.
Quero dizer, hoje à noite.
But, Mr. Whiteside, will you have some time later today?
Mas, Mr. Whiteside, terá algum tempo mais logo? O meu livro.
- Later today when I get mine
Mais tarde, quando eu tiver o meu.
You'll get them later today.
Tê-la-ei esta tarde.
We'll contact you later today at your hotel.
Contactaremos consigo mais tarde, hoje no seu hotel.
This man has already done much and he will perform one more favor for us later today when he takes me to where he gave a Christian burial to the body of our beloved Padre Benito.
Este homem já fez demasiado... e ele irá fazer mais um favor a todos nós mais tarde... quando ele me levar onde ele fez um enterro Cristão... ao corpo do nosso amado... padre Benito.
Something's just happened... I'm afraid I'll have to make it later today, Captain.
Aconteceu alguma coisa... lnfelizmente teremos de fazer mais tarde, Capitao.
I am being brought up for membership at a special meeting later today.
Mais tarde me levarão numa reunião especial pra me tornar membro.
- Where can I reach you later today?
- Onde a posso encontrar mais tarde? - Não pode.
Then I guess you won't mind when they find Rhea Durant dead later today :
Então acho que não se importa que encontrem Rhea Durant morta mais tarde?
Later today I'll have a statement for the media.
Hoje, mais tarde, farei uma declaração.
- Right, and i ll snow later today.
- E vai cair neve hoje.
- Yes, I'll do it later today.
- Sim, trato disso hoje à tarde.
Later today?
Logo mais à tarde?
The National Security Council will meet later today.
O Conselho de Segurança Nacional reunir-se-á hoje.
I'll have to come back for it later today.
Tenho de voltar e pegar.
Τhey said they were gonna try and resupply us later today.
Disseram que tentariam reabastecer-nos mais tarde.
Coming in later today.
Vêm hoje, mais tarde.
We're going on to Athens briefly later today
Hoje, ainda vamos a Atenas.
We have to find out where laura will be later today.
Temos de descobrir onde é que a Laura estará hoje.
See you later today. Later!
Até mais logo.
I'm gonna meet him at the mall later today.
Eu vou encontrar-me com ele no centro comercial hoje a tarde.
I've got some cash coming from my pension, and I'll get you a pack later today.
Tenho uns dinheiritos da pensão a receber e ainda hoje lhe hei de arranjar um pacote.
Later today Captain Richard Burton will speak to the society on matters not directly related to the forth coming debate.
Mais tarde Richard Burton falará sobre assuntos não relacionados com o debate.
Later today, I think, my dove.
" Será esta noite, creio, minha bem amada!
Expect hazardous travel later today with that blizzard thing.
Pode ser difícil viajar esta tarde por causa do nevão.
We're going to announce our hearings later today.
As audições vão ser anunciadas hoje.
I'm sorry to hear that. Remind me to call her later today.
Lembre-me para lhe telefonar.
Mr. Rafferty, as you can see, that test is for later today.
Mr. Rafferty, como pode ver, esse teste está marcado para hoje à tarde.
Another colleague of ours, Dejar will be arriving later today.
Uma colega nossa, Dejar, vai chegar hoje.
And you watch her for me later today while I do the column.
E você cuida dela mais tarde enquanto eu escrevo a coluna.
Actually, I'll be in Washington later today.
Esta noite estarei em Washington.
( Skip on TV ) That's all later today on The Judgment Game.
É tudo por esta noite no jogo "O Julgamento."
Then, three days later... today... I was called to testify.
Então, três dias depois - hoje - fui chamado para testemunhar.
You see, I discussed it with Uncle today, and we have to address this to avoid complications later.
Você sabe, discuti isto com o tio hoje... e nós discutimos para evitar complicações depois.
This is today. 15 years later.
Isto é hoje. 1 5 anos depois.
Could we meet somewhere later today?
You'll marry him, and no later than today!
Vais casar com ele ainda hoje.
He certainly influenced almost everyone who was directing in the'50s and later in the'605. and right on through today.
Naquele momento em particular, ele influenciou quase todos os diretores dos anos 50, e depois dos anos 60, até hoje.
And he prophesied that three months later, today, a man named Chan Hung would come here to break the spell.
E ele profetizou que três meses mais tarde, hoje, um homem, de nome Chan Hung viria cá para quebrar o feitiço.
Overcast skies today folks with an expected high of 55 degrees and some showers expected later in the afternoon.
Tempo encoberto hoje, pessoal, com uma máxima de 13 graus e aguaceiros para o fim da tarde.
I was... just wanted to speak to you about what happened at the bank today. We can talk later.
Ernest, só vim cá, porque queria falar contigo por causa do que aconteceu hoje no banco.
In respect to that, I want to say that... I've got a meeting with the kid later on today... and I think it might very well be the definitive meeting.
A respeito disso, quero dizer que... tenho uma reunião com o rapaz mais tarde... e acho que poderá ser definitivo.
I see nothing later then the 15th Century today.
Hoje não li nada anterior ao século XV.
Later on today, Boggs gets his weekly phone privileges.
Mais logo o Boggs tem direito à sua chamada semanal.
- If you have time, I'd like to meet with you later today.
Today, 30 years later on behalf of the state of Mississippi I'm asking you 12 ladies and gentlemen to act boldly.
Hoje, 30 anos depois em nome do Estado de Mississipi peço a vocês, senhoras e senhores, que actuem ousadamente.
What if I told you the woman he was accused of raping was 17, he was 23 that she later became his wife bore his child and is still married to him today?
E se eu vos dissesse... que a mulher que foi acusado de violar tinha 17, ele tinha 23, que mais tarde ela se tornou sua esposa, teve um filho dele, e ainda hoje é casada com ele?
Will they be empty today, tomorrow, three days later?
Estarão vazios hoje, amanhã, três dias mais tarde?
- Later... today,
- Mais tarde... Hoje.
today is my birthday 30
today 4533
today is friday 17
today is the day 36
today is your lucky day 29
today's my birthday 19
today at 30
today of all days 38
today's the big day 24
today's the day 76
today 4533
today is friday 17
today is the day 36
today is your lucky day 29
today's my birthday 19
today at 30
today of all days 38
today's the big day 24
today's the day 76
today's your lucky day 46
today is 18
today is the 30
today's the 29
later 2839
laters 69
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
today is 18
today is the 30
today's the 29
later 2839
laters 69
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170