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Think about it tradutor Português

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I don't want to think about it before going into the water again, to see if diving still feels good.
Não quero pensar nisso, antes de entrar na água outra vez, para ver se o mergulho ainda sabe bem.
I try not to think about it, but... uh, it was when I first, I was young and my dad wanted me to get rid of her but... so I-I was... so I left and ran off.
Tento não pensar nisso, mas... que raios... foi quando eu era jovem e o meu pai queria que eu me livrasse dela, mas... portanto eu estava... portanto fugi.
No, think about it, people. Think about it!
Não, pensem bem, pessoal.
You can't think about it too deeply because it would fucking drive you mad.
Mas não se pode pensar muito, ou ficamos doidos.
I think about it every day, believe it or not.
Acreditem : penso nisso todos os dias.
- What do you think about it tonight?
- O que acham desta noite?
Playing with you just now, it was like I didn't even have to think about it.
Jogar contigo agora, foi como se eu nem tivesse que pensar nisso.
Think about it, Flash.
Pensa nisso, Flash.
Think about it.
Pensa nisso.
Look around. Think about it.
Olhem à volta, e pensem.
Well, you let me know what you want to do and I'll think about it.
Bem, digam-me o que querem fazer e eu penso sobre isso.
Don't even think about it, just throw out a number.
Nem sequer penses, apenas atira um número.
And I thought he'd have to think about it.
Julguei que ele teria de pensar nisso.
Let's think about it quietly.
Vamos pensar sobre isso em silêncio.
Think about it.
Think about it.
Pense nisso.
When you think about it.
Quando se pensa nisto.
Now, think about it.
Agora, pensa.
- Why don't you think about it?
- Por que não pensa nisso?
Just... think about it, okay?
- Pensa nisso, está bem?
And if you think about it, who would want to go there?
E se parares para pensar, quem gostava de ir lá?
Think about it.
Pensa nisto.
It's comically long, when you think about it.
É comicamente comprido, quando se pensa nisso.
Don't think about it.
Não penses.
I-I can't even think about it.
Nem consigo pensar sobre isso.
Don't think about it.
Não pense nada.
So just, think about it.
Portanto, pense nisso.
I think it was those tests he was talking about.
Acredito que eram os testes que ele estava a falar.
I think any band worth their salt, it's not about just the music.
Nenhuma banda a sério é conhecida apenas pela música.
And I think the spirit of any band rapidly disappears and it's all about the money.
E o espírito das bandas desaparece, é tudo dinheiro.
I do often think, "What was it all about?"
E eu penso : "O que era aquilo?"
What else would you think it was about?
Que mais... pensas que poderia ser?
Think about it.
Pensem nisso.
I think it's dislocated. What about you?
- Acho que está deslocado.
Now it's all I can think about.
Agora só consigo pensar nisso.
Think about what it means if something happens to Blaine.
Pensa no que está em jogo se acontecer alguma coisa ao Blaine.
Hmm, I think it was something about you gutting me and feeding my entrails to Stefan.
Ameaçaste tirares-me as tripas e obrigares o Stefan a comê-las.
Do you think it was the ex-con you were worried about?
Achas que foi aquele ex-condenado com quem estavas preocupado?
Whatever's going on with her, I don't think it's about me.
- Sim. O que lhe está a acontecer, não é por minha causa.
Whatever's going on with her, I don't think it's about us right now.
Seja o que for, acho que não é sobre nós.
It's something to think about.
É algo a ponderar.
I think our bankers may be talking about it even longer.
Penso que os nossos banqueiros irão falar disto por mais tempo.
It's not so bad if I don't think about the trial.
Não é tão mau assim se eu não pensar no julgamento.
It's all I think about.
Só penso nisso.
If he's what you think he is, his mother would know about it.
Se ele for o que pensam que é, a mãe saberia.
Think about it.
Pensa nisso!
But don't you think I should have learned about it?
Mas não acha que eu devia ter aprendido?
- What? She'll think about this, and she will figure it out.
Ela pensará nisso, e irá descobrir.
You know, it's hard not to think about the fact that things maybe could've been different had I gone to see that counselor with her.
Apenas... é difícil não pensar no facto que as coisas talvez tivessem sido diferentes se eu tivesse ido àquele conselheiro matrimonial com ela. Não sei.
I don't think it really matters. I think it's just about Neal hearing our voices.
Não que isso importe, acho que o mais importante é que o Neal oiça a nossa voz.
I think it's about time we gave you more to do around here, huh?
Acho que está na hora de dar-te mais responsabilidades.

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