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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / See what you did

See what you did tradutor Português

2,524 parallel translation
See what you did right there?
Exactamente. Vês o que disseste?
- See what you did?
Viu o que fez?
You see what you did?
Viu o que fez?
- I see what you did there.
- Já percebi a tua. Esperto.
What did you see?
O que é que eles te fizeram? O que é que viste?
What happend, Doctor, did you see a ghost?
O que aconteceu Doutor, viu um fantasma?
What did you see?
O que viste?
What did you see?
O que viu?
Yeah, did you see what we did to Samantha?
Pois, e viste o que fizemos à Samantha?
No. Did you see what we did to Jared?
- Não, viste o que fizemos ao Jared?
- Did you see what she was wearing?
- Viste o que tinha vestido?
And what did you see when the gun was produced?
- Uma arma apontada para mim.
He took my daughter! Did you see what car they were driving?
- Ele levou a minha filha!
See, what did I tell you girls?
O que disse eu, meninas?
See, now you see why I did what I did, man.
Estão a ver, porque fiz o que fiz?
Did you see what happened on the space station today?
Viste o que aconteceu hoje na Estação Espacial?
- You saw him. - What did we see?
- Vocês viram-a.
So what did you want to see me about?
Então, porque exactamente vieste ver-me?
you see a little tic, a twitch or something? So what did you see man ;
Então o que é que você viu?
"Did you see what Spassky did?" He said " That's a sportsman.
" Viste o que fez o Spassky?
- What? Did you see that in the corner?
Vês aquilo no canto?
What did you see?
O que é que viu?
( Click ) Did you see that? What?
- Viu aquilo?
Okay, so I don't know what you did with Chloe, but when you see her, tell her to tag the sale rack.
Está bem... não sei o que é fizeste com a Chloe, mas quando a vir, diz-lhe para colocar os preços na prateleira.
You should see what I did to that pig of a guard you grafted so you could trade me out in the storage room.
Devias ver o que eu fiz para que o porco de um guarda me trocasse na sala de armazenamento.
You wanting to see him dead for- - for what he did to you. But... I think you need to ask yourself,
Queres vê-lo morto por causa do que te fez, mas tens de perguntar a ti mesma :
See, what did I tell you?
Vês, que te disse?
But eventually you're going to come to see that what they did didn't help you.
Mas eventualmente vai perceber que o que elas fizeram não a ajudou.
Frank! Frank, did you see what Eddie did to my Karen?
Frank, viste o que o Eddie fez à minha Karen?
He did actually use the toilet correctly, but it was certainly not as reliable as what you'd see in a child.
ele actualmente usa a casa de banho correctamente, mas não era certamente tão confiável como vemos uma criança.
What did you see them as?
Como é que as vê?
What did you see?
O que é que você viu?
You did a good job and you protected her, okay? I want you to get all this guy's information, see what he's doing, okay?
Quero que pegues as informações dele.
- What did you see?
- O que viste?
What did you see?
O que você viu?
Did you see what I did last night?
Viste o que eu fiz ontem à noite?
Lydia, what did you see?
Lydia, o que é que viste?
Lydia, what did you see?
- Lydia, o que é que viste?
- Beggin'your pardon, ma'am, but what did you think they meant, huh, that I wasn't gifted, that--that I didn't see the world differently?
Desculpe, senhora? O que acha que quiseram dizer, que eu não era inteligente, que não via o mundo diferente?
Did you see what she was carrying? No.
- Viste o que ela levava?
You're bad! You see what I did?
- Viste o que eu fiz?
- What did you see?
- O que viu?
Did you see what they were wearing?
O que estava vestindo?
What did you see in my eyes?
O que viste nos meus olhos?
What else did you see or hear?
Que mais viu ou ouviu?
What did you see?
O que foi? Sue, o que é que aconteceu? O que é que viste 537 00 : 30 : 54,254 - - 00 : 30 : 55,587 Um peluche!
Did you see what people were saying about me last night?
Viram o que disseram de mim ontem?
Did you just see what she just did?
Viste o que ela acabou de fazer?
Did you not see what happened when the three of us were together?
Não viu o que aconteceu quando nós os três estávamos juntos?
What did you see in what Brian and Roger were doing with Smile?
O que via o Brian e o Roger fazer nos Smile?
Did you see what he wrote about me?
- Viste o que ele escreveu sobre mim? - Viste o que ele escreveu sobre mim?

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