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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She liked it

She liked it tradutor Português

277 parallel translation
- But she liked it.
- Mas ela tinha gostado.
I'm glad she liked it.
Ainda bem que ela gostou.
I guess she liked it before I come but...
Acho que gostava, antes de eu nascer, mas...
She liked it fine.
Ela gostou muito.
- Yeah, she liked it fine.
- Sim, ela gostou mesmo muito.
So Courbet told me a young woman came into the gallery and... she liked it.
O Courbet disse-me que foi lá uma senhora que queria o quadro.
She liked it, but you like Kyoto, too, don't you?
Ela gostava, mas tu também gostas de Kyoto, não gostas?
She liked it fresh.
Gostava dela fresca.
Yeah, she liked it, but I didn't like it, because I didn't buy it for her.
Ela gostou, mas eu não, porque não fui eu que lho comprei.
She liked it easy.
Gostava do fácil.
When she opened her legs for me, I should have seen how she liked it.
Quando ela abriu as pernas para mim, deveria ter visto como ela gostou.
If she liked it.
Sim, se ela gostar.
The child saw it very skinny, and yet, she liked it :...
A moça achou-a muito magra, sem embargo gostou :...
And she seem extremely sad,... and yet, she liked it.
E parece estar muito triste,... sem embargo gostou.
She liked it.
Ela gostou.
Did you push her into his arms, and she liked it?
Empurrou-a para os braços dele... e ela gostou?
Are you punishing her because she liked it?
Está a castigá-la porque ela gostou?
She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.
Ela disse que gostou mais do que da "oitava".
She liked it for a year before you moved in.
Gostava no ano antes de te teres mudado para cá.
She liked it in the ass, Raymond.
Gosta de levar no cu, Raymond.
She liked it fine!
Ela gosta!
She liked it, too.
Ela gostou dele, também.
Hope she liked it as much as me.
Espero que ela tenha gostado tanto do livro como eu.
I guess she liked it, because she showed it to a friend of hers who knows someone at the school, and...
Acho que ela gostou, porque a mostrou a um amigo que conhece alguém na escola...
That was how she liked it.
Era o que ela queria.
She liked it so much, she wants me to read it in front of math class.
ela gostou tanto, quer que eu a leia em frente a turma toda.
Well, she liked it last night.
Ontem à noite gostou.
She said it was the only sort she liked.
- Harriman " s Herbal Tea.
She liked it.
I don't know what she said but it sounded like she liked me.
Não sei o que ela disse mas pareceu-me que gostou de mim.
But you see, when I saw the type of lady that she was... and that she liked to have her bread buttered on both sides, well, she practically admitted it.
Quando vi o tipo de mulher que ela é e como gosta de viver à grande... Bem, ela praticamente admitiu.
If she liked someone, she might have done something about it.
Se ela gostasse de alguém, talvez tivesse feito algo.
She liked me and I liked her a lot, too. It went on from there.
Ela gostava de mim... e eu também gostava muito dela.
- She liked me to do it. - Do what?
- Ela gostava que eu o fizesse.
And she liked it?
e ela gostou?
And she liked it?
E ela gostou?
I liked it better when she was scared.
Acho que preferia quando tinha medo de mim.
I liked it better... when she smelled of fear.
Preferia o cheiro anterior, era cheiro a medo.
I liked it. She made me want to buy rubbers right now.
Vou já comprar mais preservativos.
Use it. She'd have liked that.
Ela teria gostado.
She smelled the perfume in it that I liked to wear... which was jungle gardenia at the time... and she said, " this ain't no girl's coat.
Cheirou o perfume no casaco, era Jungle Gardenia. " Não é casaco de mulher.
She liked men, without submission, just for the heck of it.
Gostava de homens, sem submissão, apenas por vício.
You suppose she liked him enough to lend him $ 500,000 if he desperately needed it?
Acha que gostava o suficiente para lhe emprestar meio milhão de dólares, se ele precisasse desesperadamente?
You know, the one she used to call Catherine the Great, because she liked sleeping in the fireplace. That cat, it died, did it not?
A que se chamava Catarina a Grande, por dormir na Lareira.
Father says she never liked it here.
O pai diz que ela nunca gostou disto.
She liked me more than I liked her when it started.
- Quando começá-mos, ela gosta mais de mim, do que eu dela.
She said she liked what it did to the world.
Ela gostava do que ela fazia ao mundo.
Ally probably only liked your story better because it's the Iast one that she heard.
A Ally só gostou mais da tua história porque foi a última que ouviu.
I liked it when she stabbed herself, Your Majesty.
Gostei quando ela se suicidou, Sua Majestade.
Why, it's a dead animal. Thank you, Wendy. - She liked mine the best.
Cheira a vitela a apodrecer ao sol.
Yeah. She really liked it.
Gostou muito.

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