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So they said tradutor Português

836 parallel translation
Oh, we did extra special well, so they said we needn't stay.
Saímo-nos tão bem, que viemos mais cedo.
So they said, that you can stay with them?
Então eles disseram que podias ficar com eles?
So they said "Well, then, we'll change that".
E eles disseram "Ah, então vamos modificar".
My aunt died of influenza, so they said.
A minha tia morreu de gripe, dizem eles.
And so they took away the stone and He lifted up his eyes and said :
" E então eles levaram a pedra e Ele ergueu o olhar e disse :
- Well, sir, you said they were so - so thin.
Disse que eram finos.
Goebbels said so many things, Germans say so many propaganda things, and now the British also say they have war, and they have war and they have propaganda and they have propaganda. So I didn't know what I should believe.
Agora os britânicos também diziam que tinham uma guerra e que tinham uma propaganda e não sabia em quem acreditar.
I can remember when they'd wait all day if Mr. Kane said so.
- Número 9182. Lembro quando esperavam o dia todo se o Sr. Kane mandasse.
She said as soon as you leave they'll kill me so I called for help.
Ela disse que assim que vocês de fossem, iam matar-me... aí, pedi socorro.
Mr Davenport said so himself. He said definitely they were going to get me deferred.
O Sr. Davenport garantiu que me livrava da recruta.
They said they were so sorry.
Tiveram imensa pena.
- They said she didn't so I...
- Os amigos e eu neguei...
So they rode up to his house... and said they wanted him to run for governor.
Por isso, foram até a casa dele num carrão e disseram-lhe que queriam que ele se candidatasse a governador.
- So they've heard everything I said?
- Ouviram tudo o que eu disse?
I asked them what the trouble was, and they told me the drums said the soldiers was rounding up their people and marching them off and burning their villages so they wouldn't have no homes to come back to.
Perguntei a eles qual era o problema. Disseram que os soldados estavam expulsando as pessoas das... aldeias e queimando-as, assim... eles não podiam voltar.
- No, they don't. Who said so?
Quem lhe disse isso?
So when they park in front of this tourist cabin, I said :
Então, quando eles estacionado na cabine, disse :
If I said so, they're there.
Se eu disse, é porque estão.
I said they could talk about me instead. Then they told me to shut up because I didn't understand the debate, so I left.
Eu disse-lhes que podiam falar antes de mim, e eles mandaram-me calar, porque eu não percebia que era uma discussão de princípios.
My father said there's a building in New York so high... they have lights on it to warn airplanes not to come too close.
Meu pai disse que há um edifício em New York tão alto... que têm luzes nele para avisar os aviões para se afastarem.
They said so in speeches.
Diziam isso em discursos.
They said so in a lot of different ways.
Diziam isso de muitas formas.
They couldn't find the check for it, so I said, "Let it go" and started out for a taxi.
Näo encontravam o papel, e eu disse : "Deixe estar" e fui apanhar um táxi.
He said them people out where you want us to move are so upset they'll pay us not to come.
Mamäe, ele veio dizer que o pessoal näo nos queria e até pagaria pra näo irmos!
The inspector said he thought it would be sorta more unabusive if they went with you to the office so nobody would notice
O inspetor disse que seria mais discreto se fossem juntos.
They said I had no ideals, so resisting was stupid.
Ele achava idiota resistir porque eu não tinha ideal.
They said the tulip bulbs were so big that they showed them at an agricultural fair in Tokyo.
Disseram que os bolbos de tulipa eram tão grandes... que os exibiram numa feira agrícola em Tóquio.
Então, a tua mãe disse que ias para Inglaterra num barco... para viveres com a tua avó.
Of course, I wouldn't mind so much except everything he said was true. You should never believe anybody who goes around tellin'the truth. They're not to be trusted.
Toda aquela conversa mole sobre proteger as criaturas indefesas, e aqui está, um treinador de animais num circo barato!
But I said they'd better not come back without your cattle... so I'm sure -
Mas eu disse-lhes que não seria bom que voltassem sem o seu gado.
Everybody said so, didn't they?
Todo mundo dizia, não era?
- Of course I mean it. That's why I said it in front of so many witnesses... untrustworthy though they may be.
É claro que quero dizer, por isso lhe digo, na frente de tantas testemunhas... embora não se possa confiar.
They heard about the legend, but they called the canyon, "The Lost Adams." That was because a man named Adams saw it once, or so he said.
Ouviram falar da lenda, mas chamavam-lhe "O Adams Perdido", porque um homem, chamado Adams, tinha visto o desfiladeiro, ou assim o dizia.
Well, like I said, they knew I was coming, so they all had guns and none of them got it in the back.
Como, sabiam que eu vinha, assim tinham armas e nenhum recebia um tiro pelas costas.
Isn't is the business that we hear when... the young boy, Jesus, was lost for a matter of three days or so? And they said to him, " Why didn't you follow us?
Não é aquele comércio que ouvimos falar quando... o jovem Jesus desapareceu por uns três dias ou mais... e disseram para ele :
Then she said, "So they finally got him."
E ela : "Foi assim que conseguiram".
You said, "So they finally got him."
E disse : "Foi assim que conseguiram."
On the pages of history... from the dark imperious days of Imperial Rome... we bring you a story that shattered the world, a tale so gripping that they said it could not be filmed.
Das páginas pulsantes da História, SEGUNDA-FEIRA POR 7 DIAS dos tempos obscuros de Roma chega uma história que esmagou o mundo. Uma história tão envolvente que se disse não poder ser filmada.
All those things they said about you in the paper, I was so worried.
Estava tão preocupada com tudo que estão dizendo nos jornais.
They all said so.
Todos disseram isso.
Well, like, look, this has been declared a disaster area,'cause I called long distance to Buffalo and asked some cats there, and they said it definitely has been declared a disaster area, so I don't think...
Isto foi declarado área de calamidade. Liguei para Búfalo... e perguntei a uns tipos. Disseram que... foi declarada área de calamidade.
So I waited and, O my brothers I got a lot better munching away at eggiwegs and lomticks of toast and lovely steakie-wakes. And then one day they said I was going to have a very special visitor.
Fiquei à espera e, ó meus irmãos comecei a recuperar com o auxílio de ovos, grandes torradas e belos bifes até que um dia me disseram que ia receber uma visita muito especial.
So everybody else walked out in the river. They said. you know. " If the boss did.
Então... todos começaram a caminhar pelo rio.
So they shot this shot and the cameraman. Artie Miller. came over to Ford and said. "Jack. you think we should get a close-up of Walter under the tree?"
Então, eles filmaram essa cena, e o câmera, Artie Miller, diz a Ford : "Jack... vamos fazer um plano próximo de Walter".
We should take lessons. We must take lessons. So, as Simon said, they studied politics and the nuances of an era based on extortion and hostages.
Então, por sugestão do Simon, eles fazem uns cursos de política, para melhor compreender as nuances de uma época baseada na chantagem e em reféns.
I just said it that way so they'd know you're white.
- Não sou irlandês. - Foi para saberem que és branco.
Look, Dick, I'm sorry about all this. I'd suggest that you came to Paris and worked in the pub, but they're watching all the ports and stations. It said so on the news.
Eu sugeria que viesses para Paris trabalhar no bar, mas estão a vigiar todos os portos e estações.
So perhaps the police won't come by as I said they would, but even if they don't, they'd never believe that burglar story of yours.
Talvez não venham para cá como eu disse. Nunca acreditarão nessa sua história de ladrão.
But I was surprised by what they said, that you had abandoned the life that you once loved so much.
Mas fiquei surpreendido pela forma como disseram que tinhas abandonado a vida de que tanto gostavas.
I was told immediately, "You can't do this." So I said, "l don't know why not." They said, "Nobody's ever done it."
Disseram-me logo que não iam conseguir e eu disse que não sabia porquê.
I knew there was something crazy about that when I was a kid but every time I said something, they'd smack me, so, you know...
Sabia que isso era uma loucura quando era uma criança, mas se dizia alguma coisa davam-me um estalo, por isso...

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