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Totally worth it tradutor Português

97 parallel translation
- Totally worth it!
- Valeu a pena!
That was totally worth it.
Valeu mesmo a pena.
See? You're suffering now, but it's gonna be totally worth it. I promise.
Estás a sofrer agora, mas vai valer a pena.
Totally worth it.
Valeu completamente a pena.
Yeah, but it was totally worth it.
Sim, mas valeu a pena.
Once I bit my tongue really hard eating a frozen Milky Way but it was totally worth it.
Uma vez mordi a minha língua fortemente ao comer um gelado da Milky Way mas valeu mesmo a pena.
It was expensive, but totally worth it.
Era dispendioso, mas valia mesmo a pena!
Totally worth it.
Valeu a pena.
Totally worth it.
Isto valeu a pena.
And not the crappy, processed, waxy kind, but the good Swiss chocolate from the gift shop that costs way too much money, but is totally worth it.
E não a porcaria de cera processada, mas bom chocolate suíço da loja das prendas que custa uma fortuna, mas vale a pena.
Yes, five bucks each. And it was totally worth it.
Sim, 5 dólares a cada um e podem crer que valeu a pena.
You get pretty bad fire hole, but it's totally worth it.
Dá muito trabalho, mas vale bem a pena.
Okay, now Edith's gonna get a 1 0 % fee for supplying us with hundreds of hot cougars. - Totally worth it.
Está bem, Edith vai receber uma comissão de 10 % para nos fornecer centenas de gatas boas.
But seeing how happy it makes you- - totally worth it.
Mas vendo o quão feliz te faz... valeu completamente a pena.
Death, that was totally worth it.
Morte, valeu totalmente a pena.
Totally worth it.
Vale completamente a pena.
Oh, come on, that was totally worth it.
Vamos, valeu a pena.
The blood, totally worth it.
O sangue valeu a pena.
Solo surgeries, totally worth it. Solo surgeries, totally worth it.
As cirurgias a solo valem o esforço.
Solo surgeries. Totally worth it.
As cirurgias a solo valem o esforço.
- Totally worth it, though, right, babe?
- Mas valeu a pena, não foi amor?
- Totally worth it.
- Totalmente.
But that must be totally worth it because no one would know what happened to you.
Mas deve valer muito a pena, porque... ninguém sabe o que aconteceu contigo.
At first it seems totally worth it. Later, after you've given everything up, you realize you have nothing to offer.
No começo, parece valer a pena, mas mais tarde, quando já abdicou de tudo é que se apercebe que já não tem nada para oferecer.
Totally worth it.
Valeu mesmo a pena.
- It was totally worth it though.
- Percebes? - Mas valeu a pena.
And it's... it's been a big commitment, but it's totally worth it.
Tem sido um grande esforço, mas valeu totalmente a pena.
You're totally worth it. Mm-hm.
Vales completamente.
Oh, totally worth it!
Valeu bem a pena.
On the off chance we're not related to Frank, it's totally worth it.
Se por acaso não formos parentes do Frank, vale bem a pena!
Besides it was totally worth it.
Além disso, valeu bem a pena.
Had to show a little leg, but it was totally worth it.
Tive de mostrar um pouco da perna, mas valeu mesmo a pena.
Was it... scary or intense or... totally worth it?
Foi assustador ou intenso? Valeu mesmo a pena?
- It was totally worth it.
- Valeu muito a pena.
But making sure that the Dragon is totally secure, that's worth it.
Mas, para garantir que o dragão está mesmo seguro, vale a pena.
I steamed milk. And it was totally not worth it.
Esfreguei mesas por isto, fervi leite por isto, e simplesmente... não valeu minimamente o esforço.
I'll totally make it worth your while.
Vou fazer com que valha a pena.
If I save one kid from getting - -- from having his - -- totally - -- until it looks like the Lincoln Tunnel and he can't stand up for three weeks... then maybe all of this is worth something.
Se eu salvar uma criança de ter e de levar... totalmente até parecer o Lincoln Tunnel e ele não se poder pôr de pé, então talvez tudo isto valha de alguma coisa.
Well, for what it's worth I've seen you act and I feel totally confident that you have the emotional range to play a dead man
O importante é que já te vi actuar e tenho total confiança que tu tens a capacidade emocional para fazer o papel de morto.
Isn't she beautiful! I mean, this car has totally maxed out my credit, but my self-esteem's been so low lately that I think it's worth it. Don't you?
Este carro rebentou com o meu crédito, mas a minha auto-estima tem estado tão baixa que acho que vale a pena, não achas?
- She's totally not worth it.
- Ela não te merece!
Maybe not, but it was totally worth the 200 bucks.
- Pois, bem, talvez não. Mas valeu bem os 200 dólares.
It is totally worth the risk.
Vale totalmente o risco.
On a positive note, I can tell you — for what it's worth — you seem totally insane.
Posso dizer-lhe, se vale de alguma coisa, que me parece absolutamente louca.
But for whatever it's worth, I was totally cool with it.
Mas se te fizer sentir melhor, eu ía-te deixar ir sem problema nenhum.
That text was totally worth the 15 cents it cost to receive it.
Esta mensagem valeu os 15 cêntimos pagos para recebê-la.
She's totally worth it, man.
Ela é formidável, não é?
I know it was totally inappropriate, and for what it's worth, I probably would have fallen in love with you - even if I hadn't gone to that club and seen you...
Sei que foi totalmente descabido e para o bem ou para o mal, provavelmente ter-me-ia apaixonado por ti mesmo que não tivesse ido àquele bar nem te tivesse visto a dançar.
But having done it, it was totally worth the money.
Mas depois de concluído vale a pena todos os centavos.
are totally worth it.
Tu vales completamente isso.
Totally worth it!
Devias ver a tua cara.

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