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They really do tradutor Português

1,460 parallel translation
They say they do, but they really don't, because it forces them to change, too,
Dizem que gostam, mas não é verdade porque isso força-as a mudar também.
Listen. They're fine. They really do have manners.
São bons miúdos e são bem-educados.
They really do.
Eles realmente têm.
You know, sometimes I think I miss it but then I remember all they really liked about me was the money that I made for them.
Sabes, às vezes acho que sinto, mas depois lembro-me que só gostavam do dinheiro que ganhava para eles.
Um, I'm sorry, Chief. I really... I want to take care of this before they close.
Desculpe chefe, mas eu queria ir ver do carro antes que a loja feche.
It's just that women are often under the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are.
É que as mulheres costumam achar que os homens as amam mais do que realmente amam.
They don't really understand it, but I do.
Na verdade eles n ‹ o a entendem, mas eu entendo.
Do you think that if you were and they asked you to confess something grotesquely absurd, say... say you were told to confess that you are really a monke... are you sure that God would grant you the fortitude to deny it?
Imagine que se você fosse... e eles pedissem que confessasse... algo grotescamente absurdo... digamos... que pedissem que confessasse que você é um macaco... tem a certeza que Deus... garantia-lhe, a firmeza de negar?
He was really weak for a while, nobody knew what to do. Then they... dissolved.
Andou fraquinho durante uns tempos, e depois desapareceu.
They saw you're doing the funeral scene and they really wanna be there for that.
Eles sabem que estão a filmar a cena do funeral e querem mesmo assistir.
If there really are ghosts why do they always have clothes on?
Se realmente existem fantasmas... Por que eles estão sempre de roupas?
Look, Camille. I don't know what their routines are like, but I do know that they've really good gymnasts, so they'll probably throw some fancy stunts.
Olha, Camille, eu não sei como são as coreografias delas mas sei que elas têm boas ginastas e provavelmente vão usar bons movimentos.
It's really all depending on the child, and the context in which they see it, actually.
Tudo depende mesmo da criança e do contexto em que o vêem, na verdade.
They really want to do things.
Não acredito que vão fazer isto.
They had to do something bigger, something really unexpected.
Ele tem que fazer algo em grande. Alguma coisa muito inesperada.
Do you think they really exist?
- Acha que elas existem mesmo?
I really do. But they already questioned me four times.
Mas já fui interrogado quatro vezes.
So there's no record of the cash they started with, and a few thousand winnings doesn't really seem like a big scam.
Portanto, não há registo do dinheiro com que começaram, e alguns milhares de vitórias não parecem uma grande tramóia.
If 23rd Street really is retaliating, there's no way they knew Rhimes is FBI.
Se os da Rua 23 estiverem mesmo a retaliar, então é porque não sabiam que o Rhimes era do FBI.
What I really need here is somebody... who cares about what I believe in more than they care about winning.
O que eu preciso é de alguém que partilhe a minha visão mais do que ganhar a eleição.
It can trick the sensors into thinking that the dishes are cleaner than they really are.
Pode levar os sensores a pensarem que a louça está mais limpa do que realmente está.
- Liz. That's exactly my point. If they really thought he did it, how fast do you think they'd haul his ass in?
Se eles realmente pensasssem que ele o tivesse feito, não achas que já o teriam prendido?
So, what do they really want?
O que eles realmente querem?
There's a number of South African security consultants companies use to do their dirty work in the Third World. They're really mercenaries.
Há uma série de guardas de segurança sul-africanos que as empresas usam para fazer trabalhos sujos no Terceiro Mundo.
Do you think they were really after Christy?
Achas mesmo que eles queriam a Christy?
Except they all got really deformed cos they had no sunlight, then the sister got pregnant by the brother and they had this funny little baby and it became a ballet dancer!
Excepto que elas eram deformadas, pela falta de luz, e depois a irmã engravidou do irmão e tiveram um bébé estranho que se tornou bailarina!
And since evil never really dies, neither do they.
E, como o Mal nunca morre, eles também não.
- Uh, do they really need both of us?
- Eles precisam mesmo dos dois?
- Do they really think if they win?
Realmente acredita que podem nos ganhar assim?
So they're really not afraid of the sun?
Eles não têm medo do sol?
It's an angel thing. And we're really good dancers too--woo-hoo! Uh, the Powers think that they are the Creator's personal storm troopers, and their whole goal is to get rid of Nephilim, and they absolutely hate the Fallen.
Os Powers pensam que são a tropa de elite do Criador e seu único objectivo e acabar com os Nephilim, e eles odeiam completamente os Caídos.
I mean, it's true what they say, you know. Being away from your parents in a different environment, you really do learn a lot about yourself.
É verdade o que dizem, estar longe dos teus pais, num ambiente diferente aprendemos, realmente, muito sobre nós próprios.
You don't often hope you're wrong, I really hope I'm wrong, everybody I know who's concerned about peak oil hopes they're wrong. I don't think I'm wrong, I don't think they're wrong.
Nós nunca queremos acreditar que estamos estar errados eu espero mesmo estar errado toda a gente que conheço que está preocupada com o Pico do Petróleo esperam estar erradas... eu não acho que esteja errado, eu não acho que eles estejam errados.
You know, they say it's all the same, but I really think side-to-side is faster than up-and-down.
- Dizem que é tudo a mesma coisa, mas acho que dum lado para o outro é mais rápido do que de cima para baixo.
I mean, do you really think that they would do that to you?
Achas mesmo que eles te fariam isso?
Do you really think that's all they're gonna send?
Achas mesmo que é só isso que eles vão enviar?
their oaths, just like my mom did they had to start drinking when they were 30 and really confused, and going - and fucking up over and over again with raising their children as teenagers because they don't understand the things that those kids need.
E muito confusos, a foder tudo repetidamente ao criarem os seus filhos como adolescentes, porque não faziam a mínima do que esses miúdos precisavam.
" How successful do you think a band could be, like, if they if they mixed really heavy Black Sabbath with The Beatles, you know?
"Que êxito achas que uma banda pode vir a ter se misturar Black Sabbath do pesado com Beatles?"
That was one of the really kind of neat bohemian things about Olympia that there would be a party where there -... no one would drink or do drugs they would sit there and...
Essa era uma das coisas porreiras e boémia acerca de Olympia. Havia uma festa mesmo que ninguém bebesse ou se drogasse. Sentávamo-nos e bebíamos café.
I was high and I told him I did drugs... and he became really concerned. He and Shelley called me up later and told me that they loved me and they didn't want me to do drugs.
Ficou realmente preocupado e a Shelley ligou-me mais tarde e disse que me amavam e que não queriam que eu me drogasse.
Part of what people have to do when they're talking about this... and it's so hard, and no one wants to do it... is to really try to walk through and picture a grown man inserting... forcing his penis into the vagina of a baby.
Parte do que as pessoas têm de fazer quando falam sobre isto, e é tão difícil, e ninguém o quer fazer, é tentar imaginar um homem adulto a inserir... a forçar o seu pénis na vagina de uma bebé!
Eels and arias don't really go together, do they?
Enguias e arias não vão realmente juntas, pois não?
They really don't know how to do tea in New York. water isn't hot enough. God, I hate that. We suffer that.
Algo estava causando explosões enormes, libertando raios gama mortíferos.
What I think is changing in the way that we're talking about science in the public sphere, is the fact that now almost anybody can say what they like on the blogosphere and this is getting read and I'm really used in my science which I've done for 30-40 years for a much more cooler approach.
Por isso, os cientistas assumiram que aquilo que víamos na Terra era apenas uma pequena fração do total de energia produzida pela explosão.
They do so because it works, farmers are not stupid. There seems to be a mutual misunderstanding from both the scientists and the public. The controversy surrounding GM was something I really wanted to understand.
Nasce uma hipernova, libertando raios gama em dois feixes focalizados e firmes.
I know the outside perception is that the force was a real boys'club under him, so I thought it was really smart when they named A... you know...
Eu sei que pra quem olha de fora, acha que éramos um Grupo do Bolinha, então eu achei muito inteligente terem nomeado uma... você sabe...
You really wonder what they're going to do next. Just ask.
Para mim não foi assim.
The question I'd ask you to consider is, do the results you have in your life, are they what you really want, and are they worthy of you?
A questão que peço que considere é : " Os resultados que tem na sua vida são aquilo que realmente quer e eles serão dignos de si?
What it was really useful for was to propel forward this conveyor belt of terrorism that they needed to convince people that this was the motive for the case.
O que era realmente útil era continuar, com essa imagem do terrorismo que deviam convencer as pessoas, de que esta era a causa deste caso.
Well, no, despite what they say, the viewing figures were really good, 6.2 million.
Bem, não, por quê apesar do que disseram a audiência foi óptima : 6.2 milhões.
They really found the ice-truck killer?
Encontraram mesmo o assassino do camião-frigorífico?

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