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Never was tradutor Português

17,519 parallel translation
That's not Sarah. She never was.
Ela não é a Sarah.
I've never seen someone so happy in my whole life than when Ro-Ro would listen to Achy Breaky Heart, but one of the nuns, Sister Isadora, she was assigned to this patient, this guy who ate everything, literally everything.
Nunca vi ninguém tão feliz como a Ro-ro a ouvir essa canção. Mas uma das freiras, a Irmã Isadora, ficou com um utente que comia tudo, literalmente.
And, um, I got older, and there was more and more responsibility, and then that just never went away, and it got harder and harder, and... and, um...
Eu envelheci e tinha de ser cada vez mais responsável. Nunca pude deixar de o ser e tudo se tornou cada vez mais difícil... e... eu apercebi-me de que estava... muito triste.
My point is, there was a time I never would've been friends with someone like you, and now... you are one of my favorite people.
O que quero dizer é, houve uma altura que eu nunca seria amiga de alguém como tu, e agora, és uma das minhas pessoas favoritas.
That was never our goal.
Nunca foi esse o nosso objetivo.
I never meant to spy, but the door latch was broken, and it wouldn't stay shut.
Nunca quis espiar, mas o trinco estava avariado e a porta não fechava.
But if she lied in order to collect veteran's benefits she was never actually entitled to...
Mas se ela mentiu para ficar com os benefícios dos veteranos a que nunca teve o direito a...
Not only was she never married to John...
Não só ela não casou com o John...
It's like Edison Davis was never there.
É como que o Edison Davis nunca lá tenha estado.
All I have of a man that I've never met. But more than I got from my mother, whose only gift was to leave me to die in the woods.
É tudo o que tenho de um homem que nunca conheci, mas é mais do que tenho da minha mãe, cujo único presente foi deixar-me à morte no bosque.
This was my opportunity to finally become a mother, and of course I wanted you to be involved in the child's life, but I realized you were never going to let go.
E esta era a minha oportunidade para ser finalmente mãe. É claro que queria que estivésseis envolvida na vida da criança, mas percebi que nunca iríeis afastar-vos dele.
He called Rosalee, said he was gonna come over and never showed up.
Ligou para a Rosalee, disse que ia até lá e não apareceu.
Uh, for me, he, like, never really talked about it, so it was weird.
Para mim, tipo, ele de facto nunca falou sobre isso, por isso é esquisito.
The ring was never on the list of items reported stolen.
O anel nunca esteve na lista de itens dados como roubados.
This was never part of the plan!
Isto não fazia parte do plano!
She was never very good at taking care of herself.
Ela nunca soube nem tratar dela.
- I was taught to never let your partner go through a door alone.
Fui ensinado a nunca deixar o meu parceiro atravessar sozinho uma porta.
Never occurred to me that I was putting pressure on you.
Nunca me ocorreu que estava a pressionar-te.
I never did anything to him. I was just mad.
Não lhe fiz nada, só estava zangado.
I was never in... the Marines, okay?
Nunca estive nos Marines, está bem?
He never was.
Nunca esteve.
You know, I-I used to want so much from them, just stuff I was never gonna get, and I just never realized it.
Sabes, costumava querer tanto deles, coisas que nunca iria ter. E que nunca me tinha apercebido.
Certain things can never change, but I will always remember that you helped my mother at a time that she was so confused.
Há certas coisas que nunca mudam, mas nunca irei esquecer-me que ajudou a minha mãe, num momento em que ela estava tão confusa.
I mean, you knew what he was doing, that he was in the drug trade, and you were the sheriff, but that didn't, like, really matter, so I never quite understood that part,
Isto é, tu sabias aquilo que ele fazia, que ele estava no tráfico drogas, e tu eras o xerife, mas isso não fazia diferença, por isso eu nunca percebi bem essa parte, como é que funcionava.
You never saw the person that I was with those men.
Tu nunca viste como eu era com esses outros homens.
And I know that I should've told you this sooner, but it was just never the right time, and then it... it got away from me.
E eu sei que já te deveria ter dito, mas nunca era a altura certa, e depois... fugiu do meu controlo.
And I knew... that I was never gonna live in a house like that or have a family like that family.
E eu sabia... que eu nunca iria viver numa casa daquelas ou ter uma família como aquela.
It was never yours, hombre.
Nunca foi tua, hombre.
There was an old saying, "Quiet ponies never made for skilled riders."
Havia um ditado que dizia "Póneis calmos não servem para cavaleiros talentosos".
Not that everything was all daffodils, but there was never a sliver of a doubt that... that we really loved each other. Because... we really did.
Não que fosse tudo um mar de rosas, mas nunca houve a mais pequena dúvida de que... que nós realmente nos amavamos, porque... nós nos amavamos.
You never had a time when everything was just right?
Nunca teve uma altura em que tudo estava bem?
Things ended so abruptly between us, and, to be honest, I was never sure why.
"As coisas acabaram abruptamente entre nós" "e para ser sincero, nunca soube bem porquê."
- Ahh. God, rum was never my drink.
Deus, nunca gostei muito de rum.
Antonia Slade sent mail out of prison that was never logged.
A Antonia Slade enviou cartas da prisão que nunca foram registadas.
Gideon said the reason she never spoke about the murders was that she was all hat, no cattle.
O Gideon disse que a razão porque ela nunca falava dos homicídios era porque latia mas não mordia.
Someone who's not afraid, who was never bullied.
Alguém que não tem medo, que nunca sofreu bullying.
It was never your fault, not with Amelia...
Nem com a Amelia...
I was born during the Great Depression, and I never saw anything as depressing as that grown-ass white boy coloring in the damn coloring book.
Eu nasci durante a grande depressão, e nunca vi nada tão deprimente como um rapaz branco já adulto pintando a porcaria de um livro de colorir.
Uh, forget it. I was never here.
Eu nunca estive aqui.
Lucky it was pouring rain, or the kid never would've found the corpse.
Por sorte choveu bastante, caso contrário, o miúdo nunca teria encontrado o corpo.
And for the record, Healy was never under arrest, and nobody told him he was, ever.
E para que conste, o Healy nunca esteve detido, e ninguém lho disse, nunca.
And I'd always liked pigs, but I was never interested in a real pig.
Eu sempre gostei de porcos, mas nunca quis um porco a sério.
Well, there was never any gluten in ice cream!
Nunca houve glúten no gelado!
Apparently he would always pray before he began a painting, and once he started a picture he would never retouch it or change it because he believed that his art was divinely inspired.
Em Auvergne, há séculos que usam uma cuba de madeira para fazer Saint-Nectaire. E ela achava que a madeira era fundamental para esse processo.
There he was, competing with a mythic white past that never actually existed.
Pasteur demonstrou que o calor era capaz de matar estes microrganismos e essa é a base da pasteurização.
But the Renaissance never was as enlightened or progressive as we've been taught and, instead of locking him up, Renaissance Florence turned herself over to him.
O nojo é uma das emoções humanas primárias, uma reação instintiva a algo que ofende o nosso sentido de paladar e que poderia ser perigoso.
They're saying they never knew the glacier was native land.
Eles dizem que nunca souberam que o glaciar era a terra nativa deles.
He was never a man.
- Ele nunca foi um homem.
Reattach nerves, remove cancerous tissue, but it was never spiritual, not for me.
Reimplantava nervos, removia tecido cancerígeno... Mas isso nunca foi espiritual, não para mim.
I mean, except for the fact that Phil was like my brother, and I never got a chance to say good-bye to him.
Excepto que o Phil parecia um irmão para mim, e não tive oportunidade de despedir dele.
Danny was never shy...
O Danny nunca teve vergonha...

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