The question was tradutor Português
1,283 parallel translation
The question was, what was evolution tinkering with?
A pergunta era em que a evolução estava fazendo os ajustes?
The question was : how did the genes shape the body?
A pergunta era : como os genes dão forma ao corpo?
I said the question was ambiguous.
Eles disseram que eu errei a uma questão, que eu disse ser ambígua.
I thought the question was relatively clear, but I'd be glad to rephrase it for you.
Pensei que tivesse sido claro mas não me importo de reformular.
The question was, "What do I have against families?"
A pergunta foi : "O que tenho eu contra as famílias?"
I was about to ask you the same question.
Que engraçado. Ia perguntar exactamente o mesmo.
And so, the question is : What was he doing at 9 : 16?
Resta saber o que fazia às 9h16.
what was the question?
Qual foi a pergunta?
I was about to ask you the same question.
Ia fazer-te a mesma pergunta.
Well, what was the question?
Está. Qual era a pergunta?
I was about to ask you the same question, seeing as I paged you four minutes and 38 seconds ago.
Estava mesmo para te fazer a mesma pergunta, visto que te mandei um bip Há 4 minutos e 38 segundos atrás.
- He was asked the question.
- Colocaram-lhe a questão.
He was asked the question.
Colocaram-lhe a questão.
It was the last question on our exam.
Era a última pergunta do nosso exame.
That was, without question, the weirdest 7 minutes of my life.
Estes foram sem dúvida, os sete minutos mais estranhos da minha vida.
Oh, his output as committed to paper was so far limited to the words "great" and "small", followed by question mark, but nevertheless meticulously archived in one of his many bureau drawers.
As suas ideias postas em papel eram limitadas às palavras grande e pequeno seguidas por um sinal de interrogação mas seja como fosse, arquivava-as meticulosamente numa das suas muitas gavetas de escrivaninha.
What was the question, sir?
Qual foi a pergunta?
For me, ever since I was a teenager, the whole idea is the question of, how would I have beared up?
Para mim, depois da adolescência, tudo gira em torno desta questão : terei estado à altura?
Moreover, he was willing to give those friends up when asked- - walk away without any further contact... after said encounter- - leading me to an assumption of further wrongdoing... with the young woman in question.
Além disso, esteve disposto a renunciar a esses amigos quando lhe pedi. Afastar-se sem voltar a ter contacto com eles... depois desse encontro. Isso fez-me supor que tinha trabalhado mal... com o jovem em questão.
There was one simple question on each of the letters, and it was "Were you responsible for my attack?"
"Estava uma pergunta simples em cada carta daquelas." "Que era : Você é o responsável pelo meu ataque?"
No, l-I just thought I'd ask bluntly in case it was the right question and you needed someone to talk to about it and no one had ever asked you.
Não, só pensei em perguntar diretamente, no caso de ser a pergunta certa, e você precisar de alguém pra falar sobre isto, e como ninguém perguntou, nunca pôde falar.
It was your dog I put the question to!
Sim tens razão, mas eu fiz a pergunta ao teu cão!
I was one of the first writers for the mass media to look at those cases critically and question them.
Eu fui uma das primeiras escritoras a escrever para os Mass Media a olhar para aqueles casos de uma forma crítica e questiona-los.
Dancing was out of the question.
Não dava para dançar.
People packed so tight that there was a good question whether the oxygen level would suffice. Fortunately there wasn't a fire or it would have been a huge catastrophe.
As pessoas de tal modo apertadas que dava para perguntar se o nível de oxigénio seria suficiente.
So to answer your question, why was he looking for the unification? I think the answer is simply that Einstein is one of those physicists who really wants to know the mind of God, which means the entire picture.
E para responder ao porquê de ele procurar a unificação, penso que a resposta será simplesmente que Einstein era um daqueles físicos que quer conhecer realmente a mente de Deus, ou seja, quer ver o quadro completo.
During the trial, I was never asked a question to which I returned an untrue answer, but I was guilty of witholding certain facts.
Durante o julgamento, nunca me fizeram uma pergunta á qual eu desse uma resposta falsa, mas fui culpada de sonegar certos factos.
There was no question, from the moment she read... that she was gonna do this part.
Näo houve dúvidas, desde que ela leu, que iria fazer este papel.
There's no question in my mind that Dark Side of the Moon was one of the most important artistic statements of the last fifty years probably.
Não tenho quaisquer dúvidas de que Dark Side foi uma das declarações artísticas mais importantes dos últimos 50 anos.
Ali, I must tell you, you just asked the question which was the hardest question that the toughest moral philosopher when
Posso tocar? Claro. Porque não?
I know this is a sensitive question but what was it like not being the first man on the moon, was you ever jealous of Louis Armstrong?
Eu sei que é uma pergunta sensível... Como foi não ser o primeiro homem na lua? Teve ciúmes do Louis Armstrong?
That's the question Agent Wallace was trying to answer.
Essa era a questão que a Agente Wallace tentava responder antes de ser morta.
Which begs the question. If it wasn't your body they removed from the ashes, whose was it?
o que leva à pergunta... se não era o teu corpo que retiraram das cinzas... era de quem?
And even as she asked the question, Lucille realized... that perhaps it was time to let her own baby bird fly away.
E à medida que fazia a pergunta, a Lucille compreendeu... que talvez fosse a hora de deixar o filho bater as asas.
The question becomes : What was the nitric acid used for?
Resta saber para que servia o ácido nítrico.
Question is, the third guy was helping or hindering?
Resta saber se essa terceira pessoa ajudou ou incapacitou a vítima.
I was actually going to ask you the same question.
Na verdade, ia fazer-te a mesma pergunta.
For me, it was a simple question of loyalty toward the Captain.
Para mim, era uma simples questão de lealdade para com o capitão.
I think you asked me the same question the last time we were here and the difference was a hash brown and 27 cents.
Acho que me fizeste a mesma pergunta da última vez que estivemos aqui e a diferença resumia-se a batatas e 27 cêntimos.
Meacher, the answer to question two was Golden Wonder, not KP.
Meacher, a resposta à pergunta dois era "Golden Wonder", não "KP".
The question is- - can you live the rest of your life knowing it was built on a lie?
Pergunta-a é pode viver o resto de sua vida sabendo que se construiu sobre uma mentira?
Right about after the fifth question I realized that my mother is heckling me. - She was not.
Depois da quinta pergunta, percebo que é a minha mãe a chatear!
Yet, according to our intelligence, on the day in question the submarine in question was still taking on supplies in the harbour at Vladivostok.
De acordo com o nosso serviço de inteligência naval, no dia em questao, o submarino em questao estava, de facto, ainda a recolher mantimentos no porto de Vladivostok.
Mr. McGarry, the press secretary came to me with a question from the Post who has a source claiming a NASA study was classified by the White House.
Mr. - O que acham que dizia?
I suppose that that's a historical question that one should do very careful research on, and I haven't. But it seems very plausible to me that it was Darwin that broke the dam.
Acho que essa é uma questão histórica, que requer uma pesquisa profunda, que não fiz, mas... parece-me bastante plausível que foi Darwin que abriu a estrada.
That's a good question, and especially because Wallis was able to make precisely the Cartesian move.
Essa é uma boa questão, especialmente porque Wallace foi capaz de fazer o movimento cartesiano.
These issues of the beginning of time were discussed very intelligently long ago by Augustine, who grappled with the question of what there was before time began, and he said God created the world with time.
Essas questões do início do tempo foram abordadas inteligentemente há muito tempo por Agostinho, que tratou da questão do que havia antes do princípio do tempo.
Sorry, what was the question?
Qual foi a pergunta?
The question is not who it was, but who gave the order.
Não se trata de quem fez... mas de quem deu a ordem.
The greatest thief of all time was, without question Gaspar LeMarc, who either died in Portugal in 1988 or in Hong Kong in 1996, or he's still alive.
O maior ladrão de todos os tempos foi, sem dúvida Gaspar LeMarc, que ou morreu em Portugal, em 1988 ou em Hong Kong, em 1996, ou que ainda está vivo.
Whether or not you love them was never the question.
Se gosta ou não deles nunca foi a questão.
the questions 23
the question is 975
the question remains 37
the question is why 45
the question 55
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
the question is 975
the question remains 37
the question is why 45
the question 55
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29